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March 2022

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Posted Sat March 12, 2022 7:18amReport post

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Edited Tue October 24, 2023 9:12am

Smile through tears

Member since
September 2021

2487 posts

Posted Sat March 12, 2022 7:35amReport post

Ahhhh bless you. Myself and many of us here will resonate with every word you have written my lovely. I am further down the track and still get shivers if I see a police car on our road!!! It really is a horrible and frightening place to be.....

i never did any counselling but although I tried to push it for my son, I still wonder if it'd help me now, so that's a good step.
Try not to take everything on board and focus what is happening here and now. A thing I personally continue to 'try' to do (admit not always easy).

We all support you here Daffodil - LFF Forum has been my lifeline. My love wishes sent with a big grandma hug xxxxx

Edited Sat March 12, 2022 7:42am

Upset mum

Member since
June 2020

2350 posts

Posted Sat March 12, 2022 12:49pmReport post


Just wanted to reach out and tell you that you are not alone, I am a mum and nearly 2 years on this horrendous journey and I still get nervous when the door goes even though my son has been on remand for nearly 6 months following a second know still to do with the first one x

As smile said these emotions are all over the place and are the normal feeling

Please reach out to us if you need support we are here and do truly understand what you are going through

Hugs xx


Member since
March 2021

354 posts

Posted Sat March 12, 2022 2:51pmReport post

Hello Daffodil

It is not uncommon to be on 'hyper alert' to someone knocking on the door , phone ringing, any sudden noise really especially in the very early days on this journey. It is very likely due to the trauma we all experience with the 'knock' from the police. I remember jumping out of my skin when the doorbell went and I was hearing knocking at the door in the very little light sleep I was having at night in the early days and had to get up and check no one was at the front door! This is definitely something worth telling your counsellor about as it is a sign of trauma and she/he will hopefully be able to give you tips to help. It does get easier but we are nearly two years from our 'knock' and sometimes my reaction to the doorbell /someone knocking still makes me think somethink bad is about to happen.

I am very pleased your son has got a STOPSO therapist to work with.

Thinking of your both and sending you a virtual hug.

Edited Sat March 12, 2022 2:52pm