Family and Friends Forum


Member since
October 2020

479 posts

Posted Mon February 14, 2022 7:47pmReport post

Heya Everyone,

So I have a big brithday coming up this year, I'm turning one of the big 0 numbers ! I won't say what, mainly so I can lie to myself about getting to another age milestone haha...

I should be happy about it however, I am very concerned and need some advice about how to chat about this with my partner and input from other viewpoints...

My husband and I had a knock 15 coming up 16 months ago... Now these cases where I am are taking about 22-24 months according the local newspapers...

If it does take 2 years, it could very much coincide with my birthday...

I'm quite concerned about this because it's a big one for me... I'm struggling to plan things because I don't know what the outcome will be for him and the ramifications on us doing things for my birthday... I want to have a big party and there would be children there as I have younger family members... I could make it adults only as our wedding was adults only so it wouldn't be out of the ordinary ...

I don't know whether it's worth just not saying anything until we know more, otherwise I'd just be bringing it up to get it off my chest...



Member since
October 2021

26 posts

Posted Mon February 14, 2022 8:52pmReport post

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Edited Thu March 14, 2024 9:42am


Member since
May 2021

199 posts

Posted Tue February 15, 2022 12:55amReport post


i know exactly how you are feeling. It was recently my 30th (though I recon that because I was In lockdown last year it's really only my 29th haha) and we booked and went away on holiday with family for it. But the run up to it was nerve wracking as I wasn't sure if something would happen that would prevent my hubby being able to go.

Personally, I would talk about it. I would let him know your thoughts and get his opinion. If there is one thing I've learned through this is to communicate everything. Have a good chat and he may have been thinking of it too.

In regards to the party. Personally if it's not that far away, I'd book it. We cannot put our lives on hold because of our men and their mistakes. If he can't be there then ask yourself if you would still want the party? This is what I did with the holiday. As much as I would have been so upset we talked and agreed that my daughter, I and our family members would still go even if he couldn't. So we booked it.