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Court looming

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Posted Sun January 23, 2022 10:03amReport post

Well there has been a meeting with the solicitor, no other evidence on devices and is going to court end of Feb...just waiting for date.

Been waiting for this for months and now it's like being in a different world. Struggling to function again. He is going for not guilty! I can't get my head around this at all. Solicitor thinks 2 years suspended max but from what I've researched and heard I'm not sure.

He had convo with 13yr old who was police decoy, got number, phoned and went to meet.

This nightmare never seems to end. I'm away end of Feb too, abroad, whats the betting the date is fixed for then!
Any advice with NG plea? I've not touched this as the label of the crime is what happened and to me that's guilty or have I got it wrong?


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Posted Sun January 23, 2022 1:09pmReport post

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Edited Thu February 17, 2022 7:19am


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Posted Sun January 23, 2022 2:35pmReport post

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Edited Thu February 17, 2022 7:19am


Member since
December 2021

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Posted Sun January 23, 2022 3:15pmReport post

I have no advice to give on this, but my partner is thinking of pleading NG to his alleged offences and my view is that it would be a good idea for there to be a lot more NG pleas as the reporting in the media of these cases might open the eyes of the public to the scale of these charges being made by the police and also expose some of the shaky evidence in these cases. My partners offences relate to images but I am deeply disturbed to read in this forum of all of the cases of people being ensnared by police decoys or vigilantes - surely its possible for the defence to argue that the accused was provoked or manipulated into sending photos of themselves or arranging to meet?

Also, while more publicity in the short term will lead to pain for offenders and their families, surely more not guilty pleas (obviously by those who have genuine cause to consider themselves not guilty or feel that there are genuine weaknesses in the case) will (a) alert people to potential dangers of the internet of which they were previously unaware, encouraging them to realise this could happen to them, (b) allow more and public challenges to the evidence by the defence which in turn will encourage the police to stick to the facts and ensure evidence is gathered properly and carefully, (c) shine a light on draconian sentences and their inconsistency, which might lead to calls for a review of how these crimes are dealt with, and finally (d) help to reduce the stigma associated with these offences as something so terrible that its best dealt with quietly, and the accused plead guilty to avoid publicity, even if they think they have been wrongly accused.


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December 2021

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Posted Sun January 23, 2022 3:35pmReport post

Lee, please, please understand I am not suggesting that those who _are_ guilty should try to get away with it! I am expecting my other half to be guided by his solicitor, who at the moment is supporting him in hhis not guilty stance. I can't go into the details on here.

The only difficulty I can see with his current stance is he is not doing any work to tackle the problems that led to this - because he believes there is no problem - and if he is not guilty then he should not need to. However I do believe there is an underlying problem (that I can't go into here) that I think he would benefit from seeking therapy for, both for his own sake and for mitigation should it come to that, but he just can't see it.


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Posted Sun January 23, 2022 3:51pmReport post

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Edited Thu February 17, 2022 7:19am


Member since
August 2021

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Posted Sun January 23, 2022 7:07pmReport post

Hi, I can't give advice in not guilty pleas. All I know if what we have been told following sentancing my others legal advisors is if you plea not guilty its the prosectors job to prove you are guilty. There's no guarentee whether that works for or against you

My husband plead guilty ( communication offense, 12 year old) he had no conversations on his phone no pics no meeting. All was on screenshots provided. No previous convictions, professional and reems of mitigating. Think they lawyers were working on previous legal rulings where the max would have been 8 montbs suspended as was a decoy. He got over 3 years custodial as law changed Feb last year, it is likely he would have gotten more if plead not guilty looking at how sentancing is going in this area as the law keeps getting harsher. I don't agree with it and it does seem very much to depend on the judge at the time. Can only say do what you all feel comfortable with. The guilty plea didn't settle well when my husband but did it as we would still be waiting for a trial date if he had plead not guilty and we couldn't deal with that and with the chance he could still get a custodial. Communication appears to get harsher sentances but still there seems to be not pattern


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July 2021

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Posted Sun January 23, 2022 7:56pmReport post


The charge is attempt to meet Child following sexual grooming. His reason for NG is he knew it wasn't a child, or rather suspected it wasn't, and has notes he made to back that up. He believes his innocence and I fear he will get torn to shreds on a NG plea.

