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Meeting with solicitor

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Member since
July 2021

874 posts

Posted Thu January 13, 2022 1:26pmReport post

Hey guys,

In case anyone can't remember, the charges are sexual communication with minor and three charges for sending photo's. (Intent - Police Decoy)

I thought I'd give everyone an update and also reiterate a couple of things which may be important for others. So we met with the solicitor today. He said there's little chance of getting charges dropped but he will try anyways as per our instruction (not holding out hope but everything is worth a shot on this journey). This was our first meeting following the charges being posted and evidence being made available. He hadn't looked through all the evidence specifically but advised to plead not guilty. He said not to go away and feel like this is all going to go away but there is a good chance so let's stay hopeful. I am in a good place at the moment mentally and feel positive, I've come to peace with the possibility of it going absolutely wrong and if it does then we will continue a new normal and rebuild together.

He was absolutely disgusted by the way the Police had been with us and he wants me to send him my complaint I've had ready to go to possibly use this towards the case. He also said there is a case for potential breach of GDPR from the officer who dropped my partner's charge sheet off and told me what it was.

Anyone who is at the pre-charging stage please know you CAN get the evidence sent prior to this 5 day myth that even solicitors believe. We contacted the CPS a few days after charges and they sent the evidence straight away.

Plea is next week so we will be entering not guilty and then the real fun begins. The solicitor advised that at the initial plea it would only reduce sentencing by 5% it you plead guilty so it's definitely worth the risk in our case.

Edited Thu January 13, 2022 1:33pm

Grace Hush

Member since
August 2021

145 posts

Posted Thu January 13, 2022 2:16pmReport post

I'm glad you've had good news and are feeling positive baffled.

Fingers crossed for charges getting dropped!


Member since
July 2021

874 posts

Posted Thu January 13, 2022 2:28pmReport post

Thank you Grace, it's much appreciated. I highly doubt the charges will be dropped. I anticipate the whole Crown Court experience but we all live in hope. Xx


Member since
July 2021

874 posts

Posted Thu January 13, 2022 9:35pmReport post

Thanks Lee, that's brilliant. He gave us all the evidence to look so we're going to have a look at that over the next couple of days too. I was feeling sick after charges were posted but now I feel ready for this all to be over either way. Thank you for your help and support <3 xx


Member since
December 2021

695 posts

Posted Thu January 13, 2022 10:12pmReport post

Glad you're feeling more positive Baffled.
what was the evidence they sent - as in what context - the details of the 'chat' or the picture etc ?
dis they give you a time estimate from charged to court?


Member since
July 2021

874 posts

Posted Fri January 14, 2022 8:52amReport post

Hi JayJay,

To be honest I haven't looked at the evidence but when the solicitor flicked through the pages and there was probably around 200, I could see screenshots of what appears to be phone messages. He didn't advise on timings. From the charges being posted the court date is around a month after xx


Member since
July 2021

874 posts

Posted Fri January 14, 2022 9:04amReport post

Hi Lee,

I know, I know my feelings of calm will be pulled from me at the next stage and I was awake til 3am with what felt like my mind spinning at 100mph. As you say, it calms eventually! To be honest I don't think I am going to trawl through the evidence after thinking about it. My partner can look through it and earmark anything to query with the solicitor but as you say: triggers. The name of the decoy is the same as one of my friends and I hate to say her name now. This whole process is so humiliating, the solicitor read some of the messages yesterday and although I am well aware of my partner's sex drive as it is one of the many reasons we get on so well it certainly isn't nice to hear those things being said to someone else! I feel so sorry for him, for the first time since the knock it's really effecting him but I know he puts on a brave face because he doesn't want to upset me. I'm going to call Unlock today and see what they say about his employment and if there's anything we can do to try prevent job loss if he gets convicted, but then saying that if he gets convicted it'll likely be prison if he goes not guilty so I suppose it's kind of pointless. Not much longer to go now I guess of this hell! Thank you Lee xxx


Member since
June 2022

337 posts

Posted Sun June 12, 2022 12:51pmReport post

Hi Baffled, I'm fairly new to this forum so I apologise if I've missed any updates. How are things with you and your person?


Member since
December 2021

890 posts

Posted Sun June 12, 2022 5:22pmReport post

It all sounds positive and glad you feel in a better place at the moment. From experience the not guilty plea comes with twists and turns, but your solicitor seems more positive than my person's in that the evidence could result in a not guilty outcome (even though they said to him, they didn't think he was guilty they didn't feel the evidence to support this was strong enough - They refused to advise him which way to plead).

Ne prepared for them to come back with a offer for lesser charge whichay entail a goodyear hearing if he decided he wanted to consider it. My partner didn't get long to think about this so it maybe worth considering this a little whilst there is no pressure.

I'd pick up on the same thing as Lee said, I understand your partner would be loosing 10%. We were told that they round in 5s, so the 33% reduction is actually taken as 30%.

Really hope the next stage goes smoothly for you.