Family and Friends Forum

Return of Mac computers - photos and change of dates

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Member since
February 2021

8 posts

Posted Mon February 14, 2022 8:35pmReport post

Hello All,

Have any of you who own a Mac computer that was returned by the police noticed anything odd about their photos in the Photos app?

I noticed that some of my photos had a different time and date. Sometimes the dates were years wrong. They had the correct dates before they were examined by the police.

Just wondering if anyone else had the same experience.



Member since
July 2019

394 posts

Posted Mon February 14, 2022 9:23pmReport post

Hiya Brianna,

I can't say that I noticed anything different with regards to the Mac which was returned, it's now died so can't recheck. It was weird as you could see they had the search histories all open and it came back really dirty.

I'm guessing as it was returned they didn't need to keep it as evidence so nothing concerning was noted.


Member since
February 2021

8 posts

Posted Tue February 15, 2022 9:51pmReport post

Hello Summer - I'm sorry that your computer came back dirty with the search histories all open. It's not pleasant to have a visual reminder that the police were investigating your device.

One of my computers came back not functioning, and when I opened it up I saw that they had disconnected the hard drive. I guess at one point they had removed it as part of their analysis and never bothered to reattach it.

I found it odd that my photos dates were mixed up post investigation and wonder if anyone else had a similar experience. I've hypothesized that it has something to do with the programs they use to analyze the computers, but wonder if I am way off on that.


Member since
July 2019

394 posts

Posted Tue February 15, 2022 10:02pmReport post

Why did they take Your computer? Seems such variation in some take absolutely everything even from family members others bare minimum?


Member since
February 2021

8 posts

Posted Tue February 15, 2022 11:15pmReport post

They took everything. All my devices. All my children's devices. All my husband's devices. They took every USB key, every CD. Every camera. They even took a broken device.

The illegal was found on a work place computer. But it was a shared computer with an open office. I suppose the police took everything from our home to strengthen their case.

The case was later dropped.


Member since
February 2021

8 posts

Posted Wed February 16, 2022 12:49amReport post

I should add that everything from our home was returned (around 70 items). Everything but our children's computer. The police said there were two images but could not verify if they were actually illegal images (??!!). Our children were very young at the time. There were no charges.

we were told that we could fight this and try and get the computer back. At the time we were mentally drained and traumatized by it all. The computer was also very old. So, we decided not to fight.

big mistkae

i mistakenly assumed that I would get full disclosure on what was found on my children's computer. But no one seems to know. The Crown will not answer my emails. My husband's lawyer does not know as there were no charges. The police just tell me what I already know (2 images that may or may not be image as of child sexual abuse). SS does not know.

I go from telling myself it's nothing and should let it go to being worried that my children were exposed to something horrible. Or concerns over police misconduct.

I have not given up on finding out.


Member since
July 2021

874 posts

Posted Wed February 16, 2022 9:31amReport post

Hey Brianna,

I'm sorry you've had to endure the investigation, it's absolute hell but great to see no further action was taken as it's not something we see much on here! The flip side of that is the continued lack of respect and dignity shown in regards to your devices when nothing has been found. If it's your children's computer they could've been messing about and saved a couple of things totally innocent! It seems in cases like this the Police couldn't care less because being associated with such a taboo subject seemingly strips you of your rights to your belongings which you've worked to pay for. I hope you manage to get it back and get some answers, they can't keep treating people like this!!


Member since
July 2019

394 posts

Posted Wed February 16, 2022 10:23pmReport post

Brianna, I'm really sorry to hear they have been messing you around really pleased to hear case was dropped and you are fighting them on this!
The police totally need pulling up on this still treating you rubbish even though you've not done anything, like they almost know we won't shout that loud incase other hear what our partners have been accused of!

Thier evidence collection stinks thier attitude to us does too I'm exhausted but surely they shouldn't come knocking on our door without knowing exactly what's going on! Sorry for the rant