Family and Friends Forum

What do I know

Member since
July 2021

28 posts

I know this is different for every case but I am aware devices were being looked at about 3 weeks ago and we still have no info. Would my husband be told the results or would he just get charges sent to him? If anything was found would he get a second interview? I'm so confused by it all, I honestly thought devices would take a few days to go through and I would know if anything was found or not by now.

Posted Fri February 18, 2022 8:24amReport post

What do I know

Member since
July 2021

28 posts

My husband got a message from the police asking for a password. I messaged the officer asking if this meant devices were being looked at his response was it appears so and when I asked how long this Might take his response was he was hoping not much longer and he'd promise as soon as he knew anything he'd let me know. So yeah a bit vague which seems to be the general rule in all this. But thank you so much for your response. Think I just need to get used to this waiting game, getting pretty good at it by now ha ha!!

Posted Sat February 19, 2022 7:54amReport post


Member since
July 2021

876 posts

Hey What Do I know,

They asked my partner for his password pretty much straight away and then about 4 months later they called him to ask him about some videos they'd found in a Whatsapp chat he was a part of (weren't iioc but apparently illegal) then about 3 months after that the charges were sent. We have the evidence and the forensics report shows no searches made and the videos in question weren't even watched so God knows why it took so long or why the Police even asked about it. I'll try and have a dig through to see if the forensics report is dated. It does take ages and I think our case was fairly quick compared to some others. My best advice for you right now is (as hard as it is) push it to the back of your mind and continue life as normal, I spent a good few months absolutely beside myself and looking back it was pointless because it didn't change or gain anything if that makes sense, what will be will be and I've already decided I'm staying so I'll just deal with whatever happens when it happens :) xx

Posted Sat February 19, 2022 12:27pmReport post

Quick exit