Family and Friends Forum

10 months on…

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Member since
April 2021

20 posts

Posted Fri January 21, 2022 9:43pmReport post

...and still waiting for devices to be checked.

Just to recap, my husband was arrested for possession of iioc with one instance of distribution. One accusation on Kik from around March 2020, but not arrested until March 2021.

This limbo is such an emotional rollercoaster. I keep hasseling him to chase his solicitor to chase the police. I need answers so badly :( I'm drinking almost every evening just to get me through, I know it's no good for me but I'm seriously struggling and it numbs the pain for a little while :(

He's all I've ever known, we've been together for 18 years since we were just 17 years old, this is killing me :(

Not really expecting anything from this post, just wanted to put it out there really. 10 months. 10 damn months! How much longer? :( :(

Upset mum

Member since
June 2020

2350 posts

Posted Fri January 21, 2022 11:30pmReport post

Evening Lemon

Ahh bless you it's so difficult to contain these feelings on this rollercoaster nightmare journey

Please reach out on here we are all here to offer support to each other and as Lee said maybe look at getting a therapist to help you deal.with the emotions you are feeling

It's my son who has gotten himself down this awful journey and I to wanted to loose myself in drinking but so far apart from the odd occasion I have stayed off the wine as that makes me feel even more emotional

Just wanted to send you hugs and let you know you are not alone xx


Member since
June 2021

195 posts

Posted Fri January 21, 2022 11:32pmReport post

Hi Lemon Drizzle

The waiting is the worst part I think. We don't know what is happening, don't know what to believe, have no control over the process. However I find that trying to have a plan for my own wellbeing is helpful and something I can control. Yes, have a chat with your GP, maybe explore a referral for counselling or some CBT which can help put in place a range of healthy coping strategies to get you through the day.

Look after yourself Lemon Drizzle. None of this situation was your fault so be kind and good to yourself.

Smile through tears

Member since
September 2021

2486 posts

Posted Sat January 22, 2022 6:25amReport post

I get a bit heavy on the drink - wasn't good over Christmas! I've done well in levelling it out now. It does numb the pain to a degree but changes me into a tearful, emotional wreck sobbing in my pillow.

My heart reaches out to you x

Edited Sat January 22, 2022 6:54am


Member since
October 2020

479 posts

Posted Sat January 22, 2022 7:16pmReport post

I feel for you Lemon... We're also 15 months in and nothing so far ....

It's terrifying because each day I expect something to come through... But tbh... I have my head filled with other mental health issues so this takes a background check for now ...

I also try and keep myself busy...