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Social services

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Member since
June 2021

52 posts

Posted Wed February 16, 2022 10:20amReport post

Hi everyone :)

so I had my visit from social services well two visits actually. My question is what can I do to fight something against them? When she was here last week she called me a liar three times, which I am not happy about.

The first lie I've apparently told is that I told the social worker on the phone that I was never ever going to leave my kids dad even when he gets out of prison I'm going to stay with him no matter what. The thing is I remember the full conversation with her on the phone and I said I'm not in a relationship with him but how can I prove that I said that?

second lie I've apparently told is that I have apparently taken my kids to see him in prison. Which I haven't they have had no contact with him for 8 months now. I've told them to check everything with the prison but whether they do or not. I just feel like their out to get me and I've done nothing wrong. They have spoken to my kids at school without another witness there. Can they even do that? I thought there had to be someone else there. Their also going to see the kids dad in prison next week.
I've had enough of all this I don't think I have anymore tears left to cry now ???? sorry for rambling I just need some advice



Member since
June 2021

52 posts

Posted Wed February 16, 2022 10:55amReport post

What makes me laugh is that they know he's not aloud contact yet but wer currently going through the contact process through public protection. I asked her if the phone calls are recorded that they make if they are then listen back to it and stop calling me a liar.

The thing is I was seriously abused for 6 years when I was a child to which they are now using that against me aswell. Which I don't think is very fair either.

I've spoken to the school and I've told them that no meetings are happening without someone else there. She never gave me any notice of seeing the girls she told me she was going after she was done seeing me. The school had 2 weeks notice of the visit. My kids have been questioned three times in 7 months, I'm now going to be refusing anymore questions involving someone touching them because their getting so upset and confused now xx