Family and Friends Forum


Member since
December 2021

695 posts

Posted Thu February 3, 2022 5:34pmReport post

So somebody has told partners employer and an urgent meeting has been called.

He does not require a DBS, he does not work with or near children, he has not been charged or arrested. Nothing in his contract to say he has to disclose anything. Solicitor advised to to disclose until charged. Evidence is with CPS.

social worker says it's not her. Who and why would, CPS, Police, no body else knows? What if it comes back as NFA and the damage is already done.
I'm devatsted I need him in work as long as possible financially and for mental health


Member since
July 2019

394 posts

Posted Thu February 3, 2022 9:24pmReport post

I'm soo sorry to hear this Jay, having them bringing in money and going to work is a massive part. Hopefully because it's an urgent meeting things can be sorted without you and hun wondering what is happening, is he in a union? It's also worth looking on unlock for advice.

I'm not sure they will tell you where it came from which will probably be really annoying.

You can do this lovley you will get out the other end this is just a bump in the roads x


Member since
December 2021

695 posts

Posted Thu February 3, 2022 11:10pmReport post

they haven't given him any time to prepare or contact union, solicitor etc, got notice tonight to attend first thing. I will ask oic. 2 friends know but I'm 99.9% sure it won't be them. He's a mess, I'm worried. I knew it would come one day but thought we'd be able to prepare. He hasn't even been charged or arrested x


Member since
July 2021

874 posts

Posted Thu February 3, 2022 11:14pmReport post

Oh no that's such a kick in the teeth. I would definitely push to find out who has said something because without a valid reason surely it's a breach of GDPR and at the very least malicious. Make sure you document everything from phonecalls to meetings from now and date things in case you need to reference it in future. I have documented all encounters and conversations regarding this journey and it may be a saving grace. I hope the meeting goes well, sending love xx


Member since
December 2021

695 posts

Posted Sat February 5, 2022 4:51pmReport post

Thank you for your support ladies. So turns out there is a 17 year old apprentice within the company! (Partner doesn't even know who or how old anyone is) therefore social services informed employer.
As it happens, his manager was so so supportive, they've followed protocol and put restrictions in place for him not to be near the apprentice, I'm just so thankful he gets to keep earning money for a little longer as he probably will be let go once charged x


Member since
December 2021

695 posts

Posted Sun February 6, 2022 12:30amReport post

Bcos the restrictions they have put in place isn't sustainable long term to enable him to carry out his job, he seems to think that they will let him go on the grounds of putting the company in distribute or gross misconduct x