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Cutting’thinking’ times

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Smile through tears

Member since
September 2021

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Posted Mon January 31, 2022 9:49pmReport post

I've been trying a new daily routine to be more constructive during the periods I dwell and overthink about our situation.

First I make a list of little tasks. I record a few of my favourite programmes so I'm constructively occupied during the difficult moods, or go for a walk. And it really helps......

What mechanisms do you ladies have to help you cope?

Edited Mon January 31, 2022 9:52pm


Member since
June 2021

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Posted Tue February 1, 2022 12:21amReport post

Hello Smile

I am also a list maker. However they shouldn't just be lists of chores but should include things that give pleasure or enhance wellbeing. And don't make the lists too long. Today I had self care, shopping, cooking and doing the dishes, but I also met a friend for lunch, wore a new top and bought a new book. We have to find joy in small things !


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Posted Tue February 1, 2022 12:55amReport post

Hi smile, judith

I think making a list is a good thing but as judith says it shouldn't be too long and it should include things that we enjoy and are not considered a chore or task.

I am learning to play a musical instrument and currently have singing lessons . My kids never tell me to shutup so I can't sound too bad . Lolol

I love walking my dog over the hills /through the woods and taking a drive to the beach and walking along the shore feeling the wind in my face and taking in the sea air .

I am not a reader of novels, I wish I was because I would love to get into a great story, like I do when I watch a good drama, but I have the attention span of a knat and once I read one chapter and go onto the next, I've forgotten what I've read lol

life goes on amidst the torment of our situations dosen't it and although worrying times its not all bad and you can get respite from it if we plan our days and enjoy what we have around us.

wishing to both a lovely week full of things that you enjoy.

As a bit of fun we could set each other a challenge and you could tell us how you got on ?? Smile, when you go for your next walk, tell us abit about it what you saw etc and judith , your self care regime what does that involve ?

maij x

Edited Tue February 1, 2022 1:14am

Smile through tears

Member since
September 2021

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Posted Tue February 1, 2022 4:42amReport post

Judith and Maij / Oh. the way you describe it - walk on the beach - how wonderful! Yes it's good to mix this dwelling time with nice things and self pampers.

On this forum we obviously go through to our various traumas and agony but I really enjoy a little light relief. Hopefully makes us realise life really does go on and it's no crime for us (the innocent) to try to enjoy it!!!!!

yes what have you been doing today? Let's put the pain to one side for a short time?

Edited Tue February 1, 2022 4:45am


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Posted Tue February 1, 2022 7:18amReport post

Hi smile, judith

Well during lockdown like many others we bought a puppy, hes 15th months old now and I have walked him twice today. Hes a live wire. Energetic and full of life, I would say he's been great for the family . He is naughty though, like pinching things that he shouldn't have like shoes, having the zoomies and running around the garden, in the house, shooting under the coffee table, sooo funny keeps me fit anyway.

Today. I am going to do allittle music . i'll let you know how I get on.

It's good to get to know each other alittle and to know that our lives are not all encompassed by this.

Have a lovely day .


Edited Tue February 1, 2022 7:25am


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December 2021

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Posted Tue February 1, 2022 8:29amReport post

I really like this thread, thanks to everyone that has contributed. I've found this whole thing increasingly difficult.

This week I decided I need to take a little bit more control of my day to to day. I made a little week planner with some really basic things I wanted to do everyday - 30 min of is exercise, walk my friends dog, some basic things like wash and clean teeth (I've been really struggling recently...) but also some things I didn't want to do, like eat a packet of biscuits a day (I ate 2 packets in a day last week...) and take phone to bed at night. I tick each one off once I've achieved it.

Alongside this I have a list of things i need to do - I pick one a day to do. I've also got a little embroidery project on the go to do in front of the TV.

Today is good so far. I swam this morning, eaten a wholesome breakfast, washed and cleaned my teeth :-)


Member since
December 2020

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Posted Tue February 1, 2022 8:54amReport post


well done swimming this morning! Sea? Pool? My friend goes in the sea every morning 7am! Brr! I have yet to join her and shes been doing it for ages. A weekly planner is brill! I started to write one, so that I can see what I have achieved through the week, thank you! you have prompted me to revisit and complete it.

hey! eating a couple packets biscuits , its not good if its a regular thing, I've eaten 2 snickers straight off and thought after I shouldn't do that, but you've balanced it off with a swim!! we've all been there.

i love crafting, so your needle work, what are you embroidering?

so sorry to hear you have been struggling but glad today has started off a good day. Enjoy your Monday .

maij x

Edited Tue February 1, 2022 9:01am

Chelsea 1

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June 2021

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Posted Tue February 1, 2022 9:34amReport post

Hiya all.

Well I have taken up lots of stuff.

Been taking long walks along the seafront , been for the odd coffee and taken up baking. Not that I am very good as it.

Been busy clearing the house either stuff to charity shops etc



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Posted Tue February 1, 2022 9:41amReport post

This is such a lovely thread! Beach walks with a puppy sound wonderful, Maij, and I like the lists - I always have a list on the go.

I have quite a fulfilling career so that keeps me busy, although in the darkest times it's been hard to care very much about it. I'm lucky enough to have a horse and my time with him is the happiest - quite apart from anything, when you're sitting on top of half a ton of unpredictability you tend to be quite focussed! But aside from that, the routine of caring for him and the time outdoors is incredibly therapeutic. At my absolute lowest point last year, I sat in my car late one night and contemplated suicide - the thing that stopped me was him, I couldn't bear the thought of him being left without me.

I love yoga too, it really helps with anxiety - I recommend 'yoga with adriene' on youtube if anyone wants to have a go. I also love running, the rhythm and movement is soothing.

Let's keep this thread going and tell each other what we've been doing xx


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January 2022

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Posted Tue February 1, 2022 10:00amReport post

Such a positive thread. It's so good to hear of the positives. I've started keeping a diary - nothing fancy but just a note of how I'm feeling, what I've done and what the weather was.

I also enjoy crafting and got a new sewing machine for Christmas - yet to try it out properly as my craft area has had to be moved to allow son space as he had to move in with us but I am crocheting a jumper - I can tell my mood by how much I do - on a good day a lot gets done, nothing on a bad day!

Also have two dogs, so long walks with them are necessary and help hugely.

The real problem I have is motivating myself when I feel down and everything is too much trouble :-(

Still, the dogs are there and have to be loved, fed and walked so help get me out of my moods.

