Family and Friends Forum


Member since
December 2021

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Posted Thu January 13, 2022 10:21pmReport post

did anyone get to keep their job once charges are brought?

did anyone manage to find a new job after and if so doing what?


Member since
June 2021

195 posts

Posted Fri January 14, 2022 12:43amReport post

Jayjay, my husband lost his job once he told them he had been arrested and charged. It was a large, multinational company and obviously they were concerned about reputational damage. The job paid well and the terms and conditions were brilliant. He was lucky to find some similar work with one of his ex line managers who.was starting his own company. It is not regular, doesn't pay as much but it gives him some occupation, some money and he enjoys it.


Member since
October 2020

479 posts

Posted Fri January 14, 2022 10:19amReport post

My partner kept his job and was not required to disclose it as he doesn't work in an under 18 industry...

He works in the Electronics and Engineering field and I've heard a lot about the industry usually not requiring a background cheque... It's a low paying industry if you have little qualifications but it is a job nonetheless...


Member since
December 2021

695 posts

Posted Fri January 14, 2022 2:31pmReport post

Black hound that's interesting. I thought you would have to disclose to any job if charged while employed? He doesn't work with children but solicitor told him he had to tell them once charges come from CPS.

judith, my husband works for a large well paid company too and I think they'll sack him straight away, will he get a pay off or not?
or a chance to resign before sacked?
Also as he earns too much no legal aid, but will he be able to claim it once sacked?


Member since
December 2019

499 posts

Posted Fri January 14, 2022 7:24pmReport post

You will need to check the terms of the contract to know if and when to disclose.

My partner lost his job as the police had to take his work laptop, so he could not hide he was under investigation. He worked as a civil servant.

He did have a low paid job while under investigation, it was flexible enough so that court dates were not an issue.

Once he was sentenced he applied for jobs in engineering with small firms to avoid the conviction question. He has been working at his company for a few years now and on good pay. I do understand he is lucky but overall I think if offenders try to find jobs with small companies they will have better luck. It is a misconception that all jobs require to know about convictions, it costs companies money to follow up and not all jobs have safeguarding concerns.

My partner and his colleagues don't need background checks because of they do work near children they are escortted at all times and work away from children.


Member since
July 2019

394 posts

Posted Sat January 15, 2022 10:26amReport post

My children's father Was self employed so did not need to disclose and continued working for a while it was when it was nearing Trial he kind of thought he wanted some time to his self and to distance his name from company's he had been contracting for. He knew if convicted then he wouldn't be able to continue with his work due to security checks. He is now on his 3rd trial date and hasn't worked for some time now.
I think it's hard for people low mood and this hanging over them to go and find a job, I'd say if they can keep going with work then great as it keeps them in a routine and mentally active.


Member since
May 2021

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Posted Sat January 15, 2022 7:12pmReport post


My ex works for a large firm. I've no idea if they were told after sentencing but I believe he's still there.

It can be discrimination to dismiss if it wasn't in the papers so they can't claim it will affect their reputation, it isn't in contract that they have to disclose and it sent relevant to job.


Member since
June 2021

195 posts

Posted Sat January 15, 2022 10:54pmReport post

Sorry for the late reply Jayjay, I have had a day away from the devices.

My husband's firm was actually more generous than we expected. He was allowed to resign and they gave him the equivalent of a redundancy package. They were not under any legal obligation to do so. They did check the work laptop when my husband sent it back to them but it was absolutely clean.


Member since
December 2021

695 posts

Posted Sat January 22, 2022 1:36pmReport post

so partner has nothing in his contract to state he needs to declare a new convinction, there was no DBS done even when he had promotion (been there 20 years) does not work with children or vulnerable people.
charge is making cat a-c iioc, first offence, solicitor is not expecting custodial.

does he tell work? If it's in media would he be sacked anyway for not being honest? Or Should he take that chance?
Or morally does he tell them and deal with whatever repercussions come from that? He wants to tell them, I'm sitting on the fence worried about money. Feel like we can't win either way


Member since
December 2019

499 posts

Posted Sat January 22, 2022 5:44pmReport post

I agree with Lee. My partner thankfully had a job throughout the investigation for two years, kept him busy and had money. Thankfully his case never made it to the media so he was able to keep his job once sentenced.


