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Requesting court transcript

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Member since
November 2019

104 posts

Still not 100% if I'm going to do this, as perhaps I won't be able to undo the impact of what I read... but thinking it might give me clarity.

Advice from anyone who has requested a court transcript....would you just ask for the evidence, or the whole hearing? I'm imagining a transcript of the entire proceeding might be pretty expensive and maybe there'll be less relevant stuff in there...? Does the transcribing company have an obligation to keep it confidential?

Also, what reason do you give as to why you are requesting it? Something like: I am his wife and need to have full knowledge of the evidence?

Do I even have a legal right to it do we know?

Anyone got an idea of cost who's done it before? I think I can make sense of the ex107 form. Just can't work out which transcribing company I need to use as it refers to an annex, but can't find that anywhere.

Posted Sat January 29, 2022 7:47pmReport post


Member since
July 2019

394 posts

I think you can see the appendix on the government website, under the form.
this is something I have been looking at too when I got an estimate it was about £800 but others who have actually got it mag have a better idea x

Posted Sat January 29, 2022 8:16pmReport post


Member since
November 2019

104 posts

Managed to find the right company, wow that is a lot of money!! Perhaps I will just request the evidence in that case.

Posted Sat January 29, 2022 8:32pmReport post


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November 2019

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Posted Sat January 29, 2022 11:35pm
Edited Sat January 29, 2022 11:36pmReport post


Member since
November 2019

104 posts

How does that work then, would the court send him a letter asking his permission to let me see it?

Posted Sat January 29, 2022 11:36pmReport post


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July 2019

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We needed to get a transcript as we were appealing the sentence. I can't remember if it was just for the judges remarks as opposed to the whole thing. The appeal was regarding the reasoning on the sentence. This was for the sentencing hearing. The solicitor organized this. I sat through the hearing anyway. In my partners case nothing was said at the hearings that didn't appear in the original reports. The prosecutor simply read parts of the various reports. There was no new information, just missing the context. There was a couple of questions. I remember the Judge asking the prosecutor if my partner still denied purposely seeking the content, in which he replied he did not know. Which seemed like rather crucial information to me to determine if a guilty plea was actually valid. But there was no attempt to ask my partners this question.

I only have one case to go by, but I think you want to see the actual reports which if your partner agrees should be available though you solicitor. The hearing itself -unless it was a trial with witnesses being cross examined as not likely to give less info than the actual reports. I would take anything you read with a big pinch of salt though. Take as much notice of what is not written. I had an independent forensic analyst look though the "streamlined forensic report" they produced after the case was heard. There were gaps and contradictions that were questionable. But it was all too late too try and reopen it again by then, and the risk was too high. What I'm saying is that although there is motivation for a defendant to downplay his actions, there is also motivation for an investigating officer not to follow lines of enquiry that aid a defense. Or word things in such a way to increase the chance of conviction. Confirmation bias is a big concern.

Posted Sun January 30, 2022 12:59pmReport post


Member since
November 2019

104 posts

Thank you both for taking the time to comment and advise, both really useful advice and especially what you say about conformation bias, that does pretty much line up with what OH was telling me during the investigation, like how some things are twisted or conclusions jumped to so that it fits with the line of enquiry.

What a messy world eh?! Questions, answers, more questions, more answers, and so it goes on!

Posted Sun January 30, 2022 1:42pmReport post

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