Family and Friends Forum

New story in media everyday

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Member since
February 2020

27 posts

Posted Wed January 12, 2022 12:24pmReport post

These stories in particular possession of indecent images of children are absolutely rife where I live at the moment.

Our local newspaper publishes a new story online every single day and some of them are very local to me. It goes to show the places where not much happens get the most media attention. But why are these crimes increasing more and more, or have the police got better at investigating these crimes and getting them to court?

Lucky for me my partners case was NFA'd or I know now for a fact my life would be over. The family local to me have been through hell, people posting pictures of the guy online including a picture of his young children and also people making threats to his house. I really wish I could reach out to his wife as I feel for her for the most.

People really do not know enough about these crimes or how devastating it is for the families. I know I didn't when it happened to me especially being so young. Thoughts are with everyone on here, stay strong everyone x


Member since
July 2021

874 posts

Posted Wed January 12, 2022 1:04pmReport post

I have felt a pang of worry every time I see a story recently! In regards to what you said about your neighbour Lee made a brilliant suggestion the other day about posting something through the door to show support, I guess you could get it mailed too. It's awful how much the families suffer :(


Member since
May 2022

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Posted Sat May 7, 2022 11:05amReport post

To be honest, I don't watch the news anymore due to such stories, as I am already afraid to go outside. However, I don't really have time to go out with my friends because I always have many writing assignments at school. And in order to keep up with everything, I use some services that save me some time and also to write them better. But before using them, I have read many Paper Rater reviews, as not all services are good.

Edited by moderator Mon May 9, 2022 10:03am