From what I have seen, it's tough for communication, and I'm trying to get a second opinion from another solicitor on this. I've not seen any evidence, I've asked for permission to see it but have not been granted that yet. There is a zoom call with a barrister soon so I'm hoping I will get permission then.


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Posted Sun January 23, 2022 9:19pmReport post

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Edited Thu February 17, 2022 7:19am


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Posted Sun January 23, 2022 10:42pmReport post

Lee1969 Thank you, I don't ever find anything you say harsh, I prefer the blunt truth, and I respect everything you say.

i asked partner for disclosure when he went to the solicitor, he didn't ask. I will push for it again as it's important to our survival. I would like to see the barrister as I have so many questions. I don't think the notes will do anything, I have made a list of questions that will be asked and the answers I get say it all.
i hope one day, when this is all over, I can be as strong as you. you give us all strength here with your journey and experience. Thank you x


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July 2021

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Posted Sun January 23, 2022 10:56pmReport post


so sorry to hear your story, I feel your angst and pain. I haven't slept for days with is all going through my head, it's like the beginning again, just a different take.

Not being fully in the picture makes it even worse. It's a journey we never asked for, we should have the right to follow it through. To me it indicates there is more than what's been told.

I hope you get somewhere with your pushing. Look after yourself x


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July 2021

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Posted Sun January 23, 2022 11:04pmReport post


I heard it is harsher for communication, and depends on judge but 3 years is tough for a first offence!
Thank you so much for sharing your journey, I will relay this to my partner, maybe this might help change his mind x


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April 2021

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Posted Mon January 24, 2022 3:55amReport post

Reading this thread has left me half terrified but also made me feel less alone, we are still waiting for CPS to decide charges but I'm terrified of next stage.
my partner had sexual communication with a decoy pertaining to be a 12 year old, so I'm fearing the worst. Everyone, police included, have indicated suspended sentence but I'm still terrified.
literally not slept for more than an hour or so in a week x

Grace Hush

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August 2021

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Posted Mon January 24, 2022 7:34amReport post

I have said this before on one of your posts sal, but you may not have seem ot lost and confused.

I had a family member who pleaded not guilty to communication and still maintains his innocence. He was found guilty.

The CPS could prove the messages were sent from an account that he admitted was his and he admitted to non sexual conversation in his first interview - no solicitor, big mistake!

In my opinion it was more about convincing the jury than the CPS proving anything. He had a really good case including a solid alibi for when one of the messages were sent. I belive having admitted talking non sexually to a child in interview sealed the jury's opinion.

His solicitors recommended a guilty plea but did accept and support his decision. They will advise but the choice is always the defendents to make.

One silver lining for those of you worrying about sentences is that he got 9months suspended. Only mitigating factor was never in trouble before and obviously lost guilty plea reduction. Judge was very fair, jury not so much.


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Posted Mon January 24, 2022 8:38amReport post

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Edited Thu February 17, 2022 7:20am


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Posted Mon January 24, 2022 9:20amReport post

He's seen all the evidence and still wants to plead not guilty.

I feel like I'm trying to help/fight with my hands tied and my eyes blindfolded. It's causing so much anxiety.

He's done wrong. I just want the best outcome for him regardless of whether there is a us at the end of this or not.


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Posted Mon January 24, 2022 10:46amReport post

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Edited Thu February 17, 2022 7:20am


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December 2020

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Posted Mon January 24, 2022 2:20pmReport post

Gosh it's so difficult! Please Dont rely on being told what to expect. We had hopes up with pre sentencing and what probation and police had said .it is all decided on the day by whichever judge you get . Judge seemed to take no notice of mitigating factors or statements. Barrister was useless. Download offence first offense but still custodial.