Family and Friends Forum


Member since
December 2021

695 posts

Posted Wed March 2, 2022 10:43pmReport post

Does everyone who gets charged get a SHPO? I've read it's usually for up to 5 years and is tailored to that person - what sort of things could be included in this?


Member since
December 2019

499 posts

Posted Thu March 3, 2022 6:30pmReport post

Typically the SHPO will run for the length of the SOR, and as stated already it should be reflectove of the offending. But ...I have seen alot of people say Thier loved ones SHPOs say no contact with under 16s, sometimes under 18s unless parents are aware of the sentence and SS are ok with contact. Unfortunately I didn't find this forum until after my partner was sentenced and so didn't know the SHPO could have been argued more to remove that clause.

I do remember that my partner's solicitor (useless I must add) did query it in court but the judge just said that my partner can apply to have it removed at a later date. The advice we have had since that there is no point once it is set until the sentence is over (mine had two year suspended) and even then it is unlikely they will remove the clause until maybe 5 years into his conviction. My partner is hoping to reduce the SHPO to five years rather than 10, or at least get that clause removed since he is not a contact offender and has a professional assessment to say he isn't a high-med risk to contact offend.


Member since
July 2021

874 posts

Posted Thu March 3, 2022 7:15pmReport post

I'm glad someone has brought this up because I was thinking about this today when it comes to the SOR and SHPO because my partner and I took my nephew out and I did think if everything goes wrong then this would be potentially impossible or a pain in the butt and then I thought why are some people literally prevented from interactions with under 16's say if they were charged with communication with a 14 year old and there was nothing else found then why can't they be around toddlers? It's like they literally tar everyone with the same brush and consider someone a threat to something they haven't even shown a danger to. I get safeguarding and I guess they have to take precautions but it doesn't make sense in my mind. I'm sure actual p's who have committed depraved crimes have a preference to age range and/or gender. Makes me sick to think my partner would be considered a risk to a flipping toddler even if he had done what he'd been accused of which is like many men, get carried away on the internet without thinking about consequences. I appreciate there are some people who are a real risk but I'm just applying it to my situation along with some of the other ladies on here. Xx


Member since
December 2019

499 posts

Posted Thu March 3, 2022 7:56pmReport post

Baffled do the parents know about the investigation? If the condition is on the SHPO and can't be removed it is likely to say as long as the parents and SS are ok then it will be fine. My partner can see my cousin as it was agree it would be under family event settings.

Wjen my partner starts the process to try to get the condition removed I will keep the forum up to date. We haven't got the money to fight it yet. I'm hoping to get the condition removed before close family members start having kids.

Because of this clause I have to keep my partner away from more distant family members because even tho I'm pretty sure SS would have no issues, my family members will be back and white on the Matter. I also want to keep the number of people who know to as low as possible

Smile through tears

Member since
September 2021

2487 posts

Posted Thu March 3, 2022 9:03pmReport post

So are these restrictions set in place when sentenced and they apply on release from prison? We didn't attend court, so only have snippets of information.


Member since
March 2022

7 posts

Posted Fri March 11, 2022 4:51amReport post

With a SHPO as far as I know it does get tailored to each individual crime as this seems to work better than time in prison. Conditions can include restricted access to the internet, community service and rehabilitation. I think it's based on initial plea, character references and general remorse of the defendant.

I've only seen a SHPO based on online activity; with other crimes the SHPO will probably vary.