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Life after prison

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Member since
December 2019

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Posted Sun January 30, 2022 10:41pmReport post

Husband was sentenced to 3yrs 3 months prior to him going away SS closed the case and he had been living at home with the kids through the whole investigation and up until he was sent away.

I just want to confirm he will be able to come home after he is released?? As everything was ahut down with no concerns before he went.



Member since
December 2019

89 posts

Posted Sun January 30, 2022 11:04pmReport post


Really as the social worker who saw us 2 weeks before sentencing said they won't be seeing us again even if he was sent to prison.

SS knew everything about his case.

I just wanted him home on his release date.


Member since
November 2019

104 posts

Posted Mon January 31, 2022 12:12amReport post

Not sure where to go, may I ask what your partner was convicted of? Sounds a similar sentence length to my OH's and am wondering what his chances of having and living with his own children (if he has them) will be...


Member since
November 2019

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Posted Mon January 31, 2022 10:53amReport post

Hi Notsurewheretogo

My husband is in prison for a communication offence. Our situation was quite similar to yours with social services and we were going to start working towards unsupervised after sentencing, however he got a custodial.

Have you had any contact with social services whilst he’s been in there? I signed a form agreeing to contact between my husband and child and they came out and discussed it with me. They informed me that prior to release they will be notified by the prison and on release will re-open the case. At that point they will do a ‘person posing risk assessment’.

I’m not sure of all the facts, but there are a few things that will determine where he goes on release and they are licence conditions imposed by probation, the risk level he is on release (so any courses he does in there will lower risk level) and social services input. Similarly to you my husband remained at home throughout the investigation, so I’m not sure how they could back track really.

If they aren’t allowed home on release they go to approved premises (bail hostels). I was advised to contact his outside and inside probation officers 6 months prior to release to see if I can find out the conditions. I will probably be ignored but it’s worth trying! Also, they said make sure you put everything in writing to show that you made contact and that your husband has somewhere to reside on release.

Have you seen yours husbands SHPO and what restrictions are on it? My husbands specifically states no unsupervised access with any girl under 16, except for his daughter.

Edited Mon January 31, 2022 11:46am


Member since
August 2021

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Posted Mon January 31, 2022 8:32pmReport post


My husband sentance and conviction is ery similar to your experiences. He was also at home prior to sentancing and convicted with exactly what they already knew.

They shut the case within weeks after arrest and never saw or heard from them again. Emma33 sounds like you've had a helpful sw saying contact probation etc. I'll try that closer to the time. My husband shpo has nothing about contact with children is purely Internet based ie. Cannot delete history and has to tell them about devices etc so am hopeful he will be able to come home but we have moved areas so not sure if it'll all start right at the beginning. Like you say though don't see how they can back track as they knew everything beforehand and hes done so much work since. I hope you're all doing ok x


Member since
November 2019

23 posts

Posted Mon January 31, 2022 10:36pmReport post

Hi Ttyh

I only heard from Ss because of the contact form from prison, they came out and discussed it which took a while, but we did eventually get contact whilst he is in there. It wasn't SS who mentioned about contacting probation, it was a practitioner from LFF who had a lot of very relevant experience of probation etc.

It's like we are in a second limbo with a custodial sentence, the search for answers just goes on and on.

I think there are a few other factors that affect probation decision, such as; if it was in the media, as they don't want to release people and them be at harm (not sure if that's always the case), then there is proximity to offending and location to any victim(s).

The person posing risk assessment seems very in-depth of both him and you, I think if your OH has been convicted of something similar, it will be the same kind of assessment from what I've learnt.

I think my husband's SHPO was a bit OTT with the underage girls as it's supposed to be proportionate to the offence, which was internet based. If it even becomes an issue we will go back to court as you can appeal it, but I don't think it will.

Edited Mon January 31, 2022 10:55pm


Member since
September 2021

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Posted Mon January 31, 2022 11:55pmReport post

These crimes and violent crimes are so similar regarding punishment in a way.

Because of your husbands sentence length, he will be on MAPPA.

My partner did quite a lengthy custodial sentence for a violent offence, so was on MAPPA when he came out. Even though SS had no concern, probation basically made SS keep us on a plan when they tried to close it because of the fact he was on MAPPA and they said his risk couldn't be managed and MAPPA was a waste of time if all agencies weren't willing to work together. Now I don't know if this was probation just being awkward or if this is standard for someone on MAPPA??

But I would just prepare to expect them back involved xx


Member since
August 2021

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Posted Wed February 2, 2022 2:39pmReport post

Thanks Emma33

I've had a look at the assessments. Fully understand what you mean about another state of limbo I'm trying to prepare myself as much as possible but seems it's so hard to find answers.

The SS is my main worry. I'm fine with assessments its just the disclosing and talking to other services I worry about, my little one was not in nursery at the start but now they are and it's just more people who will know and I really don't want it discussing somewhere like as its their safe little space and is so nice going somewhere that's 'normal' but know it'll happen.


Member since
November 2019

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Posted Wed February 2, 2022 3:00pmReport post

Well if it adds any reassurance at all, my little one had just started nursery when he was arreasted and they were amazing with me. My little one has since left that nursery and they still keep in contact asking how we are. After he was sentenced the manager called every day to check on us. I was worried about people knowing as after he was sentenced it was quite public and I knew staff were aware and the manager reassured me that if it was shared with any parents, by any member of staff that disciplinary action would be taken as it would put the safeguarding of a child at risk.

If the nursery know you and your child and can see that they are happy and well cared for, it can only be a positive with SS assessments and as for disclosure, it might be useful having that support from nursery.

The new nursery don't currently know about the situation with my husband, but I plan on telling them in the coming weeks as my little one is asking a lot of questions about where dad is and when he's coming home and I wouldn't want to think that she wasn't getting the support that she needs there. However, that information will only be given to the safeguarding lead at nursery and my child's key person.

it's so difficult getting any answers about the future!


Member since
August 2021

39 posts

Posted Wed February 2, 2022 3:58pmReport post

Thank you so much you have no idea how reassuring that is! We moved after the arrest and started fresh while hes been in prison and its been great people not knowing, so was worrying about it being ruined. The nursery so far are amazing and just didn't want that to be at risk. Fingers crossed it goes smoothly when he's released next year.

Thanks again!