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Exhausted with supervision

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Member since
February 2022

8 posts

Posted Thu March 3, 2022 8:41pmReport post

It has been six weeks since we got the knock - we have a five month old son so social services have been involved. It's been heartbreaking and the most surreal time. Thankfully my husband has been allowed to stay home but is not able to be left alone with our son even around the house.

To complicate things, my husband was planning on being the primary care giver while I began full time study. This means that right now I am a full time mum and a full time MA student... As well as having to process this enormous unexpected trauma.

The college where I study is very supportive and I'm able to take my son to lectures with me etc. Even so, I am so frustrated that my opportunity to study has been robbed by my husbands mistakes.

He feels guilty enough and so l struggle to show my frustrations to him. I am just so exhausted and know me still have such a long road already of us. Any other exhausted (emotionally/physically) mums out there?

P.S. Anyone know how I can follow a thread or be notified of replies? Thank you x


Member since
December 2021

633 posts

Posted Fri March 4, 2022 8:39pmReport post

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Edited Sun November 19, 2023 9:21pm


Member since
April 2021

644 posts

Posted Sat March 5, 2022 7:31amReport post

Hi there, I studied when my children were small and I was going through divorce. I often look back and wonder how I did it I also worked full time but what I do remember is the constant tiredness, they say do time management but impossible with small children, just remember the end goal, you'll have a good education and more independence with a good job, your baby won't be a baby forever so believe in yourself, you've a long journey ahead with your partner so give yourself a break and a pat on the back for getting this far xx


Member since
December 2021

45 posts

Posted Sat March 5, 2022 8:04pmReport post

I totally feel you. I was due to start a degree course in January. We had the knock in December and thankfully I was able to postpone it.
I have a five year old and a one year old who doesn't sleep and have been left full time single parenting (my husband is not allowed any contact), working part time and needing to increase my hours to pay for the mortgage, and in the middle of a big renovation.
it's a bloody good job I could postpone my studies as I wouldn't have coped. And I feel angry that my husband took that chance away from me, at least for now. Sending you big hugs and solidarity, you can do this!! X


Member since
February 2022

8 posts

Posted Mon March 7, 2022 8:56amReport post

Thank you all for your kind words and encouragement. So grateful for this safe space to share.

Bitterbean- my mum is authorised to supervise too but i hate to always be asking for the help. It's been such a lesson in learning to ask for (and accept) help from others.

Lou- thank you for sharing your experience. I'm so sorry you've had to postpone your course. Your situation sounds so difficult. There's a real sense of being robbed of things isn't there? Like the opportunity to do something for you. Is your husband not allowed any contact at all? I hope you're able to get some help and support from friends or family.

I often think that in years to come i will look back at this time and just be so proud of myself. Big hugs to you too. One day at a time. X