Family and Friends Forum

Staying at home while under investigation

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Member since
February 2022

29 posts

Posted Tue February 15, 2022 6:15pmReport post

Hi all hope everyone is well.

My partners bail restrictions means he just wasn't allowed to sleep at the family home and have unsupervised contact. He has adhered as advised. My question when bail is up are they likely to then allow him to move back into the family home (in terms of sleeping) whilst he will remain under investigation? or is this likely to be something that SS will put a stop to?

Thank you.

Autumn Gold

Member since
February 2021

25 posts

Posted Tue February 15, 2022 9:07pmReport post

Hi Tina20

I'm so sorry that you find yourself here. How are you? It's early days yet. My husband's bail restrictions were no unsupervised contact with under 18's. The investigating officer allowed him to return to our home the evening of the knock. Next day SS came round and said that husband would be better out of the home until their intial investigation took place. We were allowed supervised contact in the community. Once their intial investigation took place they still said for my husband to remain out of the family home.

Husband was bailed three times, after 1 month extended to 3 more followed by 6 more months, never released under investigation. Husband had to find an alternative place to live during this time. We did however say that we wished to remain a family and they had to do a protective assessment with us both to enable supervised contact within the home during this time.

Have you rang the helpline? They can give you advice and how to deal with SS; there is also the Family Rights Group and Parents protect website.


Member since
July 2019

394 posts

Posted Tue February 15, 2022 9:59pmReport post

Hi Tina

sorry you find yourself here, however this is an amazing group of ladies with a weath of knowledge and support.

In regards to your question if parter can come home, like previously mentioned it depends on bail conditions so if something restricting him comming home then Childrens Services are likely to uphold that even if bail conditions change. The reason for this is Childrens services work on risk and unless they have the evidence that partner does not pose that risk then they will assume it's still the case.

It's really important you keep showing how protective you are as a parent have a look in the search bar around safety plans some ladies have written thier own which have helped with CS. Some cases close quickly with safety in place and come back at sentancing however some have childrens services involvement the whole investigation period. The Family Rights Group website and helpline are very good for supporting with CS

I don't know your background but depending on what he's been arrested for and if he's admitted a problem or guilt and if he's seeking support will all be things they will look at. I'm sure you have looked at loads of posts on here I think I read them all in the early days. Everyone is different even those who have same/similar crime treated completely different.

Huge Hugs to you, enjoy the headspace if you can.