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Member since
February 2022

57 posts

Posted Wed March 23, 2022 1:00pmReport post

I know we're very early into our journey but I have come to accept that it is highly likely my OH case will end up in the local paper and social media, we don't live in a massive community and most crown court cases (even the minor ones) end up in the paper unfortunately.

I just want to know what people have experienced when their cases have gone public? I just want to prepare myself for what might happen. Did people retaliate? Did anyone face verbal or physical abuse from the public? Myself and my partner have already thought about the idea of moving away once the legal stuff is over but I hate the idea of moving from my family.


Member since
March 2021

141 posts

Posted Wed March 23, 2022 2:11pmReport post


My hub went in local paper and all social media

We live in a very small community,but keep to ourselves. We moved here a few years ago.

Nothing happened, no one said anything to us. The police told us any problems to ring. In fact the neighbours have been more chatty. We do know of a problem from an old work colleague husband. He been meeting others and shouting out my hubs name etc. So far hes not been to our place.

We have lost family members and certain friends. But has I like to say don't go pointing those fingers unless your hands are clean.

It is not in for long and soon becomes old news.

Take care

Virtual hug

Anne x


Member since
December 2020

27 posts

Posted Wed March 23, 2022 8:49pmReport post

Hi ACMess

I don't want to tell you too much that is negative as I remember how much I scoured these threads daily thinking the very same thing and trying to work out what would happen to me. It can mess with your head.
In our case the worst happened a terrible terrible media piece most provocatively written - which was then picked up by vigilante socials.
I had prepped my immediate family and best friends a day before which was difficult, and I had recently moved house (but not v far away) by the court date and come off all social media. But.... here is some hope . Nobody has said anything bad to me or my child or my family about this or have not mentioned it unless I have first. I heard what was said on fb and what people in the community were saying and posting - of course it was terrible and they believe what they read without any context. I am so glad I came off there. I won't lie it's a stressful few days especially as he got a custodial but then you just try to get back to your new normal - you did it after the knock and you will do it again .....only this time true friends and family now understand the great pressures you have been living under and they rally round and you feel their love and support. It's true you really do find out who your friends are and who and what matters most. You can't help but worry, I wish I'd spent less time worrying about it but after 18 months it was actually somewhat of a blessed relief to not carry that burden anymore .

I hope you don't experience a tough time. But stay strong as my god you are way way stronger than you will ever know xxxx much love


Member since
March 2022

24 posts

Posted Fri March 25, 2022 7:22amReport post

My experience. We had the knock on the Friday night kept in custody over the weekend charged Sunday and magistrates Court on the Monday. I didn't even know what charges until the neighbours told me it hit the local paper online and on Facebook. The article stated our street.

I had to get the police out for harassment.

Things are quiet at the moment but goes back to Crown Court Monday for plea hearing for other charges which couldn't be heard at magistrates. Also applying for bail. I am expecting it to hit our local paper again in the same manner it did the month before.

I'm going away for a few days to keep out of the way and protect myself from the reactions from people who live here (small cul de sac)

This is just my experience and I hope that yours is much better than mine.