Smile through tears

Member since
September 2021

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Posted Tue February 1, 2022 11:31amReport post

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Edited Wed February 16, 2022 8:57pm


Member since
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Posted Tue February 1, 2022 11:55amReport post

I have my phone going all the time. Netflix, audiobooks, bbc iplayer etc. I have to have something for my mind to focus on and my earphones are.almost always in. My worst times are between 5.30 and 7. I don't know why but depression hits me so hard in the evening it's just awful. I put on an audiobook, stick in my earphones and walk my dog for at least an hour. When I get back, I have a bath then it's officially night time.

Upset mum

Member since
June 2020

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Posted Tue February 1, 2022 3:45pmReport post

Hi ladies

What a lovely thread to start Smile :-)

I was never a series watcher but the last few months I have binged watched so many on Netflix and dramas on tv

Work keeps me busy and I have to wear my happy face as I am responsible for a number of people (if only they had an incline of what I am living day in day out but it gives me a purpose)

I love reading and also walking my dog



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Posted Tue February 1, 2022 4:17pmReport post

Wow, you are all so impressive! I shall have to pull my socks up......tomorrow. Right now I am being forced to snuggle up on the sofa with my two cats and a bar of chocolate. It's a tough job but someone has to do it.

Keep up the good work ladies!

Smile through tears

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September 2021

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Posted Tue February 1, 2022 4:46pmReport post

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Edited Wed February 16, 2022 8:57pm

Smile through tears

Member since
September 2021

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Posted Tue February 1, 2022 5:29pmReport post

Gosh now I need a dog/horse or perhaps a cat......... :)


Member since
December 2020

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Posted Wed February 2, 2022 4:39amReport post

Good morning everyone,

Its so nice to get to know alittle more about YOU! , it reinforces that we are all just ordinary families and this can happen to anyone.

Lola53, I am so thankful for my career too. Working three days a week I am able to focus my attention on that, I am in healthcare, consult with patients and make treatment plans , so a huge role in helping others. I was aiming to retire this year but for the time being I am gonna stay. You sound like an outdoor girl , running, cycling horses and thats so therapeutic for the mind , lots of horses where we are invariably their hoofs wake me up on a Sunday morning as they walk by. I love cycling and have completed a few organised rides, in france n UK , I would love to do LETJOGs , sometimes realise that some rides we've picked we should have left it for just the individuals in lycra! Lol

Another mum, I want a sewing machine! Did think of suggesting that when asked what I would like for Christmas, but thought time is a factor and like many we wish we had more time. I made my kiddies bedroom blinds when they were small, wigwams etc great fun, I am inspired by the GB sewing Bee love it! They are great and so talented .

What did I do yesterday? Well I am learning a new tune on my musical instrument so thats good and talking about time , I have contracted, yes you've guessed it CV19 so now isolating for 5 days at least! So I can concentrate on that for a few days . For anyone thinking about learning music and playing an instrument, its really therapeutic.
In my clinic recently, I consult with a patient who taught himself clarinet 83! So its never too late to learn , we had a great chat about that , which he was truly thankful for. The loneliness which has been cteated by this pandemic has been significant particularly for the elderly I think .

sorry to ramble on but I have alot of time on my hands, but I also remember an elderly chap who came into my clinic. He was about 90 and as ya do you try to ease their anxieties and chat about anything. He went on to tell me he loved music as I did and always remember his favourite song but he hadn't heard it for years and years it was

"alma Cogen - pocket transistor"

well whilst he was laying on the couch I decided to get my smart phone out and play it. His reation was priceless , technology does have some huge benefits. He started to sing and jiggle - wonderful to see. From a medical point of view, I sorted him out, but that for me, was his therapy for the day . He was so pleased and it brought back some positive memories of when he was abit younger.

google it, I promise, you will start the day with a lift and a smile .

Oh and to kill time , I wish I had that sewing machine!!! Lol

Upset mum - omg! Binge watching, i thought of that straight away now that I am isolating. Ricky Gervais, afterlife, so sad but funny too and abit crude in places but to encompass all that into a story line is really pure genius.

Anamarie- yes I have leRn all about whats available from a techno point of view like bbc i-player, netflis, utube, webinars etc etc (still have to get my kids to help me though) and its great that these are available 24/7 particularly for those who find the nights longer and maybe wake early - you make find burning some naturals oils will help you sleep better like lavender x

enjoy your Wednesday everyone, and Yes Lee! What do you like doing ?

big hugs

Maij x

Edited Wed February 2, 2022 5:40am


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Posted Wed February 2, 2022 4:40amReport post

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Edited Wed February 2, 2022 4:40am


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Posted Wed February 2, 2022 9:05amReport post

Thanks to everyone for their posts on here, beginning to feel like I can look forward to things again xxx

You're all such inspiring people.

I used to have a horse as well, they're wonderful for taking your mind off any worries, sadly lost her 8 years ago.

I also enjoy gardening and am looking forward to spring to getting out in the garden more. Enjoying my snowdrops at the moment and watching the crocuses and daffs coming up.

Take care of yourselves everyone xxx


Member since
May 2021

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Posted Wed February 2, 2022 1:59pmReport post

This really is a lovely thread and it's inspired me to look around me more and try to find things to be happy about. So far today, I'm grateful for a beautiful starry sky this morning, the sunshine, and some really delicious crusty bread that I've just eaten!

I love your story about the elderly man, Maij, and your snowdrops AnotherMum.

It's such a cliche but it truly is the simple things in life that can make us happiest and we so often don't appreciate them. I love baking as some of you ladies have said; I can sew a bit and absolutely LOVE the GB Sewing Bee. Since my life was turned upside down, I don't like being alone with my thoughts too much so I've started listening to podcasts - Alan Carr does a very funny one, Fearne Cotton has an interesting one and the Louis Theroux ones are fascinating as you might imagine.

I'm going to make a cup of tea now - another of life's small pleasures!

What's everyone else doing and can you think of three nice things about today? xx


Member since
December 2020

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Posted Wed February 2, 2022 2:56pmReport post


spring flowers well they are just beautiful the sign of new life, bursting with colour how wonderful is that, my favourite time . Having covid , isolating, turning my bedroom into a temporary music room, the simple things are the most enjoyable and like you lola , i am having a cuppa T/ cake and satsumas. Left outside my bedroom door by my daughter ! A prisoner in my own home! Lol so there's my 3 things lol

Edited Wed February 2, 2022 3:10pm

Upset mum

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June 2020

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Posted Wed February 2, 2022 4:25pmReport post

Hi Ladies

So heartwarming to read your posts

My day was busy at work but actually belly laughed for the first time in a long long time and it felt so good just over something silly tears of laughter

Just made myself a nice cuppa and now taking time to myself until I get to make dinner

I wish I could bake my favourite cake has to be a lemon drizzle maybe one day I will try it would probably come out like a pancake lol xx


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January 2022

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Posted Wed February 2, 2022 4:26pmReport post

Hope you get over Covid soon, Maij.

