Family and Friends Forum

Can't think of anything else

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Member since
February 2022

95 posts

Posted Sun February 6, 2022 8:32pmReport post


I have only been aware of my family members offence for nearly 2 weeks but he got the knock 21 months ago (June 2020). He has magistrates court date set for 14th February and my family thought it was finally time to tell me now encase it comes out in the media. (I am kind of greatful I didn't know for the last 21 months tbh as its been heartbreaking) and I am so scared he will be named in the paper, its what im worrying the most about.

I know I am in shock and angry to even have to be part of this group and I am sorry for everyone else going through his when its not our fault.

Since I found out I have had terrible anxiety as to what will happen next, I just want to fast forward to better times, if they exist.

I am going to be away over the court date and have told family I don't want to know the outcome but I know deep down its all I will be thinking of. How do I switch my mind off and enjoy some time away.

Any advise will be most welcome



Member since
October 2020

479 posts

Posted Mon February 7, 2022 4:51pmReport post

Hey sadsister,

Srrybyou have been kept in the dark all this time and have little time to adjust. Also sorry you've found yourself here....

21 months is a very long time, can I ask where abouts you are in the country (if you don't mind my asking)... Hampshire/ Surrey / Berkshire/ Herefordshire ... North/ South/ East/ West?

As for your question, my only advice is to keep yourself busy on that day... Fill the day up with all kinds of activities that force you to move, to get up, get out and on with the day.. Keep your phone off and focus on yourself for that day.

That day if for Sadsister, not your family member. Then deal with your feeling ( if you want to) the next day.



Member since
September 2021

16 posts

Posted Mon February 7, 2022 8:21pmReport post

Sadsister, it's so hard but please try to see the reason they haven't told you before now. My son was charged 11 months before we informed the whole family. The only people that knew from

the beginning- one of my sisters, my mum & dad. I didn't tell my other sister( she had younger girls) or any of my in laws. We felt that until we had no choice , we were better not telling (for my sons sake). It's so bloody hard .
I'm fortunate in that all our families have stood by him, but none of his friends. It was reported in 'the digger' a wee shitty Mag before the court case.
your family is trying to protect everyone whilst trying to keep going . It's awful x


Member since
February 2022

95 posts

Posted Mon February 7, 2022 8:36pmReport post


I totally understand why I haven't been told until now. I pleased I haven't had this to worry about for the last 21 months. I am a worrier anyway. I worry about everything, my anxiety is through the roof, trying to keep busy. I have had a very tearful day today. I am worried about what will happen to him on Monday and what will happen with my family. I hate the thought of people finding out. I want to hide away. I feel like people already know something (they don't) but its making me paranoid. Is this normal?

We are in Essex