Family and Friends Forum

End results - charges to sentence

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Member since
November 2020

87 posts

Posted Tue January 25, 2022 10:42pmReport post

I was wondering if anyone would be comfortable to let me (and anyone else reading) know what sentence they got based on the charges?

and what mitigation factors were used as well as aggravating factors

just to give me an idea I feel like i am constantly googling cases.



Member since
December 2019

499 posts

Posted Tue January 25, 2022 10:51pmReport post

It is still case by case and the judge you get on the day in regards to sentencing.

But I'm happy to share about my partner.

He was charged with making (essentially downloading and therefore making new files) and distribution of each category. Maki g and distribution of animal sexual abuse images and a charge for having prohibited images (not sure what they were to be honest and still understand this charge).

My partner provided evidence of his helpline calls log to Lucy faithful and proof he did their course. He also submitted some character references.

My partner pleas guilty, but was still eligible for prison sentence. He was in the end given two years suspended, on the SOR, given a SHPO and 200 hours community service. It wasn't clarified if the mitigation made the difference. I would say he had a close call.


Member since
November 2020

87 posts

Posted Tue January 25, 2022 11:03pmReport post

Thanks for reply I really hate the fact they use making instead downloading, xx


Member since
December 2021

695 posts

Posted Wed January 26, 2022 8:17pmReport post

Hi I'm interested in this too if anyone is willing to share.
Waiting for CPS on 'making cat a-c'


Member since
October 2020

479 posts

Posted Wed January 26, 2022 10:25pmReport post

We are waiting for anything back from the police first... He was arrested for possession and distribution but i believe that it was C to B and around 130 images ... It's his first offence and if he doesn't walk away with a caution I'll be incredibly angry...

He cooperated fully on the day, didn't state anything other than his guilt.

He deserves a low calibre punishment for his crime as do a lot of these cases... Rehabilitation alongside a little punishment should be prioritized...


Member since
March 2020

26 posts

Posted Thu January 27, 2022 12:51pmReport post

12 images, cat B.

Second offence but 12 years after first which was a similar quantity.

Cps recommended suspended sentence.

Actual Sentence: 19 weeks custodial.

On appeal this was changed to an 18 month suspended sentence after serving a week or so.