Three things today - took the dogs a nice walk, not windy or cold, did some crocheting and watched some Mandolorian!

Hope everyone else has had the best day they can xx


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Posted Wed February 2, 2022 6:39pmReport post

Hope you feel better soon Maij - make the most of the isolation to enjoy your music and do some bingewatching! xx

Smile through tears

Member since
September 2021

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Posted Wed February 2, 2022 7:16pmReport post

Had fantastic cuddles with my beautiful granddaughter x

Edited Wed February 2, 2022 7:17pm


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Posted Thu February 3, 2022 8:31amReport post

That's lovely Smile - very special :-)


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Posted Thu February 3, 2022 9:14amReport post

Yes, very special. Hope to see my grandchildren again in the next few weeks xxx


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Posted Thu February 3, 2022 10:24amReport post

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Edited Sat February 5, 2022 2:35am

Smile through tears

Member since
September 2021

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Posted Fri February 4, 2022 4:52amReport post

Hi Maij - yes dealing with a person with vascular dementia is extremely difficult x bless you.... my lovely dad stuggles so much...... tis heartbreaking..... and a very cruel condition.....


One to tell the boy - on a lighter note / why on Earth did I dream last night I got bit by a small parrot on my back?

The break was embedded in my skin and the person that held tweezers in an attempt to free it ( as I wanted to avoid a trip to a&e ), informed me my feathered friend was alive and it began to wriggle!

just as they were starting to pull -yes- I woke up!!!!! Why do we dream such silly situations! I like feeding birds in the garden but that's as far as it goes!

Edited Fri February 4, 2022 4:59am


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Posted Fri February 4, 2022 6:17amReport post

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Edited Fri February 4, 2022 6:22am


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Posted Fri February 4, 2022 6:17amReport post

Hi smile

Thank you , thoughts for your dad its a terrible condition dementia so I empathise with you. One of my things when I retire will be hopefully going into homes voluntarily maybe to play my musical instrument.

lololol you made me laugh this morning, yes dreams are bizarre aren't they, I am chuckling away thinking about the Parrot! Now.

I am currently binge watching " ozarks" its really good keeps your full attention although fictitious story line, drugs, cartell , murder, deception, etc,etc I can't help thinking that as we speak those things really do go on in the drug scene, scary business.

just woke up having a cuppa and you guessed it just going to put ozarks on . There is such a place in Missouri and it looks beautiful.

lying in bed. i feel like le bati potato ! Lololol

maij x

Edited Fri February 4, 2022 6:29am


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Posted Fri February 4, 2022 9:02amReport post

Maij and Smile, it must be very hard dealing with elderly and ill parents - difficult at the best of times, let alone with THIS to deal with on top. I lost my parents several years ago and, much as I miss them terribly, I'm thankful that they've been spared this. I have no other family so again, one less thing to worry about.

Today had a sad start - funny how some days you just feel worse than others, isn't it? But I've done some yoga and some housework (!) and I'm OK again now.

Wishing you all a happy day xx


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Posted Fri February 4, 2022 10:02amReport post

Good morning Lola53,

Thank you. I get it, I too sometimes start off on a sad note and have that anxiety knoring tummy that actually makes it more difficult to do things, its an effort. i am pleased that the yoga and housework has made you feel better hope this help to carry on with you throughout your day .

maij x


Member since
June 2021

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Posted Fri February 4, 2022 6:24pmReport post

We've had snow showers throughout the day and the mountains we can see from the house are beautiful . The bird feeders have been busy. I always find the beauty of nature calms my mind.

Smile through tears

Member since
September 2021

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Posted Fri February 4, 2022 6:45pmReport post

Don't mention birds to me or I'll be dreaming!

I've been planting primroses.....

I've been enjoying all the beautiful skies we've seen lately, breathtaking...

Edited Fri February 4, 2022 6:46pm


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Posted Fri February 4, 2022 8:49pmReport post


where every you are its sounds beautiful near the mountains where you live. i'm right by the sea and smile , Primroses , they will look beautiful in your garden I'm sure x

maij le bati potato , still watching Ozarks lolx


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Posted Sat February 5, 2022 8:39amReport post

How lovely hearing about your primroses and the mountains and the sea -aren't we lucky to have these beautiful things. I watched a gorgeous sunrise with my horse this morning; this thread is really making me search out the little positive things that it's easy to ignore.

Love and hugs and positive weekend vibes to you all xx


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Posted Sat February 5, 2022 9:14amReport post

Wow! Yes we are soooo lucky Lola53

Up early then! I am imagining the sunrise! We get beautiful ones down here too with reflections across the sea, I wish we could post pictures of them, now that would be cool x enjoy your horse riding!

I am looking at, diatonic scales for music, don't ask me to explain! i'm having trouble myself arghh ! My bedroom faces right onto the street, I dread to think what the neighbours think about my playing ! ????

enjoy your day everyone

maij le bati potato! X

Edited Sat February 5, 2022 9:14am

Smile through tears

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September 2021

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Posted Sun February 6, 2022 2:15pmReport post

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Edited Wed February 16, 2022 8:56pm

Upset mum

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Posted Sun February 6, 2022 4:30pmReport post

Ahh Smile what a good age he is bless him xx

I had a visit with my son today so hugs and kisses also x


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Posted Sun February 6, 2022 6:00pmReport post

Even though we are going through this ordeal with our son we had 2 positives this week.

1 my daughter made the first move to contact him .

2 I heard my son and my husband laugh and talk about football.

It's the little things that matter

Upset mum

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June 2020

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Posted Sun February 6, 2022 6:38pmReport post


The small things mean so much dont they xx

Smile through tears

Member since
September 2021

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Posted Sun February 6, 2022 7:22pmReport post

Yes l think you see how the small things really matter in life when going through this experience. Amongst the clouds of sadness a smile or laughter makes a world of difference to your day.

How is your son doing Upset?

Edited Sun February 6, 2022 7:34pm


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Posted Sun February 6, 2022 8:07pmReport post

Hi everyone,

so pleased you are having some positive things happen and yes when you strip away all the hurt, the small things that matter, are infact are really the big things and most important.

I can't see my dad of 90 because I have covid , he's wandering where I am. Thanks to wattsap I have spoken to him today and he kissed me through the screen.

smile I agree we are so fortunate to still have them at this great age. X

maij x le bati potato! Lol

Edited Sun February 6, 2022 8:11pm

Upset mum

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June 2020

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Posted Mon February 7, 2022 7:23amReport post

Morning Smile

He is ok thank you for asking it was so good to see him Covid cancelled our last two visits we just want sentancing over with so we know what we are looking at and hopefully he gets moved soon xx

Smile through tears

Member since
September 2021

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Posted Mon February 7, 2022 10:39amReport post

Hi lost.

im so glad to hear your lad is gathering strength. It's a very difficult scary period. My son was only in custody a couple of months before his final court hearing and that was bad enough. Lots of you ladies wait too long it's cruel.......

