Family and Friends Forum

17 months since his arrest and I’ve got to wait another 2months for sentencing.

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Member since
October 2020

172 posts

Posted Wed March 9, 2022 11:10amReport post

Hi reader sorry ur also here and going through the nightmare that u are.
I don't come here often as it's dragged on for so long and the battle with social services took its toll on me that I shut the world out and just got on with life for my children while trying not to over think things.
17 months ago my ex was arrested he's just been to crown court pleaded guilty and now has to wait 2months for sentencing. When will this nightmare be over?
Does anyone know if today's court appearance will be reported in the paper or will it be after sentencing? Also they said something about a restraining order but I know nothing about one so will that be for me, my kids or us all? I've not seen him since his arrest.
no devices back yet and not heard from police in months the number I've got for them just goes to voicemail. Social services know nothing and I end up telling them what I know. I've plenty of questions for when someone finally rings me.
sorry to go on. Stay safe and sane



Member since
January 2022

74 posts

Posted Wed March 9, 2022 1:01pmReport post

Hi Rusty123,

Quite agree that none of us want to be here, but at least we can support and help each other.

We were lucky, only had to wait 4 weeks between the initial hearing at magistrates court and sentencing at crown court.

As for press reports, we got clobbered twice, once after the plea hearing (a couple of days later so initially we thought we'd escaped!) and then a more detailed report from the sentencing hearing which was very selective in how it reported everything with the emphasis on all the negative aspects - as usual!

Wishing you all the best and hoping that something more interesting is happening so the press aren't involved.

Smile through tears

Member since
September 2021

2487 posts

Posted Wed March 9, 2022 2:56pmReport post

Hi Rusty - yes restraining orders can be put in place when sentencing. It's your decision if you want one put in place.

As regards the press - just try to keep calm and ride the storm for a couple of days - the water will calm down - and the media will move on....... it is very hard., I won't lie, but life really does move on and a new normal will develop.

chin up - my lovely xxx

Edited Wed March 9, 2022 2:58pm


Member since
November 2020

62 posts

Posted Wed March 9, 2022 8:47pmReport post

Sorry to butt in, how do the restraining orders work?

Smile through tears

Member since
September 2021

2487 posts

Posted Thu March 10, 2022 4:13amReport post

Hi Concerned - restraining orders can be requested against people and they are set as part of the sentencing. This means you are not allowed to go near the named person(s). If you do it's a criminal offence.

that's the way I understand it (please correct me if I'm wrong ladies).

Edited Thu March 10, 2022 4:23am