Family and Friends Forum

Extreme porn, probation and social services

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Member since
February 2020

48 posts

Posted Thu March 24, 2022 6:18pmReport post

Good Afternoon,

My other half has finally been sentenced. He got 5 years SOR and a community order and I believe an sexual order regarding computers.

His offence was extreme pornography (animals), there were no children.

He's got to sign on with probation for 3 years too.

I'm just wondering, what are the chances of SS being involved?

He doesn't live with us since, he's sofa surfing. But I'm wondering because his conviction isn't with children, how will this be viewed?

I'd like to avoid SS at all costs.

Thank you.


Member since
February 2020

48 posts

Posted Thu March 24, 2022 11:13pmReport post

Thank you.

They were involved initially because of an abh charge, they recommended supervised contact, to be supervised by me. Then they closed the case. They knew at the time he was under investigation for this extreme porn, however at the time the warrant was for IIOC.

of course, that wasn't found, it was all animals. So I'm unsure.

I'm debating whether it's better to just stop contact so he doesn't have to mention our son to probation. Any advice welcome x


Member since
February 2020

48 posts

Posted Fri March 25, 2022 3:09pmReport post

Hi Lee,

Thank you.

What would cause it to be reopened?

I've moved areas since as well. So I don't know what would cause a re-referral, if he isn't around the kids or doesn't tell anyone about the kids?

Thank you



Member since
February 2020

48 posts

Posted Fri March 25, 2022 10:31pmReport post

Thank you.

Can you recommend any courses or anything I can do, safeguarding? Don't mind paying.

His situation was animal pornography, no children. He searched for something after someone showed him a video at work... And it triggered a knock at the door.????

Although I understand its a sexual crime and the severity of it, I don't know if there's any world with social services where my sons dad could be involved(?)

I've seen your name a lot, Lee and you have a lot of good knowledge, I would be grateful for your expertise here as I'm very scared and anxious about this.

Thank you so much.



Member since
February 2020

48 posts

Posted Sat March 26, 2022 1:20pmReport post

Thank you. I will look into it.

Yes he had a serious mental break down - psychosis the lot.. Which was proven by a physiatrist. So he got sentenced for ABH & extreme porn.

Considering the violence as well - I'm unsure how SS will view it, they have a pretty sh1t view on mental health unfortunately.

Thank you for the recommendation, I will look into them courses. :)