I'm sure things will settle once you know what the future holds and you can move forward to deal with it......

bless you / keep strong x


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October 2021

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Posted Wed February 9, 2022 9:51pmReport post

I love this thread and is something I've been talking about with a therapist. I'm definitely going to give some of your activities a try too.

I struggled to do anything for a couple of months - basically came home from work and went to bed feeling sorry for myself.

Now, like some of you, I enjoy taking my dog for a walk and cuddling on the couch with him watching Netflix. My dog means the world to me. I've also taken up puzzles something I've never done but my therapist talked about the importance of distracting my mind and this is something that helps. I've also been doing some meditation before bed which really helps me get to sleep.


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Posted Sat February 12, 2022 12:47amReport post

Hi everyone and Emma

so glad to hear that despite our difficult journey we are managing to get on and do some positive things and Emma so pleased that you are thinking of taking up some of the activities and that others have inspired you. Its is so important for our mental and physical health to do the things we enjoy.

Oh, and I agree cuddling up on the sofa with the dawgy is lovely, they are like hot water bottles! Lol

Today was my parents 66th wedding anniversary, unfortunately my mother is in hospital with advanced Dementia. But we managed to arrange a visit for my dad so that they could see each other on their special day, he's 90.

and to top it all I am out of isolation whoopeee! I wasn't even ill, but it gave me time to chill I'm all netflixed out lol Ozarks, afterlife, Derek . Just waiting on "Peaky blinders" return now - that's bril !

enjoy the weekend ladies .


Edited Sat February 12, 2022 1:36am


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Posted Sat February 12, 2022 9:51amReport post

Glad you're better, Maij! And congratulations to your parents, how lovely that you were able to bring them together.

I've had a tough couple of days but I'm not going to bring down this happy thread so the positives are that me and my horse went out for a fabulous ride at sunrise this morning, I've just had a really nice breakfast (it's the little things!) and I'm going to do a spot of clothes shopping later.

Happy weekend, lovely ladies xx

Smile through tears

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September 2021

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Posted Sat February 12, 2022 1:25pmReport post

Highlights so far:

listening to birds singing early this morning

looking at a beautiful red sunrise

Having an amazing time with my beautiful grandchildren

looking at the Lucy Faithfull Foundation (Forum) and reading support from my friends, as I had no one else I could turn to with a niggling guilt feeling..... Thankyou x

Edited Sat February 12, 2022 1:30pm


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Posted Sat February 12, 2022 6:09pmReport post

Smile - I should have added this forum to my list of positive things too :-) Thank goodness for you all xx


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Posted Sat February 12, 2022 10:59pmReport post

Hi Lola53 /smile

ahh sorry to hear you have had a bad couple of days, don't feel you can't offload here. We are here for you! Hope you feel better after your ride.

i'm Imagining You and smile looking at the sme sunrise ! i'm not up early enough! Lol

let us know what clothes you bought Lola , going somewhere special?

I had a long walk with the dog this morning , first in 10 days, Windy and very cold , lovely to blow the cobwebs away maij x

Edited Sun February 13, 2022 8:34am


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Posted Mon February 14, 2022 6:17pmReport post

Hi all

I am hoping that you are having time for yourself and enjoying the things you like . I am hoping that if not all but some of you are enjoying valentines day ! I had a great music lesson today, my tutor actually enjoyed some of my improvisation so I am getting there, music is so complex .

wishing you all a lovely evening

maij x


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Posted Mon February 14, 2022 6:31pmReport post

Hi Maij,

I'm glad you had a good music lesson; I am completely unmusical and I think it must be a lovely talent to have!

My shopping trip was nice, it wasn't for a particular event but I bought a long camel coat. My son and I had a big blow up on Friday which was painful but actually turned out to be a good thing as we cleared the air and it gave me the opportunity to express some of my feelings. I'm still quite angry with him and conflicted about our relationship in the longterm but he was very very upset and said how much he misses having me in his life (I have withdrawn in recent months and our relationship has been limited to small talk and the basic communication required when you share a house). Definitely a step in the right direction.

In the spirit of positive things, I did loads of housework today - dull but satisfying! And I went for a beautiful early morning walk across the fields behind my house.

Hope everyone is doing OK xx


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Posted Mon February 14, 2022 6:58pmReport post

Well done Maij on your music lesson. Similar to Lola I'm not musical at all, I'm in awe of those that are, it's just not something I can grasp.

Lola I'm glad you feel better for having aired some of your feelings, I find it so difficult to know when I need to hold them in and when I need to air them, eventually it builds up and they come out, things tend to workout for the best once I have.

I've not commented on this thread since the first day, a couple of days later I fell into a horrible hole. I was unable to function, between keeping it together at work, being my partners emotional crux, keeping nudging him onto one of the many practical things he needs to do to prepare for custodial and doing 350 mile round trips to help him pack up his home and then avoiding friends and their questions - I was getting to breaking point.

But in the theme of positivity, my parents have been brilliant and have helped me recharge myself the last couple of days. I'm nowhere near the woman I was before this but I ate well today and have been out for 3 little walks today.

I'd anyone is reading this and thinking "Why can't I function like these other ladies" - We aren't all coping well all the time. In fact I'm not coping more than I am, but it's nice to feel a little lighter today.

Thanks Maij for keeping the thread going.


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Posted Mon February 14, 2022 8:45pmReport post

Sal, I'm sorry you've been struggling.... it's just such a lot to deal with, the practicalities of it all on top of the emotional aspect. I think we all cope in different ways - my way of coping is to be a busy perfectionist, but it doesn't mean I'm not broken inside. I'm glad you've joined our happy thread, it's nice to chat about normal things whilst being able to still acknowledge what's going on in our lives, and I now make an effort to focus on the little positive things each day. Sending you lots of positive vibes, you're not alone xx


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Posted Mon February 14, 2022 9:33pmReport post

Hi Lola and Sal,

Lola- I'm so sorry to hear that you had a "blow out" with your son, but I think, silence and small talk is worse, as there's always an elephant in the room and everyone is trying to ignore it. But how can you? Views need to be aired, thoughts and feelings need to be spoken about as resentment builds which can fester I am so pleased that this has had a positive outcome with a step in the right direction . I know that we are all upset by their behaviour , but I really felt for your son being very upset . They have just been blind not knowing or understanding the consequences of their actions and how it affects everthing and everyone. I recall my son sobbing and sobbing, truly heartbreaking.

