Family and Friends Forum


Member since
January 2022

2 posts

Posted Thu January 27, 2022 4:23pmReport post

Hi I'm a mother of a son who has just received court date after 18 months since the knock on the door . I was home alone and in deep shock and initially thought there had been some terrible mistake. They took all the devices belonging to my son and left. Jump to the evening my son told me it was true and he had downloaded some images of teens and there was files attached which he knew nothing about and didn't view. He had tried to get rid of them but could not. It dosent matter he has not viewed all these files cat A B C but he has downloaded them so included in charges. He is still living with me although it's difficult and now the court case is coming up in 2 weeks I'm sick with worry, ashamed of him , confused I don't know what to do. Only 1 family member knows how I tell my elderly parents I don't know, friends , work it's like I can't utter the words even. The media will probably report it so everyone will know , will I still have a job even though I've done nothing wrong but my son has . I work in health care elderly and have done for years and I am thought of well. My son has a good job and is only 25 no criminal record. We are trying to get hold of the solicitor but have no knowledge of what to do the questions to ask, we have no savings, I don't know anything about legal aid. He could go to prison or receive something else . I need help , advice , support . My son has even said he will kill himself rather than go to court he is ashamed regretful , he has done the steps on the site and changed his views , I try and listen but I don't understand it . He said he was addicted and watching too much normal porn and it all got messed up. This is the worst thing that has ever happened to me I don't know how to function anymore, while we were waiting for the court date I coped just about but now it's like a ticking bomb waiting to explode on the court date and my family who I will have to tell . How have other people coped with all this any advice please


Member since
April 2021

644 posts

Posted Fri January 28, 2022 2:43pmReport post

Hi there so sorry you're going through this, have you tried the stop it helpline? They were brilliant with my ex partner and I'll speak to them myself when ready, I've had counselling which really helped and my doctor was great. Look after yourself.

Upset mum

Member since
June 2020

2350 posts

Posted Fri January 28, 2022 4:20pmReport post

Hi Leanne

Sorry you have had to join this group we all are in the same position but the support and advice is so valuable from everyone here

I am also a mum my son is currently on remand waiting for sentencing

Keep coming on here as the support is so important

Just wanted to send you hugs xx


Member since
January 2022

2 posts

Posted Fri January 28, 2022 4:21pmReport post

Thank you for your reply I have not phoned the helpline but have found the forum helpful. I may need my doctor in the future as things develop I'm already on anti depressants . Telling my family had begun today .


Member since
December 2020

287 posts

Posted Fri January 28, 2022 4:58pmReport post

Hi leanne

I empathise with you , my son was 23 at the time received a caution for downloading x 2 iioc's cat A/B . Its been 13 months since he told us. We did not receive a knock , he told us then reported himself to the police. Its heart breaking, I think they just get lost in this behaviour and it just gets out of control. We are health care workers too , to reasure you it hasn't affected my job but they did ask LADO , (can't remember what stands for )but if there is a concern about association the police contact them to be sure .

its a terrifying and an unsettling time for all who are going through this. Wishing you your family and your son all the very best on this sad journey. Praying for a positive outcome , noncustodial outcome and access all the help available .
big virtual hug maij x

Edited Fri January 28, 2022 5:04pm


Member since
July 2019

394 posts

Posted Fri January 28, 2022 8:26pmReport post

I'm sorry you find yourself here, I can't imagine how it must be for you!

I often think about the world I am bringing my children into knowing even more about these crimes than I would care to.

id echo what others have said don't rush to decide maybe you just need space it's a bloody hard journey to go through. Has he taken responsibility for his actions?

we are here to support you whatever you decide please take care x