Family and Friends Forum

Really struggling

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Member since
January 2022

29 posts

Posted Sat January 29, 2022 2:50pmReport post

I have been a long time lurker of this site but it has brought me much comfort knowing that I am not alone but for some reason iv been really struggling the last couple of weeks.

I got the knock may 2020 it was the greatest shock of my life. My daughters dad was arrested that day at work. He lead me to believe that this was some terrible mistake for 19 months and I guess I wanted to believe it. He was charged in October last year and received a 20 month prison sentence for having received many pictures and having chats with a girl of 15.

It was in the media the following day, the article was brutal. It was all over social media sites of our local area. We live in a pretty small town so everyone knows. I have just kind of ignored it and tried to do what I usually do, very few people have spoken to me directly about it but I have also noticed how people have changed towards me and my daughter, she's 5. Even people I thought were friends.

Does this ever go away? I don't know weather we should move but I feel like we're constantly being punished when we've done nothing wrong.

Just need some positivity for once.