on a positive note he appears to be in a good place and I am too. However like you I am very busy, work, etc also I have elderly parents that keeps my mind thinking about other things. Thats not to say that in the silent dark of night the demons and my thoughts do not run wild! They do and boy do I struggle.


its so exhausting supporting another who is in this situation isn't it, keep trying to encourage them to plan ahead , and also travelling that round trip 350 to help them sort out their house etc. i would be at breaking point you are truly an amazing individual , you are supporting him so much. i am hlad you have been able to go walking to recharge your batteries.

regarding my music, my tutor is half my age and sometimes I lose the plot when he is explaining things. Its a sign that I am not so quick at learning things but feel fab when he gives me praise and encouragement .

hope you both have a good day tomorrow

maij x

Edited Mon February 14, 2022 11:22pm

Smile through tears

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Posted Wed February 16, 2022 8:55pmReport post

I think going for a walk to blow off the cobwebs could be fun over the next couple of days ladies!!!!!!

Upset mum

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June 2020

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Posted Wed February 16, 2022 9:07pmReport post

Hi Smile

Hope your doing ok

I took my dog out earlier to clear the cobwebs and yep it definitely did that! xx

Smile through tears

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Posted Wed February 16, 2022 9:21pmReport post

Yep doing good thanks x be a windy walk tomo!

Hope you and yours ok :)

Upset mum

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Posted Wed February 16, 2022 9:47pmReport post

Hi Smile

Were ok hanging on in there x :-)

Smile through tears

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Posted Sun February 20, 2022 9:50amReport post

Quick smile, light relief - my pal is SO funny - she said these storms are Boris's doing, put in place to distract from all his parties!!!!!

if that's the case is Mother Nature in the Conservative party??????

How's everyone coping with the weather, for those with kiddies been a miserable half term x


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Posted Sun February 20, 2022 10:51amReport post

Hope everyone is OK! It's been wild here, quite exhilarating to be out in and cosy when I'm inside :-) Stay safe all xx


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Posted Sun February 20, 2022 2:51pmReport post

Hi everyone

Longggg walk with friends and the dawgies! Today continues to be very windy but enjoyable. We live only a few hundred metres from the sea, surprisingly I was told it hasn't been that wild but I didn't venture down there to see the sea. Large trees taken out in neighbours garden down the road but thankfully fell into the garden, over the wall across the road ! No-one hurt.

just watched a replay of the curling, well done to both the ladies and men! Particularly the ladies, well done getting gold !!! Girl power! We keep saying on here we've got a lot of that
Enjoy your weekend .

maij x

Upset mum

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June 2020

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Posted Sun February 20, 2022 3:56pmReport post

Afternoon Ladies

Not to bad here but has not stopped raining so my dog is sulking as no walk as yet today

Had a visit with my son it's so nice to be able to give him a good hug x

Home now with a latte xx

Hope you are all ok x

Smile through tears

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September 2021

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Posted Sun February 20, 2022 7:31pmReport post

I don't talk to my lad on a Sunday and how I miss not hearing his voice.....

i think storm Franklin is worse than Eunice (Midlands). The wind has been quite frightening at times this afternoon.

A very long walk for your four legged friend tomo Upset!


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Posted Sat February 26, 2022 12:01pmReport post

Hi everyone ,

its such a glorious sunny day I just hope everyone grabs an opportunity today whilst on this journey and in this midst mad world of powerful people distabing the lives of innocent people(sad face) you can do something nice for youself and your family, we must cherish those moments

I enjoyed a lovely dog walk this morning x

big virtual hug to all

maij x


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Posted Sat February 26, 2022 12:58pmReport post

Hi Maij and everyone

What beautiful weather! Hope everyone is OK. News from the Ukraine is dreadful, isn't it - I shed a tear reading about it yesterday and seeing the devastation to people's lives.

I seem to be having a bad couple of days, not for any specific reason, sometimes it just grips me randomly. However, I'm still trying to focus on the nice things and am keeping busy.

Happy sunny Saturday all! xx

Upset mum

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June 2020

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Posted Sat February 26, 2022 2:09pmReport post

Afternoon All

A beautiful sunny day here just back from a long walk now chilling with a cuppa x

Vist with my lad tomorrow so looking forward to a hug.

It's awful watching the news those poor people and the destruction that is happening before our eyes so sad xx

Hope you are all keeping ok x

Smile through tears

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September 2021

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Posted Sat February 26, 2022 7:47pmReport post

It was lovely to see and feel sunshine at last..... it really lightens everyone's mood doesn't it?

Hope your visit goes well Upset. My boy is ok, at the moment hoping for a single cell, he gets on ok with his mate but says he needs space so he can concentrate on his studies. As and when he gets his classes that is!!!!!

I really really miss him so much - it's so bloody hard at times isn't it? I'm so glad I can confide in this forum, it can be a lonely place to be even 18 months on :(

Hearing his voice (like the sunshine) lightens my mood. Still hey ho, that's where we are at....

Edited Sat February 26, 2022 9:09pm


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Posted Sat February 26, 2022 8:18pmReport post

Hi smile, upset, lola

So glad the are seeing your boys and talking to them hoping they and you are coping the best you can under the circumstances, its surprising how your mood affects how you feel and cope with things xx

hoping you all have a lovely positive weekend .

lola I do hope you have a better day tomorrow x

maij x

Edited Sat February 26, 2022 8:26pm

Smile through tears

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Posted Sat February 26, 2022 9:18pmReport post

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Edited Sat March 19, 2022 6:28am


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Posted Sun February 27, 2022 1:47amReport post

Ahh smile, I understand me to , big hug

maij x

Smile through tears

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Posted Sun February 27, 2022 7:22amReport post

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Edited Mon February 28, 2022 4:52am


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Posted Sun February 27, 2022 9:14amReport post

Hi lovely ladies

Upset - hope your visit goes well, Smile - hope your husband is OK, Maij - hope you get a nice walk today.

It's a beautiful morning here and we're all off to a photo exhibition - husband, son and I.

Happy Sunday everyone xx

Upset mum

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June 2020

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Posted Mon February 28, 2022 2:47pmReport post

Hi Ladies

The visit was good the best thing is I get to hug him the worst part is leaving him but it is what it is for now xx

Smile I feel your pain I hope when he is moved it is still not that far away so I can still see him but we have to wait and see and yes you are right in the fact no one can ever stop us from loving them we brought them in to the world and as much a I hate what he has done I will be by his side there is no right or wrong in this we do what is best for us

Sending hugs to you all xx

Smile through tears

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Posted Mon February 28, 2022 3:01pmReport post

Thanks Upset -glad you had a nice visit.

