Family and Friends Forum

Legal action against vigilantes

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Member since
November 2020

44 posts

Posted Wed January 12, 2022 11:01amReport post

Good Morning all,

**A warning this may trigger some**

Let me begin by saying I know fully my childrens fathers behaviour is also at the epicentre of this situation, but has anyone ever taken legal action against vigilantes for their hand in the issues caused to my children.

So, mum kids and myself have been subjected to abuse and unprecedented abuse because of the publicity so far.

my son has been tormented at school by students of parents that have openly talked about the situation when they only know what they have seen. I have had people insinuate I knew and was involved and have no clue and people try to throw brick through my window. Reported to the police and no support or action taken all police have expressed to my ex is it will be documented to add to his case. Nevermind the abuse we have endured and will continue to do so! The vigilantes pred creator has stated I hate that you are collateral unfortunate nothing can be done! Well at the hands of them and the odiota actions we have had to endure all of this and thus want to ask has anyone considered taking legal action for the mental and mental abuse their children have suffered from the unmonitored actions of the vigilantes?



Member since
July 2021

874 posts

Posted Wed January 12, 2022 11:38amReport post

Hey Lanny,

I just wanted to show my support to you. It's absolutely disgusting how you and your child have been treated. I had a look for a petition to try and end the use of vigilantes but couldn't find one. Interestingly when you Google "stop vigilante justice facebook", the results show many stories from big news outlets expressing how bad these groups are, that they have arrested the wrong men, that eight men (in 2019) had killed themselves following being stung, police making statements that they shouldn't do it. But the bottom line is it still happens and is allowed. How does it make any sense?! It's hard to fight against it because society can't think critically as a whole. If there is anything I can do to support you please let me know. Xx


Member since
June 2021

195 posts

Posted Wed January 12, 2022 4:41pmReport post

The actions of vigilantes are cruel and self serving, frightening and morally bankrupt. Several folk on this forum have suffered from the actions of vigilantes and my heart goes out to them. Could a solicitor not advise whether you might have a case? If money is short the Citizens Advice Bureau might be able to arrange an initial free consultation with a solicitor.

And yes, if you feel the police are palming you off or not taking your concerns seriously , do make an official complaint. Your partner may have done wrong but that doesn't mean you don't have the right to live safely and without harassment.


Member since
November 2020

44 posts

Posted Wed January 12, 2022 10:53pmReport post

Hi baffled thanks for you support it is much appreciated in a situation where you couldn't feel more isolated! Lee I always read your posts and my heart goes out to you your family and in fact all of us here found in this situation no matter how it come around and j find much strength in the support that is so far between around me. Police have not put anything against my address and have stated I am not a victim in this matter regardless that he shared explicit pictures I didn't know he had taken without my consent and let's face it whom would consent to it being sent to anyone let alone a youngster. I own my own home and to be honest I am not sure I can call it that anymore it's a hollow shell of bricks and mortar where memories linger! The police were supposed to attend when I had my window put out a few weeks ago and unfortunately did not deem my children and I worthy enough to even drive by I got a phone call but 24 hours later saying oh we are sorry we just didn't prioritise it! Honestly it makes me wonder! And I definitely will be seeking advice from a civil right solicitor j just didn't know where to begin! I also think it may be worth viewing the cps policy again in terms of policing these groups and as you say human right act! I would also like to say I did write to my mo who approache d the ministry of justice a while ago and I had a response from them and it was as such they had no intent on policing such groups and they did not consider myself or my children victims of this crime! If anyone would like this letter so maybe to can get clarity and fight back please ask I will happily send it on! And lee thank you your strength that we all see in your posts give slot of us further hope!


Member since
December 2021

74 posts

Posted Thu January 20, 2022 7:01amReport post

Hi Lanny

I just wanted to say that you and your children are not collateral damage. You are victims! It is disgusting that these people portray themselves as "good people", saving the world but at the same time ruin peoples lives. I do agree that they are not the biggest issue in these situations, both our husbands were responsible for their own actions but they are contributing to the continuation and severity of this in your life.

I have no advice to give but for myself I have a kind of contingency plan in case this happens. We are going to love and hubby will no longer be part of our lives. I'm sure you have been around lots of scenarios for your own family, especially for the well being of your son. I really hope you are all coping, none of this is anything to do with the rest of you.

Take care x


Member since
November 2020

44 posts

Posted Tue March 8, 2022 11:27pmReport post

Thanks. I finally went to victim support myself after being told continuously I wasn't entitled and they are coming out 21st March. And yeah I have a plan it's just going to be long drawn out and a hell of a fight it is just finding the strength when I feel spent.

I agree with all you have said I am just finishing an undergrad degree right now and looking at my options for study I have even applied for a scholarship it is dog eat dog but it has kept me busy.

may we all stand together and see the strength in one another.



Member since
October 2020

172 posts

Posted Wed March 9, 2022 11:19amReport post

Just want to say I don't come here often but when I do I read the posts but very rarely offer advice or comment. My heart goes out to u and ur family. I've not suffered at the hands of vigilantes but watched videos posted and my first thought was always what about the family?
these groups of people need to be stopped and if I can help I will



Member since
November 2019

501 posts

Posted Thu March 10, 2022 9:18amReport post

Hi Lanny, I'm also victim of husband being stung and live-streamed. I've been lucky really in that I have generally been supported in my community.

I am aware that my address, name, car details, and my movements were reported on, so locals were clearly fanning the flames. I know, through others, that there were vicious comments and I also know that for many weeks/months I was very very scared.

I would be interested in any action that can legally be taken against these groups. Money is an issue, having paid many thousands for husbands legal fees (now separated) I can't really face dealing with solicitors who seem to do little work but line their pockets well! So I'd be really interested in any advise you may have. Or join any group action.

Sending you strength!



Member since
November 2019

501 posts

Posted Thu March 10, 2022 10:16amReport post

Hi Lee, hope you are well and that you and the family are coping and recovering ok, I have scanned old posts and see that it must still be tough with 2nd case still hanging over you. That's appalling.

Yes, I am very aware of the work already done, and the Sutherland trial etc. I've also been working with my MP. But nothing seems to change. I haven't got much confidence in the on line harms bill doing very much, my conservative MP confessed I knew more than him about its contents! And of course, there are other world matters taking precedence at the moment!

There seems to be very little interest in stamping out these evil people, and properly moderating the dangerous internet. We only need to look at the fake news circulating over covid and the war to know that social media has grown too big too quick and is now out of control! But who is going to brave enough to really address this issue??!
