Family and Friends Forum

Can't get over the shock it's made my anxiety worse

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Member since
January 2022

1 post

Posted Wed January 19, 2022 1:01pmReport post

Since the police came to the door nearly 2 years ago, my anxiety as worsen and I am having councelling. In March 2020 police came and told us my husband had been done for Downloading sexul images off children. Because of the covid he was cautioned and had laptop and phone took of him. We had photos took of every room in the house. Since his court case in August 2021 our grandchildren can't come to the house and he can't go to mums at Xmas time as they is children there. This has really made me ill. I on antidepressants but can't shift this fear its effect our relationship as I am still with him. I am in fear as stuging with money I have 2 jobs and finding it hard to work as I can't concentrate and making myself so illl. At times I want to die. Debx

Grace Hush

Member since
August 2021

145 posts

Posted Thu January 20, 2022 11:09amReport post

Oh Deb I'm so sorry, I too have felt this way and I feel for you so much.

I'm glad you're having counselling and getting treatment. Do you find your counselling helpful?

If you need to speak to someone between sessions you can call the samaritans any time to talk. There is also a text service called shout if you are unable to talk. You can Google the details for both of these. There may be a local line you can call too but your GP will likely have given you details for that if it exists.

Do talk as much as you can and whenever you feel able, whether on here or wherever you choose.

The impact of this crime is so huge, its completely understandable that you are feeling this way. Take one day at a time, one step at a time and things will eventually improve. The shock and trauma is so immense and takes time to heal but things do get better with time. Sending love xx


Member since
December 2021

633 posts

Posted Thu January 20, 2022 11:59amReport post

Debra, how awful. We went through the photos of every room ordeal too. It was mortifying. I had to clean the whole house afterwards. My other half's bail conditions forbid unsupervised contact with children so I understand how difficult it is when it comes to attending family events and visiting family. We are still waiting for the court case.

I haven't used the helpline here, but people who have say it is very good and Lee has put a list of lots of organisations that provide advice and support to people like us who have been caught up in this situation.They may be able to help or at least provide a non judgemental listening ear.

Wishing you all the best and hoping things get brighter for you soon.


Member since
December 2021

74 posts

Posted Fri January 21, 2022 11:18amReport post

Dear Debra

I'm so sorry you feel this way. I too have thought about just ending it several times. It would be nice to not feel the pain, confusion and betrayl anymore. What stops me thinking that way every time is my children. 2hen I was 13 my mum tried to commit suicide several times. She was very ill and depressed and not in her right mind. As much as I hated that she felt that way and was concerned, I begrudged her for wanting to leave me and felt unloved. I have carried that with me since then. When I remember that, I know I could never do that to my children. You have children and grandchildren that need you. You are obviously very strong to have coped to this stage, probably stronger than you think. You can definitely continue from here and create a new normal. Many women on here give me a lot of hope as they have found a balance and calmness to their lives that I am aiming for. I wish that for you too.

Take care of yourself and talk as much as you can x