Family and Friends Forum

Upset mum

Member since
June 2020

2350 posts

Posted Tue March 1, 2022 6:52pmReport post

To each and everyone of you in this forum You are all amazing!

From the depth of despair and the rollercoaster of emotions you are ALL amazing

From the lack of sleep to the relentless tears that flow from your eyes you are All amazing

The news around us is so awful but the journey we are all on you are All amazing

Today I confided in a Male colleague and told him part of the journey I am on after I spoke he looked at me I thought here we go deep breath and the one thing he said to me was just how Amazing I am to be going through this but how I am holding myself together he would not have had an inkling this is what I have been dealing with he said I was amazing, so to all of you new to this journey or like me have been here for some time yes we are amazing

Sending love and hugs to everyone who needs it xxx


Member since
December 2021

695 posts

Posted Tue March 1, 2022 8:35pmReport post

You too Mum!
we don't know how strong and amazing we really are until we are pushed to our limits and go through hell, but we will come out the other side x

Smile through tears

Member since
September 2021

2487 posts

Posted Tue March 1, 2022 9:13pmReport post

Upset - what more can we add to that! This nightmare has learnt me SO much and I feel sure I've become a better person.

No one knows what goes on in other people's lives, the pain and suffering physically and mentally that's hidden for many. Let's be kind to each other....

Like most on this forum - my life is like walking an emotional tightrope with an unforeseen wobble at any time!

yes - we are amazing!

Edited Tue March 1, 2022 9:15pm


Member since
June 2021

472 posts

Posted Tue March 1, 2022 10:43pmReport post

Hi Upset mum,

Yes we all are, and that is all of us whether we stay or leave xx

What do I know

Member since
July 2021

28 posts

Posted Tue March 1, 2022 11:20pmReport post

You have no idea how much this was needed today. Thank you. My feelings were rocketing and now feel calmer. Might be my mantra going forward!!

Smile through tears

Member since
September 2021

2487 posts

Posted Wed March 2, 2022 4:53amReport post

Post deleted by user

Edited Thu March 3, 2022 8:58pm