Which address gets printed
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Apologies if this has already been answered somewhere, I tried to do a search but couldn't find the answer.
My partner is still at home. We're not officially still together and haven't truly decided to stay or go. He is RUI and it's still very early days, only got the knock in December.
One thing I have worried about is what address will be printed if it goes in the media. If the relationship ends completely and he moves out, will the courts and media list his address of where he lived when he was arrested, or his current address?
He's thinking of moving out of the area to give himself a fresh start
Apologies if this has already been answered somewhere, I tried to do a search but couldn't find the answer.
My partner is still at home. We're not officially still together and haven't truly decided to stay or go. He is RUI and it's still very early days, only got the knock in December.
One thing I have worried about is what address will be printed if it goes in the media. If the relationship ends completely and he moves out, will the courts and media list his address of where he lived when he was arrested, or his current address?
He's thinking of moving out of the area to give himself a fresh start
We had two articles printed. One with current address and one with my address (where offending happened). I don't know why they varied both were read out in court.
We had two articles printed. One with current address and one with my address (where offending happened). I don't know why they varied both were read out in court.
how do they know both addresses ?
my partner has moved out, changed everything to new address and I am wondering if they will only print his new address too?
my partner has moved out, changed everything to new address and I am wondering if they will only print his new address too?
When my partners story was in the paper which was October. It stated he gave... Then the address, as his bail address. It never said who's address it was or whether he lived there just that it was his bail address.
I hope it doesn't get printed, fingers crossed
When my partners story was in the paper which was October. It stated he gave... Then the address, as his bail address. It never said who's address it was or whether he lived there just that it was his bail address.
I hope it doesn't get printed, fingers crossed
I'm sorry to say that my address was printed in the press when my ex partners case was reported. He was arrested at my address although it was not his home address. This has caused problems with my neighbours. I have complained to the police (who wrote the original article on their website which was reproduced in the press) . They did amend the article but by then the damage was done. I have seen on another post that you can request through the solicitors that your address is not used. I wish I had known that.
I really can't understand why the police are allowed to publish information that can identify innocent members of the public. We seem to be treated as collateral damage. I feel as if I am being punished for something someone else has done as if it's not hard enough coming to terms with what he did. It's a double punishment
I really can't understand why the police are allowed to publish information that can identify innocent members of the public. We seem to be treated as collateral damage. I feel as if I am being punished for something someone else has done as if it's not hard enough coming to terms with what he did. It's a double punishment
Northern Rose,
The same thing happened to me and my young children. The case was plastered everywhere by the Police 6 weeks after sentencing. The reason they report the case with the photo, name etc, is because they want to see if anyone comes forward who has been abused in person by the offender. If might stop people coming forward if it wasn't reported on. X
The same thing happened to me and my young children. The case was plastered everywhere by the Police 6 weeks after sentencing. The reason they report the case with the photo, name etc, is because they want to see if anyone comes forward who has been abused in person by the offender. If might stop people coming forward if it wasn't reported on. X
OH case hit the press day after sentencing!
they listed old address of where he was arrested and his current address (where he did live before prison).
It was on police Facebook page, the Court and local papers.......had his photo, name, age and street name and town.
they listed old address of where he was arrested and his current address (where he did live before prison).
It was on police Facebook page, the Court and local papers.......had his photo, name, age and street name and town.
We have had both (offending address and our home. I wasnt with him when he offended)
They gave every detail of our home which i am in alone while he serves time
They gave every detail of our home which i am in alone while he serves time
How are they allowed to do that I am so scared for my children
Lifeisover - they do it because they believe that the person has contact offended so they publish details so that victims can come forward. Its hard do argue against that. we become secondary victims.
Jayjay They know both addresses because they will be mentioned in court. The press are allowed to publish and repeat anything that is mentioned in court, unless the Judge says otherwise, which they won't.
hi guys
I'm really worried that when my OH case comes to court that they will print my address as he was arrested from my home even though he's not living here with me anymore I tried to contact the PO dealing with his case and asked them not to publish my address as I was scared for my own safety as I'm living on my own that was over a month ago and he still hasn't replied to my email. I'm really scared of what will happen if it is published and how it's going to affect my job but I guess that's just another bit. I'm gonna have to cross when it happens why can't they not just think about the wider circle of people it's going to affect before they offend x
I'm really worried that when my OH case comes to court that they will print my address as he was arrested from my home even though he's not living here with me anymore I tried to contact the PO dealing with his case and asked them not to publish my address as I was scared for my own safety as I'm living on my own that was over a month ago and he still hasn't replied to my email. I'm really scared of what will happen if it is published and how it's going to affect my job but I guess that's just another bit. I'm gonna have to cross when it happens why can't they not just think about the wider circle of people it's going to affect before they offend x
Stancat- I completely understand your fears. When I went through this the first time 7 years ago, they printed everything they could about my ex including the address road that we lived in as a family with children. I'm about to go through it all again and I'm so so scared. It's not far the worst aspect for my son and I. I really hope your case doesn't get exposed. X
Hi Stan, my son moved back home with me on the night of his arrest. He registered our address with the police prior to receiving his charges and also used it for his solicitor, probation etc. The only address used by court and published by the media was that address, the address he was living at when he went to court. There was no mention of the address he had lived at when he was arrested which is the address his ex wife and children still live at.