Family and Friends Forum

Court backlogs

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Chelsea 1

Member since
June 2021

878 posts

Posted Sun February 20, 2022 9:14amReport post


Just a random question.

I wonder now the country is getting back to a even queel how the court backlogs are going along ?



Member since
July 2021

874 posts

Posted Sun February 20, 2022 12:26pmReport post

Our barrister told us yesterday that if we can't manage to get the case dropped we'll have to wait until the end of the year or even early next year for a trial date. That means we won't be able to move forward with any of our plans at a time in life we don't really have time to wait and then if he got found guilty by a jury we'll lose probably another 2-4 years when he goes to jail cos we'll have lost credit by going not guilty. There's not much we can do unfortunately other than try and get on with life as normal, I guess it's what we agree to when we choose to stay.

Chelsea 1

Member since
June 2021

878 posts

Posted Sun February 20, 2022 12:50pmReport post

Hiya Lee.

To be honest I thought the numbers would have been higher than that.


Chelsea 1

Member since
June 2021

878 posts

Posted Sun February 20, 2022 12:51pmReport post

Hiya Baffled.

How the hell you supposed to be going forward and try and rebuild when you have to wait that long.


Chelsea 1

Member since
June 2021

878 posts

Posted Mon February 21, 2022 8:34amReport post

Hiya Lee.

Makes you wonder where our cases are on the list to be done.
