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Member since
May 2021

199 posts

Posted Mon January 17, 2022 9:22pmReport post

Hi all

Really just coming on to update - that there really isn't much of an update.

We had a CIN meeting again last week where the social worker again said we can carry on living as a family as the safety plan I put together is working. The only new news is that she had a response frOm the OIC when she asked for an update. The response was that they are "finalising everything and hope to be in touch in early 2022". No idea if that means devises have been checked or if it's just a holding tactic by the police as SS are pushing them. Only good thing I can take from it is that police know hubby is living at home with us and would notify SS straight away if they found anything worrying so at least that's something!

Limbo land isn't so bad at the moment. We go out, we are going on our first family holiday in a few weeks (keeping everything crossed but I think as it's so close to happening now hubby should be able to come with us!)

Ive had a promotion at work while on mat leave meaning when I go back if I had to pay all bills on my own it would be hard but doable. And as for solicitor costs, I'm sure I can work something out and if not there is always the credit card!

Let's see what "early 2022" actually means!


Member since
October 2021

9 posts

Posted Mon January 17, 2022 9:43pmReport post

Aww wishing you all the best although limbo land is nice I think we all dread the big days.
can I ask what you other half was arested for please, hopefully you'll get closure soon xx


Member since
July 2021

874 posts

Posted Tue January 18, 2022 9:14amReport post

Hi ScaredLamb,

That sounds good, I'll keep my fingers crossed for you! Well done on your promotion it makes it a bit easier when worrying about the worst if you know you'd be ok on your own. Hope you enjoy your holiday, it's much deserved. Xx


Member since
May 2021

199 posts

Posted Tue January 18, 2022 7:04pmReport post


2x online communication offences (police decoys) and 2x sending indecent images of himself (forcing a child to view)

Awaiting to see what he is charged with or if there is anything they drop or add.

Holding my breath.


Member since
July 2021

874 posts

Posted Tue January 18, 2022 8:15pmReport post

Hey Lee,

If you don't mind sharing please could I ask why the photo aspect was dropped? If you even know why that would be. Just relevant to me that's all xx


Member since
July 2021

874 posts

Posted Tue January 18, 2022 9:06pmReport post

Ahh I see. Thanks Lee. I think that context is defo key in all of these cases and we all can't go into extreme detail which is why some things seem total opposite ends of the spectrum - which sometimes is just the case because of the judge.

I don't think they've pulled any conversations off my partner's phone, they just have their conversations from their end. The statements from the Police are all absolute contradictory of each other and full of inconsistencies and lies too. We have the plea tomorrow so will be able to go through more then and also the prosecution will look more closely at the evidence in terms of the chances of securing a conviction so either way will all be over soon enough. I've been on Rightmove all day looking at properties out in the sticks for either outcome, never felt so trapped in all my life! Xx


Member since
May 2021

199 posts

Posted Tue January 18, 2022 10:53pmReport post

Interesting about the photo element Lee!

For my husband he never asked for anything from the decoys other than to look at him and watch him - as that was/is his addiction. So I think for him this will be relevant. So far from the one conversation we have had with the OIC since the arrest she did say that it was likely to just be the 2 communications he would be charged with if nothing else found. But I think we need to wait and see. I'm learning that communication offences can be very complicated and very dependent on context.
I think it's going to be going down the forcing a child (one under 13 one over) to watch sexual activity route though based on what hubby has said and what OIC has said briefly. But we won't know until they actually contact us again.
Im not even sure if devices have been checked yet. I'm guessing they might have been if OIC is saying they are finalising things and will be I touch early 2022. But who knows!

Then to make the decision if I want to read the transcripts or not....


Member since
May 2021

199 posts

Posted Wed January 19, 2022 6:12amReport post


He sent pictures and attempted to video chat but didn't connect.

Yes I agree about the secrets! I'll take my time to think about it. I think I would rather read it for myself than hear it in court as i intend to be there.