Family and Friends Forum

Pre sentencing report - How many visits over how long

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December 2021

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Posted Wed March 9, 2022 10:31amReport post

My partner pleaded guilty 2 weeks ago.

His sentencing is in just over 5 weeks away.

He has his first meeting with probation next week.

Over how many weeks do they tend to meet the offender? How close together are the meetings?

There will be 7 weeks between guilty plea and sentencing. If it was delayed, I fear it would take just as long to get a new date, so would really like to avoid this (I say this - having read all the stories of delays and knowing its largely out of my control). I guess I have concern that because there is such a but gap between plea and sentencing that there might be some complacency on the time front (by the time the first meeting has happened, 3 weeks will have passed since the plea hearing).

Any other information much appreciated.

Edited Wed March 9, 2022 11:17am


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December 2021

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Posted Wed March 9, 2022 11:08amReport post

Perhaps I've used the wrong term for the person - But I'm referring to the person that visits the offender to create the PSR.

He has a meeting with someone next week to begin work on them creating the PSR. The date has been arranged (it will be on a video call).

I'm sure I've read that sometimes people get more than one visit.

He's pleaded guilty (2 weeks ago) .

Had signed SOR.

Trial in 5 weeks.


Member since
December 2021

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Posted Wed March 9, 2022 11:44amReport post


My OH has just had his PSR, it was one appointment over the phone. Told him what they would be recommending, his sentencing is next week. It's done by the probation service.

the police visor contacted him for a meeting after he signed the register, he's had one meeting with her. She said she would meet him again after sentencing.

our solicitor sent probabtion evidence of all the work my OH has done as the meeting wasn't in person


Member since
December 2021

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Posted Wed March 9, 2022 11:56amReport post

Is it the police visor that does the PSR or the probation officer?

Should he be expecting a visit both the police visor and probation officer?

Did the solicitor send the information before or after the meeting?


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January 2022

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Posted Wed March 9, 2022 12:53pmReport post


It's the probation officer that completes the PSR and they will want any evidence of therapy etc from the solicitor, I suspect that it will be after the meeting (it was in our case). The police VISOR officer visits to talk about SOR restrictions, usernames, passwords and equipment with internet access etc. They will visit again after sentencing to discuss any additional restrictions due to SHPO requirements and so on.


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December 2021

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Posted Wed March 9, 2022 9:39pmReport post

Thank you for your replies.

It really helps me. I'm a bit of a control freak and find it difficult not knowing everything (down to wording - silly I know) that's happening in partners case which is very hard to achieve when I'm not there with him when many of the conversations happen and I'm also not familiar enough with the process to know what questions to ask him.

His solicitor has said evidence regarding therapy etc is down my partner to provide the PO not the solicitor.

He also said his solicitor had said that any character reference would be brought up in the meeting with the PO but I thought this was needed for the court not the PSR?


Member since
December 2021

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Posted Mon March 28, 2022 8:29amReport post

We aren't on legal aid. I don't have full disclosure.

Has this been everyone else's experience? That the solicitor has submitted it to the barrister to present to the judge?

The solicitor keeps saying they need to see what the PSR says before they decide on anything else that needs to be submitted, but I don't understand why we need to wait. We are 2 weeks away now and I imagine statements and references letters aren't quick to write.


Member since
January 2022

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Posted Mon March 28, 2022 9:01amReport post

We just went ahead and got statements and references anyway and sent them to the solicitor handling our case. I believe that he then passed everything, including reference letters from therapists, psychatrist reports etc. to the barrister that we had chosen from the list provided by the solicitor. Some of the letters were tweaked on the advice of the barrister. It was then down to the barrister as to how this was all used.

I think I also recall that therapist and a Safer Lives report were sent to the Probation Service to help them complete the PSR.

Edited Mon March 28, 2022 9:02am


Member since
December 2019

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Posted Mon March 28, 2022 9:23amReport post

To add to the thread my partner also submitted a call log of him using the LFF helpline. Doesnt have details of the convo ofc.


Member since
December 2021

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Posted Mon March 28, 2022 5:54pmReport post

Thanks for your input.

I'll pass this onto my partner and hopefully he'll see the benefit to start getting these things together for sentencing.


Member since
December 2021

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Posted Wed April 6, 2022 8:52amReport post

Sentencing is next week. The PO visited 3 weeks ago.

We've still not received the report.

When should we start chasing? Can we chase?


Member since
December 2021

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Posted Wed April 6, 2022 9:52amReport post

No, nothing yet at all. We are a week away.

So the solicitor can chase? Who do they chase, the PO?


Member since
December 2021

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Posted Wed April 6, 2022 11:02amReport post

His solicitor is saying there is nothing that can be done. They have contacted the PO, not sure if anything else can be done?


Member since
December 2021

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Posted Wed April 6, 2022 1:52pmReport post

Thanks for the info on the SHPO.

My partner pretty much said that re chasing them.


Member since
December 2021

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Posted Wed April 6, 2022 11:11pmReport post

Thanks Lee.

Is the SHPO done by the PO?

Is there a minimum number of days he should receive the PSR before court?

Edited Wed April 6, 2022 11:12pm


Member since
December 2021

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Posted Thu April 7, 2022 8:40amReport post

Thanks Lee, who should the solicitor be chasing for the SHPO?


Member since
December 2021

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Posted Thu April 7, 2022 11:11pmReport post

Thanks Lee.

Do you or anyone else know if a SHPO is always drafted for sentencing? Even if it is expected to be custodial?


Member since
December 2021

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Posted Tue April 12, 2022 8:47amReport post

The report still hasn't arrived, only a couple of days from sentencing. I'm still hoping it arrives but starting to accept that it might not.

The unknown.

The waiting is so painful.