Family and Friends Forum


Member since
June 2021

195 posts

Posted Tue February 8, 2022 2:09amReport post

My husband's sentencing hearing is due to take place next week. He tells me not to talk about the"final hoop " as he calls it as it stresses him out. But it isn't sentencing that worries me, it is the fact he sees the sentencing as the end of a very unpleasant period of his life whereas I am more worried about what happens afterwards.

The last few weeks there have been indications he is seeking out sexual images on line. Nothing illegal but he is definitely trying to access erotica via auction websites, looking up a profile of a footballer and inadvertently clicked on images of his wife ,the lingerie model. We are signed up to Ever Accountable, which, my porn addict husband says, " has a zero tolerance to porn". Well I thought that was the whole idea.

I have really stuck by my husband despite the repercussions on our finances, jobs and friendships, but I am now getting the feeling that I can't trust him. Can't trust him to work on our relationship, can't trust him not to revert to his old habits, can't trust him with my heart. And possibly the lack of trust can't be overcome no matter how much therapy we have or how many books about sex addiction I read.

I am very scared, probably the most scared since his plea hearing appeared in the press. Usually I am a fixer. I eat problems for breakfast. But I may be unable to fix this.

Edited Tue February 8, 2022 2:14am


Member since
April 2021

644 posts

Posted Tue February 8, 2022 7:15amReport post

Hey there, I know exactly how you feel I broke up with my partner but stayed friends and supported him, one lie and I walk, he knows this it's a deal break even white lies, I do still love him but don't think I can trust him at all still. Go with your gut, in my experience a woman's gut is always right I hope things get a little better soon and you find done peace eventually. He's plea heating tommarow but I'll exprct it to get put back again. Xx


Member since
May 2021

267 posts

Posted Tue February 8, 2022 8:41amReport post

Judith, I'm a fixer too and it's very difficult to be thrown into this hideous world where we're not really sure what we're meant to be fixing or, indeed, if we should even be trying to fix it. Maybe you don't need to fix anything right now? You're bound to feel unsettled with the hearing next week so perhaps sit tight, get past that hurdle and then see what his behaviour is like - then, as NewLady says, trust your gut xx


Member since
June 2021

195 posts

Posted Tue February 8, 2022 10:40amReport post

Thank you ladies, you talk alot of sense. I have never been much of a talker when it comes to my relationships and this is not something one can share with friends. I had an email yesterday from a friend who lived several hundred miles from us. She has two adopted children who we have not seen for two years now due to covid. And she reminded us to come see them and that we are always welcome. But she doesn't know about my husband's offending and I think I just became overwhelmed by everything, knowing the repercussions from his behaviour are many and long lasting.


Member since
June 2021

472 posts

Posted Tue February 8, 2022 1:45pmReport post

Hi Judith,

I just want to say how brave u r putting ur heart on the line to all of us, I no how hard it is sticking with ur hubby when they don't seem to comprehend wat they have put us through. As I have stated before I've been through hel and back and my hubby knows that I won't be doing that a second time, but he hasn't gone near any porn websites or online because he feels that's the best way to stay out of trouble, which I and his first offender manager said that was a good idea but he doesn't want to lose me or the kids and so I think this is wat is keeping from doing this. While it is upto wat u do I think we all understand how hard it is for u, after sticking by him and losing people and it seems wat for as he can't do the simplist of things by not looking at porn, I understand that it is hard if it's an addiction ( obviously I'm no expert on addictions ) but it can be done, he needs to be fighting harder for u.



Smile through tears

Member since
September 2021

2487 posts

Posted Tue February 8, 2022 2:48pmReport post

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Edited Wed February 9, 2022 4:58am


Member since
May 2021

267 posts

Posted Wed February 9, 2022 8:45amReport post

Judith, I want to add that there is no shame in choosing to leave. I've said elsewhere on this forum that I am considering walking away from my son - a very tough decision because, as mothers, we're really not supposed to do that. He's been my world since the day he was born and I am grieving as if he had died. I feel that as a mother I'm far more obligated to stay than if he was my partner, and I'm in awe of the women on here who stick by their partners, but you must do what is right for you x