Family and Friends Forum

Safer Lives v Lucy Faithfull Foundation

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Member since
January 2022

17 posts

Posted Tue January 25, 2022 4:03pmReport post

Hi can anyone help with this - my partner got the knock last week and we are looking at him doing one of the programs with either Safer Lives or the Lucy Faithfull Foundation. Does anyone have experience of either and any comments on how it went?

Many thanks


Member since
June 2021

195 posts

Posted Wed January 26, 2022 4:33pmReport post


Sorry to hear you have joined our number. It is a long and arduous journey but this organisation,it's helpline, counsellors and this forum have offered the most amazing support to me and to my husband the past 14 months. This offending behaviour has such stigma in our society there is very little available for us.

My husband attended the Inform + course run by Stop It Now (LFF). It took place online over 10 weeks and he found it very valuable. It covered many aspects of the offending behaviour including the impact on victims, the justice system, life after sentencing. However perhaps one of the most valuable aspects was that he was part of a group whose members were all going through similar experiences. After the initial embarrassment he felt able to discuss his situation openly and to offer and receive peer support. From my point of view the most important aspect was it made him realise his offence was not victimless. He did have to wait several months for a place on the course as the charity is understandably limited as to numbers.

I know other folks on the forum have experience with the Safer Lives programme.

Best wishes.

Edited Wed January 26, 2022 4:47pm


Member since
December 2021

695 posts

Posted Wed January 26, 2022 8:18pmReport post

Hi Judith

do you know how much the inform and inform plus courses are and if you cannot monthly? X


Member since
April 2021

140 posts

Posted Wed January 26, 2022 10:18pmReport post


we did safer lives and it was one to one for my partner and they gave support to me too. I was pregnant at the time of the knock and Safer Lives were very good at linking me up to others in my position/had been in it, so that really helped.

We did look at the LFF courses but as it was communication that my partner offended by, he would have only been eligible for the engage course and it felt like a mirror of what he had already done.

He moved onto weekly sessions with a StopSO therapist, and that has been working well for him. We have also now started fortnightly couples sessions and they are really cathartic.

I think it's important to remember you can't do everything at once. It will take time to get onto a course with LFF but equally Safer Lives are shorter courses (typically six weeks but can vary for each person). Call both and see? I found initially the LFF helpline didn't feel right, but it did once my shock settled.etc


Member since
February 2021

41 posts

Posted Wed January 26, 2022 11:11pmReport post

Me and my partner done the LFF and they were over 1000 each he's was a 10 week course mine was 5 or 6 can't remember now but I found it very useful because I couldn't get my head round the idea of why but I come out of it thinking totally different hope this helps.