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Post sentencing

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Member since
December 2021

164 posts

Posted Sat March 26, 2022 7:02amReport post

We are one week post sentencing now, he got a community order, 5 years SOR and 5 years SHPO. Only have 4 restrictions on the SHPO that are all internet and device based. The judge said my reference was very impressive. It was weird to hear the judge and his barrister say we can move on from this and be a family, the judge said to him in 5 years your life will be better-all we have heard so far from SS is how our lives are ruined.

Mid week it went in the paper and on Facebook, they just wrote what happened in court as there wasn't much of a story. They wrote about all the inaccessible images (but didn't say they were inaccessible) and that he had a supportive wife although luckily there wasn't a photo of him in the article. There was our street name but we haven't had any problems, we had both come off Facebook pre court so haven't seen the scale of it. My husband went into work early to tell his boss, we are so lucky as his boss was amazing and said 'don't do it again, focus in your famil, keep your head down and work' so he didn't loose his job- phew!

I did a couple of hurried calls to friends as I had told no one, they have been amazing and said they wished I'd told them sooner so they could've been there for us.
the only problems OH has had is some old work colleagues messaging him their awful opinions about it. Half of his charge was publishing extreme pornography which was on this group! So it's no loss, but his brother works with them so he's having a worse time of it.

it feels weird that this part is now over, I actually feel a bit chill about it being out there as well now. I guess people will either see it or they won't, talk to us or not, be our friends or not? So far no one close to us has said anything about it. It feels like I can almost breathe again, his visor and probation are both nice and he says he feels positive about working with them. Just have the challenge of SS now

thanks for all the help and support to get me here xx


Member since
April 2021

644 posts

Posted Sat March 26, 2022 7:19amReport post

Hi there just wanted to say we'll done for getting through all of this, this post has given me hope for the future, we've had plea hearing put back 3 times as evidence not sent to solicitors as we are contesting one of the charges as its not true hope I will be in your position by summer and I can fianny breath again. You'll get through ss, bu the sounds of things you're both stronger for this, thank you for posting x


Member since
December 2021

695 posts

Posted Sat March 26, 2022 8:14amReport post

GZ what a lovely post. Thank you for sharing some positives.
May I ask what he was charged with?
I wish you all the best in your future x


Member since
December 2021

164 posts

Posted Sat March 26, 2022 8:54amReport post

We had 5 charges but the solicitor challenged the evidence and 2 got dropped. There was one charge for making iioc, this charge included 200, all accessible and inaccessible images across a-c. One charge for possession of extreme porn/beastiality and one charge for publishing extreme porn/beastiality.

I do feel much stronger today, maybe it's the sun? We even went out to the pub last night for a meal with his parents. I was very tempted to hide away but I can't do that for my baby



Member since
July 2021

874 posts

Posted Sat March 26, 2022 9:15amReport post

Hey GZ,

That's wonderful news! So pleased for you both. Positive to hear the judge was reasonable too. I wish you both the best xx


Member since
December 2021

633 posts

Posted Sat March 26, 2022 10:25amReport post


Thanks for posting this, my partner has been charged with similar offences a d I have been getting a bit overwrought about what is going to happen to him, and us as a family.

I'm so glad to hear things have gone well for you, I think in some ways before the court hearing is worse because my imagination has been running riot.

I hope things continue to go well for you, and you can, indeed, move on.

Chelsea 1

Member since
June 2021

878 posts

Posted Sat March 26, 2022 11:25amReport post

Hiya GZ.

That great positive news hearing this and really glad everything went ok and now you can push on with your lives.

Do you mind saying what the charges where ?



Member since
September 2021

289 posts

Posted Sat March 26, 2022 12:11pmReport post

You have no idea how much better this made me feel. I think my mind is my own worst enemy and I worry constantly about the future. You've just given me a bit of hope that one day this will all be over with and as a family we'll all be ok x


Member since
February 2020

48 posts

Posted Sat March 26, 2022 3:00pmReport post

Hiya.. Can I ask how old your child(ren) are and how it went with ss?