The way I look at it, this situation is not perfect, I miss my boy SO much and dream of just a single hug. But it's just where we are at this moment in time. Infact I think we have better conversations than when he lived at home!!!!!

Upset mum

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Posted Mon February 28, 2022 3:07pmReport post

Hi Smile

It is ok for us for now but may not be as easy after sentancing all depends on where he is sent x

I am exactly like you I have spoken more to my son in the last 6 months since been on remand that I have ever done not for the want of trying believe me he just shut himself off and wouldn't talk it's so sad as had we known the help would have been there sooner and may not have ended up in this mess x

Smile through tears

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Posted Wed March 2, 2022 4:51pmReport post

Oh yes Upset and your 'if only's' match mine 100%! We have a lot in common x

just had an amazing conversation with me boy, got on to taking about the strange ingredients in the prison spring rolls. Laugh - I does me the power of good to come off a call like that :)

Edited Wed March 2, 2022 4:53pm

Upset mum

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Posted Wed March 2, 2022 5:33pmReport post

Evening Smile

So glad to hear you had a good phone call with your boy it just makes such a difference dosent it x

Dont get me started on the food! Lol x

He said he is desperate for a slice of toast simple things eh xx

Hope your ok xx

Smile through tears

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September 2021

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Posted Wed March 2, 2022 6:01pmReport post

Upset - not too bad thanks, usual 'moments'!

My boy misses his Chinese curry and was very jealous of our fish'n'chip lunch today.....

Upset mum

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Posted Wed March 2, 2022 6:59pmReport post

Glad to hear your ok Smile it's a rollercoaster of emotions xx

My son has an eating phobia so food is not great for him but he is a lot better in himself mentally as you know he started to self harm like I need more to worry about but he has not done it for a few weeks so I am truly grateful xx

Smile through tears

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Posted Wed March 2, 2022 7:12pmReport post

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Edited Thu March 3, 2022 12:55pm

Upset mum

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Posted Wed March 2, 2022 7:13pmReport post

Thank you Smile xx


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Posted Wed March 2, 2022 9:10pmReport post

Hi smile and upset

so pleased you are having some good times with your sons to lighten the load. I was wondering can't you facetime them on a prison computor or is that not allowed? Just a thought as I have to FT my mum whos in care and currently isolating , she has dementia and we had a good FT experience last week but this week she just didn't want to know me at all, its so sad but you can't help smiling about it .

maij x


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Posted Wed March 2, 2022 9:16pmReport post

Oh and I did some retail therapy as spring is upon us I bought FCUK brighly coloured shirts one red and the other bright green!! Trying to get away from the greys, whites n blacks that i usually wear . They're gonna see me coming! Lol

maij x

Upset mum

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Posted Thu March 3, 2022 9:08amReport post

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Edited Thu March 3, 2022 1:10pm

Upset mum

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Posted Thu March 3, 2022 9:08amReport post

Morning Maij

Yes we have what's called a purple visit usually once a month as I visit him currently 3 times a month but he can have 2 Purple a month x

Glad to hear you had some retail therapy just little things can make a difference xx

Smile through tears

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Posted Thu March 3, 2022 10:17amReport post

I just wish I was more confident with the technology! I have no one to turn to if I get in a mess, so miss out in a few options of keeping in touch.


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Posted Thu March 3, 2022 12:27pmReport post

Hi ladies, glad to hear you're all doing OK. Love the retail therapy Maij, your shirts sound lovely! xx

Smile through tears

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Posted Thu March 3, 2022 12:47pmReport post

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Edited Thu March 3, 2022 9:05pm

Upset mum

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Posted Thu March 3, 2022 1:09pmReport post

Hi Smile

Setting up purple visit is not to bad you just download the app and it gives you a guide xx but it can be a bit daunting at first xx

Smile through tears

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Posted Thu March 3, 2022 1:16pmReport post

E mails is about my limit upset xxxxx


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Posted Thu March 3, 2022 3:09pmReport post

Smile, you'll definitely do it again and it will be so special when it happens xx

Smile through tears

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Posted Sun March 13, 2022 5:03pmReport post

Today I spoke to a fella I hardly know. He told me he was unhappy with his living conditions and had considered taking his own life, he was so miserable.

He told me about his grown up children and grandchildren - having gone through a suicide in our family I talked to him how it had affected all our lives, the devastation which was ongoing.

He went on to thank me - which made me feel really proud, that lovely feeling of helping another person. I really pray I offered him a helping hand - don't we all need this at times ?

Edited Sun March 13, 2022 5:16pm

Upset mum

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Posted Sun March 13, 2022 5:43pmReport post

Evening Smile,

Just a small act of kindness can really make a difference I hope the poor man can see that his life is worth so much more, I to have lost someone so close to suicide and still live with the pain x

I have always had empathy towards people but this journey has made me more aware x

I hope you are keeping as well as can be xx


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Posted Sun March 13, 2022 5:49pmReport post

That's so lovely Smile - I'm sure you made a big difference to his day. This process certainly has taught me awareness and empathy for others xx

Smile through tears

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Posted Sun March 13, 2022 7:35pmReport post

Yep all ok Upset. My boy is much better In his single and even talking about weaning off anti depressants.....

i hope you and yours are bearing up.

Yes Lola - going through all this has definately made me a stronger more understanding person.

Edited Sun March 13, 2022 7:40pm


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Posted Mon March 14, 2022 12:44amReport post

Hi Smile,

It sounds like you changed the course of that chaps day and made him seriously think about his life choices and when that happened you must have felt that you really helped him . Having a listening ear is sometimes all it takes, sometimes individuals just want to be heard and he was thankful for that . Infact you both helped each other that day , knowing that you have helped someone puts a spring in your step , so smile give yourselve some praise because when you are going through what we are/have depending on how you feel, its hard to think of others and you set youself aside and listened to him and shared an experience too, showing him empathy x

maij x

Smile through tears

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Posted Mon March 14, 2022 3:51amReport post

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Edited Sat March 19, 2022 6:25am


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Posted Sat March 19, 2022 1:26amReport post

Hi all,

just thought I'd catch up with you all to see how you are doing, hoping that you are finding time for self fulfillment and doing things that you enjoy.

I'm having a busy time at work, catching up on clinics, doing more infact to address the back log, it dosen't solve the problem immediately but we are gradually getting through our waiting list . So I am off next week on hols, my dads 90th Birthday. We are having a drop in celebration so that fam n friends can pop in through the day , should be nice to catch up with them, its been so long now. Then a get together with a friend for a long overdue bike ride and lunch.

