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My personal update - shambolic system

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Member since
July 2021

874 posts

Posted Tue February 22, 2022 1:24pmReport post

Hey guys,

For those who aren't familiar we had the knock in Feb 2021 for communication. Charges posted in December. Not guilty at Magistrates in Jan and now not guilty at Crown yesterday. Not only were the Police absolutely VILE towards myself and my partner they have also told some huge fibs. Looking at their statements regarding the arrest is actually funny but also angering, I don't want to say too much until this is all over but they're all different and one even said my partner went to get a weapon *insert laughing face because where was he getting a weapon from when he was outside with his hands behind his back*. The way they gaslighted me was beyond unforgivable and they will pay for their actions regardless of the outcome.

Anyways, at Crown Court the prosecution admitted they can't even pin the account to my partner - they've tried to say a few accounts are him. They now have a set time to be able to prove it is. How disgraceful is it that we are put through this hell for a year (and beyond) when the idiots haven't even got their facts straight?! Just thought I'd share my disbelief at yet more shocking twists in this journey.


Member since
May 2021

199 posts

Posted Tue February 22, 2022 4:00pmReport post


Good grief! What hell you are going through! Hopefully they just drop everything because they know they haven't got a chance with all the ridiculous "evidence" they have. The judge will see straight through it. Then take all that anger and make they pay for what they have done to you.

Honestly, nothing has made me hate the police more in my life. Bit awkward when half of our family are police officer or ex officers! Haha.

keep strong.


Member since
July 2021

874 posts

Posted Tue February 22, 2022 4:13pmReport post

Yes hopefully, they wasn't impressed at all with the case. I know what you mean haha, I'm always sharing anti-Police stuff and forget I'm actually friends with a couple, I'm sure they're as lovely on the job as they are in real life though. Just boils my blood how they act just as vile as vigilante groups when they're meant to be professional and impartial - especially when the actual nature of the allegations weren't exactly of shock factor considering they will deal with horrendous cases. Thank you xx


Member since
July 2019

394 posts

Posted Tue February 22, 2022 8:55pmReport post

Hi Baffled

I totally get your disbelief about it! I'm not shocked at all with the lack of actual evidence, keep pushing and challenging anything they come up with. Unfortunately is a fight for your life really! I don't understand how incompetent they can be really

Sending hugs hugs hope they haven't been given too long as always seems to be they are given more time to rectify issues however not the case the other way round so much.


Member since
November 2020

87 posts

Posted Tue February 22, 2022 10:00pmReport post

Hi Baffled, unfortunately I'm not shocked, the Police LIE they only care about getting a charge not how they get it or who gets hurt by those lies, it's sad but this whole experience has really made me never trust the police again. Hope you get justice x


Member since
February 2022

8 posts

Posted Tue February 22, 2022 10:15pmReport post

Wow this sounds awful for you all! Especially with going to court twice and being found not guilty but still wanting to push for evidence. I can't believe the police lied too!

Hope that you're keeping strong!


Member since
July 2021

874 posts

Posted Wed February 23, 2022 9:41amReport post

Thank you Summer I know you're in a similar position at the moment and it's so frustrating, I hope your outcome is soon and I keep checking and hoping it's the right one. Sending hugs right back! Xx

Thank you Carmela and Moo! It's really shocking and I'm sharing so others can also question any lies too, I appreciate not every Police force will have officers who behave like criminals but when it comes to crimes like this I think some let their own personal prejudice rule and it's unacceptable. I genuinely questioned for months after the knock my own sanity because I never thought the Police would be capable of lying to the extent they did even though from the offset I found them suspicious, if I had have been more naiive I may have left my partner and turned my back on him at the start because of what they said. Even if he had have been guilty of the inital accusations they also made out he viewed iioc and met with minors, loads of crap. It's such a tough time before you get the evidence because you have to believe everything your partner says and many accused do lie or minimise the truth. I'm just so glad I listened to my intuition or I would've left my best friend to deal with this on his own xx