Family and Friends Forum

Authority to charge

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Member since
May 2021

199 posts

Posted Tue March 22, 2022 8:28amReport post

Hi all

Yestersay we received notification that CPS have given authority to charge.

The charges are attempt to communicate for sexual gratification with an under 13

attempt to communicate for sexual gratification with a 13-16 year old

attempt to engage in sexual activity in the presence of a child x2. (This is where he attempted to do a video call but we are going to challenge as they didn't actually connect the call we believe).

Im terrified.

How long is it normally from the charges being approved to getting the charge letter and court date? I've seen some being a long wait but not sure if that's the norm?

Last night we had a good cry with him talking about how he will miss baby's first birthday and things. So he knows he might go to prison. I've looked on the sentence guidelines and I believe all 4 charges have a starting point of 1 year with the culperbility and harm parts. So starting at 4 years. Hoping with mitigation and pleading it can go below 2 years and we can pray for a suspended but I'm not feeling that lucky.


Member since
May 2021

199 posts

Posted Tue March 22, 2022 10:29amReport post


Thanks Lee. Yeah they have said letter.

Exactly what I thought they have to prove they happened. So we will see what evidence there is that they happened and what was actually seen in the video call.

If he puts in a no plea because of waiting for more evidence will that affect any reduction he might get for pleading?

The solicitor seems very on top of things and I like her so far. We will see.

It's just so scary as we have a 6 month old and not knowing if he will be around for her first birthday/steps/words is just heartbreaking.

But we are doing absolutely everything we can to try and get the best outcome.



Member since
July 2019

394 posts

Posted Tue March 22, 2022 11:11amReport post

Scared lamb, sorry I don't fully know your story, Lee gives some great advice. Is your husband saying he is guilty of these things if not definitely challenge the evidence they have sometimes they just want you to plead guilty making thier jobs easier.

keep strong lovely x

Chelsea 1

Member since
June 2021

878 posts

Posted Tue March 22, 2022 11:37amReport post

Hi ScaredLamb

Fingers crossed this is the start of the end of your journey through this hell.

How long you been waiting from CPS.

Stay strong hunni.