I have a date for the inform plus course so looking forward to starting that although alittle nervous x

i do hope you are all keeping well

maij x

Edited Sat March 19, 2022 1:28am

Smile through tears

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Posted Sat March 19, 2022 6:17amReport post

Lovely to see this thread at the top of the list. Let's have a bit of refresh!!!!!

Enjoy Maij - and happy birthday to your dad. Bike ride and lunch just the job :)

I woke up to a 'light' start to hear the birds in full song, what a wonderful sound it is. Looks like a beautiful day.......

All ok for me - had a lovely time with my grand kiddies yesterday, watch them dance with each other - till the inevitable happened and the squabbling started!!! I remember my two like that, I say with a sigh but hey ho, it is what it is!

You ladies breathe deep and enjoy the weekend xxxxxx

Edited Sat March 19, 2022 6:19am


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Posted Sat March 19, 2022 9:05amReport post

Hi ladies

Happy birthday to your dad Maij. Beautiful weather, spring has arrived!

My daughter came home from uni last weekend which was fabulous; Christmas was a bit strained and she struggled with it so she wanted to visit us now that she knows things are better between me and my son (her brother). We had a nice weekend and, dare I say it, things almost felt 'normal'. A good, positive step.

Have a lovely weekend all xx

Upset mum

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June 2020

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Posted Sat March 19, 2022 2:13pmReport post

Hi Ladies,

Glad to hear your doing ok and have had a good few things to keep you busy x

Ahh happy Birthday to your dad what a great age enjoy the celebrations

I have literally blitzed the house today and washing hung outside now time for a cuppa

My inform course starts next week x

Enjoy the rest of this beautiful day xx


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Posted Sat March 19, 2022 11:15pmReport post


Thanks you for my dads Birthday wishes , longevity runs in the family he had 3 sisters all lived to late 80s and late 90s, so if all goes well I've got a few years left lolol !

i have spent today tidying his garden and planting it with brightly coloured flowers, my dad loves flowers.

smile and Lola , yes spring is upon us, the sound of the birds, show of daffodils, tulips and budded leaves starting to grow, I just love this time of year , new beginnings so they say !

blitzing the house is synonymous with spring too upset mum, I spent time blitzing my bathroom , had to stand back and admire it (saddo) before my adult kids trashed it again! Whats the saying, oh yes "I wouldn't want it any other way" but in reality "I would" lolol

lola, how wonderful to have your daughter back from uni and I am so pleased you had a lovely time with her and I am also pleased things are better between you and your son - big hug.

smile, I too remember those times with the kids playing, also play fighting always ends up sqabbling and in tears! And like you I take a deep sigh, its a long time ago and I'm wondering how did we end up here. But thats where we are and we have and are surviving this journey.

upset mum please let us know how you get on, doing the inform plus course x

Enjoy your weekend ladies

hugs to all maij x


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Posted Sun March 20, 2022 7:01amReport post

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Edited Tue October 24, 2023 9:12am

Upset mum

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Posted Sun March 20, 2022 11:04amReport post

Morning Ladies,

It certainly is the small things that keep us going and knowing we are on the same journey just different stages makes this forum so important to us,

Having this thread shows how strong we really are and the support is really reassuring

I have a visit with my son today so my chance to hug him tightly xx

The sun is out here so time for a cuppa

Take care xx

Smile through tears

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September 2021

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Posted Sun March 20, 2022 5:56pmReport post

Hope today went well Upset x

Upset mum

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Posted Sun March 20, 2022 6:42pmReport post

Evening Smile,

It is always full of mixed emotions seeing him happy because we get to hug but always difficult to leave :-( xx

Hope your ok and your son is doing well xx

Smile through tears

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Posted Mon March 21, 2022 10:51amReport post

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Edited Thu March 24, 2022 4:41am


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Posted Wed March 23, 2022 8:24amReport post

Hi Smile and upset , hoping that you are having some good virtual times with your sons , smile i do hope your sons move isn't too far and that you too can see him soon - when they are home that will be a celebration to be had xxx

as you know my dad was 90 And we managed to get him and his sister together she's 96 it was so lovely they hadn't seen very much of each other through the pandemic , quite emotional and yes I had a cry, seeing all the family together . But a joyous occasion and a lovely memory .

i do hope you are all enjoying this wonder sunshine

xx maij xx

Upset mum

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June 2020

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Posted Wed March 23, 2022 3:43pmReport post

Hi Maij,

Aww how lovely glad the day went well for your dad and wow 96 fabulous ages of them both I can imagine how lovely but emotional the day was x

Glad your doing ok

I really feel for Smiles boy hopefully she will let us know that he is ok ,

The sun has been out all day but stuck in the office working but it keeps my mind pre occupied x

I had a visit with my son last sunday and we have another one this Sunday ( mothers day)

This will be the last visit for a while as sentancing in nearing :-( but then we know what we are dealing with)

Hugs xx

Edited Wed March 23, 2022 7:56pm


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Posted Wed March 23, 2022 8:00pmReport post

Hi upset

I am hoping for a positive outcome for you and your son, I am assuming the time spent on remand is taken off the eventual sentence!!!? I do hope thats the case also for you things will be alittle clearer knowing what you are dealing with. Hug! Xx

glorious day today, walking the dog twice meeting a friend for a chat n coffee. I realised when I got home, that I had eaten a cupcake For breakfast, chocolate brownie for lunch and a slice of chocolate cake at 3pm whilst walking the dog again, how bad is that!!! Left overs from the party! Really terrible ! Not good for my figurrrr! Lol - as the say "moment on the lips lifetime on the hips!!" But hey! I did enjoy all 3 lol

maij xx

Upset mum

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June 2020

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Posted Wed March 23, 2022 8:39pmReport post

Hi Maij,

Glad you have had a good day and stuff the calories lol

It's such a shame we dont have the ability to meet up could you imagine we would probably spend all the time chatting so would have the opportunity to eat any cakes lol xx

Smile through tears

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September 2021

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Posted Thu March 24, 2022 4:40amReport post

Cakes - who said cakes!!!!!

I so want to Thankyou girls for helping me out - supporting me with my latest drama. I was in a terrible state waiting for the phone to ring yestetday. I'd had no sleep, eyes swollen from crying, headache and just right back to square one.

just to hear his voice chirpy it was like winning the lottery (I felt instantly happier). One good aspect hubby and I DID talk and he actually also looked relieved hearing my son had phoned and was ok.

Today I intend to chill - get outside and enjoy a bit of sunshine, hopefully yes eat cake and soak up some rays.

have a good day all my smashing friends on here xxxxxxxxxx I say with a big squeeze....

