Family and Friends Forum


Member since
June 2021

76 posts

Posted Wed February 23, 2022 10:48pmReport post

Hi not been on here in a while .. my oh was arrested on june 1st 2021 he finally has a court date 2nd week of march .. still haven't spoken with the solicitor supposed to be this week but pushed to next week I know he's on legal aid but it's really upsetting and frustrating

We have seperated as this is now his 2nd time around I really can't go through this again .. although I am here to help him .. he started the course 7 weeks ago

He is still in the house which has been very challenging to say the least ..

The council were/are trying to find him a house they too are dragging their heels ..

I really needed him out as I have to live here I didn't want my address being in the papers..

Every day is a struggle the noise in my head is deafening I work full time which is a godsend as this is my only constant .

I have no family now I've lost his that's another sad sordid story.. so what ever happens I'm going to be totally on my own

The court case is fir him to plead guilty or not guilty that's all I know ..

I'm really at my wits end I can't believe he has done this again

I'm angry hurt I love him but boy I don't like him !!

But it's over I' so angry he's done this again he has ruined his life and taken me with him AGAIN


Susie ..Scotland


Member since
September 2021

16 posts

Posted Wed February 23, 2022 11:03pmReport post

Suzie it's so hard for you to be going through this again, and by the sound of it alone. Please keep coming on here or give them a call . You are not alone and my prayers & thoughts are with you x


Member since
April 2021

644 posts

Posted Thu February 24, 2022 2:55pmReport post

Hi suzie we are at tgat point too, been put back twice last time never even heard from solicitors, still hvnt, apparently they still have the evidence, he had charges in Nov 2 of which we are contesting, mine has moved out but I'm still supporting him because I know he's a good person (communication with 14 year year olds he was arrested for) was a decoy thank goodness. Coukd he not rent a room or go into a hostel a whole? You've got so much pressure on you, just put yourself first for now. I'm totally on my own too apart from my older children, even they don't know the full scale of what happened. We are here from you, so come rant whenever you feel like it, we understand. Have you tried the helpline yet? They can be really helpful also I found my gp helpful I gjt ciu selling and I'm on meds. God knows where I'd be without them. Xx

Upset mum

Member since
June 2020

2350 posts

Posted Thu February 24, 2022 4:30pmReport post

Hi Susie65

I agree with the other comments the ladies have said please be kind to yourself easier said than done I know x

Please keep updating us as to how you are take care x


Member since
June 2021

76 posts

Posted Thu February 24, 2022 11:10pmReport post

Thank you ladies for taking the time to comment and tell me your story too

We are in Scotland the law is different here

I will support him I just can't be married to him anymore (not going to.divorce him any time soon) but I can't live with him anymore I'm sad it's come to this I'm 57 this year it's not how I thought it would be that's fur sure

I gave up everything fir him and this is how he treats me

I know NOW that he has issues we have been together 17 years he's never ever mentioned the abuse.. not once .. and it was by a family member a very close family member I now know who I'm appalled as we were very close!

I've lost everyone my family his family

I don't know if I can be on my own I'm not good on my own .. I was abused aged 12 .. my oh knows all that he's helped me through it ..

He's my second marriage I guess I'm just not meant to be happy ..

Sorry I'm really down tonight tired to my mind is so so noisey ..

OK enough ..

Thankyou all again I really do appreciate your kindness

Susie x


Member since
June 2021

472 posts

Posted Fri February 25, 2022 1:07amReport post

Hi susie65,

U DO DESERVE TO BE HAPPY, u just need to find the right person, I understand u might not want too right now and that is understandable.

Thinking of u xxxxx


Member since
June 2021

76 posts

Posted Fri February 25, 2022 11:12pmReport post



Hope you are doing well xx


Member since
June 2021

472 posts

Posted Fri February 25, 2022 11:40pmReport post

Hi susie65,

Slowly love but I'm OK, just glad u r OK x