My sons dad has just been sentenced - 5 year shpo all regarding Internet. 5 year SOR.

Charged with all extreme pornography (animals) , no iioc. And ABH. (separate occasions obviously but sentenced all together).

I'm dreading SS getting involved.

Any help appreciated. X


Member since
December 2021

695 posts

Posted Tue March 29, 2022 12:09amReport post

GZ when you said a phone call to friends were you completely honest with them and how did you bring up the conversation? X


Member since
December 2021

695 posts

Posted Tue March 29, 2022 12:13amReport post

Oh and can I ask what the accessible / inaccessible relates to please?

my solicitor says any cat A images will usually be a custodial/suspended, so overall good result for you.

I feel like there is no rhyme or reason when it comes to sentencing, it's just like if the judge is in a good mood or not?! X


Member since
December 2021

164 posts

Posted Tue March 29, 2022 10:53amReport post

Jay jay, I phoned my friend crying. Told her to just listen to me and had word vomit. Just told her everything. After telling her I took a measured response to telling people. Safer lives told us to write a narrative we want people to know, that briefly explains what has happened and focuses on what he has done since. So people don't believe the article or have their imaginations run wild. That is what we have done.

since the weekend some of my husbands friends have stopped speaking to him but others have reached out to me to give me support.
his boss had said he was happy for him to keep his job but others at work have refused to work with him. We have sent letters in for them to read to explain our story- then if they will work with him he can keep his job and if not he will be let go.


Member since
December 2021

164 posts

Posted Tue March 29, 2022 10:55amReport post

Yeah he only had a really small number of accessible images, I think it was 3 or 4. But lots of inaccessible-these were mentioned in court. The 'article' said this number without differentiating. But of course they write it in a way to get the hits and won't show the truth.

we have had a couple of people come forward who have had similar things happen in their families. I can't help but think of everyone knew how prevalent this was and actually spoke about it without a stigma a lot more could be done


Member since
December 2021

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Posted Tue March 29, 2022 11:40amReport post

Wow GZ, full administration for your husband in owning it, taking responsibility and opening up to people that have their own (and probably strong) opinions - That is extremely brave of him, I can't imagine how vulnerable that must make him feel - When else would we be talking so opening about very personal things at work. I really hope the letters work and he keeps his job.

That is interesting what you said re owning the narrative. We are a couple of weeks away from sentencing and I'm wondering what I should do regarding telling people. If you can share any other advise they gave you, I'd really appreciate it.


Member since
December 2021

164 posts

Posted Tue March 29, 2022 3:46pmReport post

They didn't want to read it, he's lost his job


Member since
July 2019

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Posted Tue March 29, 2022 3:50pmReport post

I'm So sorry to hear this GZ I only thought the other day great employer who can see past his offence and keep him going. People are so narrow and short minded and yes I was prob one of those before all of this.

make sure you are claiming for all appropriate benifits as they can take a while to get started.

sending you huge hugs xx

Upset mum

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June 2020

2350 posts

Posted Tue March 29, 2022 7:02pmReport post


So sorry to hear he has lost his job x

You have both done so much it's just another kick when you least expect it

He will find work and will be appreciated and as Lee said reach out to Unlock

Sending you both hugs xx


Member since
December 2021

890 posts

Posted Tue March 29, 2022 8:24pmReport post

GZ I'm so sorry.

Like Summer said, hearing how his boss had initially reacted felt really reassuring. I'm so sorry that it hasn't worked out there, but hope that he finds something else soon.


Member since
December 2021

695 posts

Posted Tue March 29, 2022 10:11pmReport post

GZ I think yous have both handled this amazingly and open well done yous are an inspiration.

so sorry he has lost his job. (We are expecting the same). It seems unfair that his employer was going to keep him on but he's been let go because of his collegues!
We all have colleagues we don't want to work with for different reasons, but we have to get on with it (wishing that was a joke but its actually true). Defo ring unlock for advice and start a claim for UC X