Edited Thu March 24, 2022 4:43am


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Posted Thu March 24, 2022 6:26amReport post

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Edited Tue October 24, 2023 9:12am


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Posted Thu March 24, 2022 9:10amReport post

What a beautiful morning, and lovely to hear from you all :-)

Maij, so glad to hear that the birthday celebrations were a success and definitely stuff the calories. There's a great line that Jonathan Ross once used 'there were people on the Titanic that waved away the profiteroles'!!

Smile, you've had an awful time but I'm glad you've spoken to both son and husband.

Upset Mum, lovely to have your visits to look forward to. And Daffodil, come back with deep and insightful when you've had your coffee!!!!

I've had a great week - a trip to the theatre with a friend (more importantly a friend who KNOWS) and a day in London with a concert at the 02. Lots of time with my horse in this lovely weather, and we're going away this weekend for my husband's birthday.

As always, you fabulous women are the lifeline and comfort that I'm not alone. As Upset said, wouldn't it be great if we could meet for coffee and cake and therapy!

Love to all xx

Upset mum

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June 2020

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Posted Thu March 24, 2022 4:07pmReport post

Hi Lola, Smile, Maij

How.lovely would it be to sit in a pub garden with you all chatting and drinking :-)

Lola glad you have had a good week and managed to get a few nice busy days x

Smile hope your boy is doing ok today and a bit more settled x

Maij have you eaten all the cake as yet? :-)

Another beautiful day I might even cut the grass! Or maybe leave it for tomorrow xx

Smile through tears

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September 2021

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Posted Thu March 24, 2022 6:41pmReport post

Oh pub garden - nice pint of beer / feeling the sunshine ..... roll on weekend.

you are so kind upset. My lad was fine today - he'll remain in the induction wing as it's in lockdown (Covid cases). He said the place is really nice with very nice staff.

All I want for him is to continue to gain confidence, work hard on his path to rehabilitation and feel safe wherever he is.

I really shall be thinking about you next week x

Upset mum

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Posted Thu March 24, 2022 7:15pmReport post

Hi Smile,

So glad he is doing ok and at least where he has been moved to has some positives x

I am sure he will continue to grow in himself x

I had an idea earlier how good it would be if we on here could write in to each others sons or partners just to give them a perspective of how we are interested in there well being etc I know that is not possible but I know my son would be grateful from hearing about they are not alone in this journey, he has just myself and his amazing sister on the outside to talk to but he says we say good things to him because we are family,



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Posted Thu March 24, 2022 8:13pmReport post

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Edited Tue October 24, 2023 9:12am

Upset mum

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Posted Thu March 24, 2022 8:20pmReport post

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Edited Fri March 25, 2022 4:48pm

Upset mum

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Posted Thu March 24, 2022 8:20pmReport post


Your words are so true x

We were all strangers that found ourselves here a group that no one wants to be in but yet we have all formed a special bond, to offer advise to be supportive but most of all non judgemental x

You are all amazing xx

Smile through tears

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Posted Sat March 26, 2022 6:48amReport post

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Edited Mon April 4, 2022 1:55am


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Posted Sat March 26, 2022 8:09amReport post

Enjoy your relaxing time Smile - you really deserve it.

It's my husband's birthday so we're going away for a long weekend, as a family - and I'm really looking forward to it. Last time we were away as a family was two days post-knock when we were all in shock, my son was suicidal, the weather was hideous and the pandemic was in full force so all indoor restaurants were shut - it's got to be better than that right?!!!!

Happy weekend everyone xx


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Posted Sun April 3, 2022 8:25pmReport post

Hi everyone

hope you are all doing okay. Lola hope you had a lovely weekend away for your hubbies birthday! The weathers improving springs here although sometimes very cold. Its lovely to see individuals out enjoying family time ! That is so important xxx

I hope you all had a lovely mothers day! I went to see "stormzy" he was brilliant we had a lovely time , I must have been the oldest there lol

now we are approaching Easter, all the kids off, the clocks have gome forward and the evenings lighter. Time for early even dog walks and a tipple on the beach before coming home xx

Smile through tears

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September 2021

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Posted Fri April 15, 2022 10:41amReport post

Hi ladies......

it's Easter, it's sunny...... take a breath, for me 5 days off work - today, shopping then the beer garden looms xxxx happy Easter to my Forum friends. x

happy birthday Lee x

Edited Fri April 15, 2022 10:58am

Upset mum

Member since
June 2020

2350 posts

Posted Fri April 15, 2022 11:53amReport post

Hi Smile,

Hope all is ok with you Happy Easter and enjoy the pub garden have a drink for me xx

Lee1969 Happy Birthday hope you have a wonderful day with all your loved ones xx

Smile through tears

Member since
September 2021

2489 posts

Posted Fri April 15, 2022 3:51pmReport post

Think about you often Upset - Hows things?

Upset mum

Member since
June 2020

2350 posts

Posted Fri April 15, 2022 9:10pmReport post

Evening Smile

Were ok thank you still no date on his sentancing the wait is just so painful x

I have a visit Sunday so a long overdue hug is needed xx

Hope your son is doing ok and that you are also ok xx

Smile through tears

Member since
September 2021

2489 posts

Posted Fri April 15, 2022 9:22pmReport post

Hi Upset - Glad your bearing up and hope your visit goes well on Sunday x I feel your worry as you wait for a date :(

My lad is ok - moved in a single now. They've had an outbreak of Covid - hopefully after Easter things will begin to open up.

miss him dreadfully but I'm ok. X you are kind.......

Edited Fri April 15, 2022 9:22pm

Upset mum

Member since
June 2020

2350 posts

Posted Fri April 15, 2022 10:14pmReport post

Evening Smile

Glad to hear he is ok apart from the covid outbreak its rife in prison at the moment x it must be a relief for him to have his own space that is so important x

It's so crap we just want to know what we are dealing with as much as I dont want it we need to know x

I will give my son an extra tight hug for all us mums x

Take care and hope enjoyed the pub garden today xx

Smile through tears

Member since
September 2021

2489 posts

Posted Sat April 16, 2022 5:53amReport post

Upset - my sons case (as I've no doubt said before) was done and dusted quite quickly with a couple of cancellations along the way. So we were lucky. It seems hell for you ladies playing this waiting game, I really feel for you all.
Covid is certainly rife in prison, he's tested positive three times, thankfully not ill with it.

It was lovely to relax and feel the sun on our faces yesterday, does affect your mood x

Come on ladies, positivity - what does Easter hold for you?

Edited Sat April 16, 2022 5:56am

Upset mum

Member since
June 2020

2350 posts

Posted Sat April 16, 2022 10:50amReport post

Morning Smile,

No plans for the few day apart from enjoying the beautiful sunshine, a bit of gardening today.x

Hope you have a good few days xx