Member since
December 2021

695 posts

Posted Sat January 22, 2022 10:28pmReport post

Lee - would you say I need to prepare myself for custodial ( 4 cat A and mitigating factors are all positive) ? Any advice appreciated.

majestic - so even after sentencing your husband hadn't told work ? May I ask what kind of employment he's in ?

it's so hard to know what to do for the best :( he wants to tell work once charges come thru but I'm not so sure. Bare in mind his case has moved VERY fast. Knock was only 6 weeks ago, 2 interviews under caution, not arrested and no conditions/restrictions - waiting for CPS but been told making cat a-c


Member since
June 2021

195 posts

Posted Sun January 23, 2022 12:36amReport post


During the assessments by the Sexual Offences Unit and Criminal Justice Social Work references were made variously to community orders, fines, supervision. No mention of a custodial sentence but as my husband has entered a guilty plea to Cats A and C iioc, including video, we are not ruling it out. He will be taking a packed bag to Court on sentencing day next month.


Member since
December 2021

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Posted Sun January 23, 2022 1:03amReport post

Lee, factors are first offence, not even a parking ticket, immaculate work history, volunteer, doing modules with stop it now, having private therapy with stop so £40 an hour, will have character references from me, my family and his and an accountability reference.

Judith, it's such a worrying time. How far are you down the line?

I do believe my partner has accessed these cat c pictures and meant too, however he has no recollection of seeing the 4 cat A pics, but I believe it's just not worth pleading not guilty to these 4 cat a as it would mean trial and if they've found them on his device then he's viewed them right? He may have scrolled past or not seen them but evidence is that they are there so no point denying it ?


Member since
June 2021

195 posts

Posted Sun January 23, 2022 3:08pmReport post

Hi Jayjay

We were scheduled for sentencing last week but it was postponed to mid February. My husband's mitigations are very similar to those you describe in your case. Only thing left to do is check over the Criminal Justice Social Work report for any factual errors before it is sent to the Court.

I do feel now that we have already been over so many hurdles since the knock on 1st December 2020 that we shall deal with whatever the sentence turns out to be. Though my husband obviously doesn't want a custodial sentence he just wants the uncertainty to be over.

Good luck to you.

Edited Sun January 23, 2022 3:14pm


Member since
December 2021

695 posts

Posted Sun January 23, 2022 6:29pmReport post

Hi Judith, I hope it turns out ok for you, please keep me updated how you get on.

I'm so so scared of custodial as we have children who would ask so many questions, be devastated and my heart breaks at the thought.

What is the criminal justice sw report, who compiles that and when? X


Member since
December 2021

695 posts

Posted Wed January 26, 2022 8:15pmReport post

So an argument tonight, I say don't disclose to work (no dbs and nothing in contract).

He says morally he wants/needs to once the charge comes back from CPS. He has a tiny tiny hope he could keep his job for honesty, but may be sacked if it comes into the media and they find out that way.
I disagree and think he'll be sacked regardless so should work as long as possible.


Member since
December 2021

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Posted Wed January 26, 2022 8:44pmReport post

I don't think there is any benefit in telling work now, he hasn't yet been convicted. Could you compromise that he tells work as soon as he receives the charges. Like others have said, having a job to go to will I'm sure help his mental well being.


Member since
December 2021

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Posted Wed January 26, 2022 9:29pmReport post

I agree Sal, he will be broken if/when he loses his job. He needs to keep busy and obviously paying the mortgage will help me.
His case is moving quickly and have been advised charges could come through in March (taking that with a pinch of salt though) I would rather wait until court date or not at all until he tells them. He is pleading guilty to making images.


Member since
December 2021

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Posted Wed January 26, 2022 9:34pmReport post

I'd definitely encourage him to at the very least wait until he's been given a charge. There will be some time of at least a few weeks until magistrates and then further for sentencing, so he's got time to talk to them before it may be made public (which wouldn't be until the magistrates at the earliest).


Member since
October 2020

479 posts

Posted Wed January 26, 2022 10:40pmReport post

I totally understand where your husband is coming from about telling work JayJay

I really think honesty is the best policy however...

Honesty at work won't pay the bills.

Honesty at work won't fix what he has done.

Honesty at work won't win him any favours.

I think your husband needs to think long and hard about his moraily giving the circumstances you're in.

My partner has not disclosed anything because he is still under investigation. It's been 15 months so far so the fact that you're moving through at a fast rate is very good for mental health at least ...


Member since
July 2019

394 posts

Posted Wed January 26, 2022 11:54pmReport post

I would suggest the crimes he's been accused of is going to be frowned upon in the work place, if at a point others find out he has to think of his safety at work too.

my childrens dad worked until the point of a trial date trial didn't go ahead now hasn't worked for a over a year his mental health isn't great. So now life not so great with finances MH and this looming over

so I'd say keep him in work and earning and I think to do that he needs to keep quiet.


Member since
December 2021

695 posts

Posted Thu January 27, 2022 10:41pmReport post

I don't worry about this safety, I'm more worried about finance and mental health. It's so hard to know what's right and wrong. Solicitor things he should disclose as soon as charges come through