Family and Friends Forum

Looking at porn still!!

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Member since
May 2021

19 posts

Posted Mon February 14, 2022 1:06pmReport post

My son had the knock over a year ago
& is under investigation for viewing & distributing all catagory images!! It has been hell, such a roller coaster of emotions but coming on here & reading all your words of encouragement & support has helped so much on this awful journey that no one wants to be on!!
My son & I have put accountable to you on all devices & he has recently started looking at porn again, he says they are legal sites & it's ok, but I'm not so sure it's ok!! How can they be realeased with no restrictions it doesn't make sense to me! I'm so confused & don't know what to do?? Please help, any advice would be really appreciated

Many thanks


Member since
July 2021

98 posts

Posted Mon February 14, 2022 1:20pmReport post

Hi Sademma,

You are very right to be concerned and I think that the fact your son is still able to view porn inspite of downloading the accountable app goes to show how accessible it really is and how easy offenders can fall into the "rabbit-hole".

As a suggestion, has he contacted LFF? Lee has also recommended some amazing resources on here such as the videos you can find on "Fight the New Drug" and the book "The Porn Trap". For my partner, these have invaluable toolkits in addressing and opening up to his addiction with Porn. As a more practical measure though, is it possible to contact your internet provider and have blocks to all these sites?



Member since
December 2020

287 posts

Posted Mon February 14, 2022 5:39pmReport post


my son has put blockerX on the internet , this restricts his viewing of all porn. Passwords are needed that are set by me and I am emailed with all sites that he has accessed . He cannot make any chang s to this without going through me.

BlockerX is an effective porn blocker for Android phones. It can also act as a parental control app by helping you keep kids away from adult content. Porn sites / adult content sites are completely blocked across browsers, helping you stay away from adult content and stay productive.

He initiated this himself and it gives us peace of mind that he is not accessing anything whether it be legal porn or not. This also gives us some encouragement about how serious he is about stopping this.

i would recommended it, I would be concerned that if he continues to search, look at pornography , he may access the wrong pathway again. I have known individuals to have a second knock which could lead to a stricture sentence .

best wishes to you all

maij x

Edited Mon February 14, 2022 5:55pm


Member since
October 2020

479 posts

Posted Mon February 14, 2022 7:12pmReport post

Has your son been diagnose or do you suspect it is a porn addiction ?

It's incredibly important to distinguish between someone who cannot look at porn anymore because they have an addiction to porn as a whole and someone who fell down a rabbit hole downloading porn but isn't necessarily addicted ...