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Joke of a PLO meeting and another new social worker 14 months after his arrest

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Member since
October 2020

172 posts

Posted Sat February 5, 2022 3:16pmReport post

So after months of waiting I had my 2nd PLO meeting my original social worker wasn't attending due to illness my new one (who I haven't met yet) was on leave. Just me, my solicitor, head social worker, a stand in social worker and the solicitor representing them.
my solicitor told me I'd get a a decision either the PLO would end or I'd have to go to court to prove to a judge Im a good mum as they don't extend PLO's and wrap them up quickly.
oh no not my joke of a social care team. No paperwork (contract of agreement) sent to either myself or my solicitor , they had so much info wrong in the meeting like my youngests age, they said he wasn't potty trained but he is they also mentioned other stuff that was wrong (I believe she was going off the old report)

my children have not seen there dad since Christmas 2020 but I'm having a hard time proving it and was even told by one of them if I admitted they had seen him then they could accept it work on it and move on I won't admit to something I've not done. I don't want mental health help and that goes against me (only anxiety and mental health I have is when social team are visiting or I have a online meeting with them) so my PLO is now extended to middle March now in the meantime they will send a new contract of agreement out to my solicitor for us to go through and see if we agree (i know if I don't they will say I'm being difficult and not co-operating)

I'm sorry for the long post and ranting on but I'm so angry with them for what little work and preparation they have done on there part they have had months to prepare. I'd like to call them many names with useless and incompetent inserted around swear words but again I can't as it goes against me. I hope my solicitor points the failings out on there part but I don't think she wants to rock the boat and make things more difficult for me.
thanks for reading I don't expect any replies I just needed to vent somewhere where someone would understand how useless social workers are

Also my ex is still waiting to go to court and be charged 14 months after his arrest

Edited Sat February 5, 2022 3:18pm

Upset mum

Member since
June 2020

2350 posts

Posted Sat February 5, 2022 5:50pmReport post

Hi Rusty

I cant offer any advise but just wanted to send you a hug

It must be so hard for you all xx


Member since
November 2020

428 posts

Posted Sat February 5, 2022 7:05pmReport post

Hi rusty

Having the same at the moment they have taken me to plo we had 3 meetings nothing has changed and the manager said last meeting that they have let me and the kids down they have to 14 Feb to sort it all out or I can start my own proceedings against them so I have spoke to the solicitor and we are going to sit tight for that date and then take it from their xx x hold in their hun xx


Member since
October 2020

172 posts

Posted Sun February 6, 2022 7:12amReport post

Thank you so much upset mum for showing u care x

hi vickie do u get the feeling that they had the PLO planned from day one? I do I've always felt that between my child's school and the social workers they had decided I couldn't care for my child and they would be best in the care on the grandparents (my ex-in-laws his parents) they think the sun shines out of the arses of his parents. I've argued if my child's telling school he's seen his dad then it's not through me and maybe it is his parents that are allowing contact not me but no one listens. For the last year I've completely cut my ex out of our lives but again social services think otherwise. Friends and family tell me I'm a great mum but it takes one bad word from school or his parents to social worker or for the social worker to have made her mind up already about something and I'm fighting a loosing battle they don't listen to what I say then wonder why I get angry at them. I hope it all works out for u x


Member since
June 2021

472 posts

Posted Sun February 6, 2022 11:38amReport post

Hi Rusty,

I have you not getting any family that can support u in telling social u have not been seeing ur ex? Sorry if u have told me that before I can't believe how horrible they are being to u. Sending love xxxx


Member since
October 2020

172 posts

Posted Tue February 8, 2022 12:34pmReport post

Thank you dawn I have support but it seems social services have made there mind you about me already.
great news again for u hopefully ours will be over in March 15 months after the arrest x


Member since
June 2021

472 posts

Posted Tue February 8, 2022 1:31pmReport post

Hi Rusty,

I am glad u have some help and I am really sorry u r having a really tuff time, its so unfair. Let's hope that it will all be over in March. You no where I am if u need to chat x


Member since
February 2020

48 posts

Posted Sat April 16, 2022 3:19pmReport post


Any update on your story?

Whats happening with social services x


Member since
February 2020

48 posts

Posted Sun April 17, 2022 8:07pmReport post


Whats the reason for PLO? Have you had SS involved before?