Family and Friends Forum

Social services. Stressed & anxious.

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Member since
February 2020

48 posts

Posted Mon March 28, 2022 4:53pmReport post

Can I please have people's experiences with social?

My case is slightly different as my OHs offence is extreme porn which was animals. No children. But he also got sentenced for ABH (separately).

When he was arrested for the ABH social got involved and of course the extreme pornography investigation came up. They recommended I supervise contact with my son and his dad. Closed the case.

Whats the chances of them getting involved again now he's been sentenced? 5 years shpo, and 5 years sor for extreme pornography, again.. Animals not children.

He was only sentenced last Thursday. Doesn't live with me. So I'm curious if I'm going to have to deal with social again. I don't want to. I really don't have the mental capacity to deal with their lies and judgement, so I'd like to prepare myself as much as possible with everyone else's experience and what you've all done to get them to back off so to speak..

Thank you.



Member since
December 2021

695 posts

Posted Mon March 28, 2022 9:20pmReport post

Hi Broken,

We are waiting the plea hearing and our SW recommended closing the case as oh doesn't live with us, and I am able to supervise all contact, no overnight stays etc.

He told me that once case closed they don't reappear after sentencing, they are happy that we will still follow our safety plan and then any rules set by SHPO. They will only get involved again if a further referral to ss is made.

As it happens the SW manager reviewed case and wants case to stay open until after sentencing as a child in need which I'm so upset about x


Member since
February 2020

48 posts

Posted Mon March 28, 2022 11:31pmReport post

I was never put on a plan. Had an assessment in 2020, it was closed as I agreed to supervise contact.

He's been sentenced last Thursday so I'm worried they're going to pop up again now. Also I've moved area, so different council.



Member since
December 2021

695 posts

Posted Mon March 28, 2022 11:51pmReport post

I think it's unlikely for them to contact you again if you are following the rules (supervising contact) and there is no further referral put in as it would be a whole new assessment, they've obviously closed your case as they were happy with what you're doing so try not to worry x