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Child in need meeting tomorrow

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Member since
June 2021

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Posted Thu March 31, 2022 3:03pmReport post

Hi everyone,

Im just wondering if anyone can give me some advice really. I've got my CIN meeting tomorrow which I'm petrified of :( all I've done today is cry :(.
They have said my partner is a risk even though he is in prison. Psychiatrist has said he isn't deemed dangerous and is classed as very low risk.
my question is can the social worker stop me from talking to him? Even though the kids don't speak to him or anything it's just me.
He is my only form of proper support that I have. I've had the most horrendous child hood to the point the social worker said she had not seen one like it before.
Is it right that they are using my past with what my partner has done? They seem to keep comparing everything to that which I don't think is fair because it's got nothing to do with it.
sorry for rambling I just need my mind putting at ease (hopefully) a little bit.


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March 2022

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Posted Thu March 31, 2022 3:26pmReport post

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Edited Tue October 24, 2023 9:12am


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Posted Thu March 31, 2022 4:44pmReport post

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Edited Tue October 24, 2023 9:12am


Member since
June 2021

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Posted Thu March 31, 2022 5:44pmReport post

Thankyou ladies xx

Im so angry with how their treating it all to be honest, I feel like she's putting her own personal opinion in simply because I had an assessment with them when my partner first went on remand and they said there was no concerns at all and now it's gone to this and yet there's no change in anything.

They have spoken to my two girls 3 times now and yet their still planning on trying to make them say something and they want to do the same for my 3 year old little boy.

im point blank refusing for them to speak to them anymore it's not fair, they've got their answers that should be the end of it!

My social worker is new so you can imagine what she's being like. Clearly the power has gone to her head a bit too much.


Member since
August 2021

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Posted Thu March 31, 2022 6:28pmReport post

Hi nas

Really hope your meeting goes well.

I have been through this recently (my husband is in prison) prior to his custodial he has unlimited supervised contact.

They told me we would be opened onto a CIN plan, even though we were not on this when he was here and I have said I dont want yo take them into the prison. All I can say is ask many questions and be firm. I declined the CIN plan and them contacting my child's nursery and Dr. Had very clear reasons (child is meeting all milestones, I'm back at work, we're settled and trying to stay that way) and showed my safeguarding training. My sw was actually very understanding and supportive, she did an initial assessment to see if we met the CIN criteria as we were asking for contact with him in prison (just phone calls/letters) and 1 needs to be done just to check everything is OK. she's done the assessment. Recommended the contact weve asked for and that when he is released for him to have immediate supervised contact lile he did before as if anything his risks have reduced (hes had therapy and done courses) she just said they another assessment will have to be done when we ask for unsupervised contact.

Have someone with you if you can, it's such a stressful thing and good to have someone else to write things or remember bits. Write down all questions before hand so you don't forget and most importantly you're doing an amazing job, just breathe :-)


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March 2022

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Posted Fri April 1, 2022 7:02amReport post

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Edited Tue October 24, 2023 9:12am


Member since
June 2021

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Posted Fri April 1, 2022 10:53amReport post

Thankyou :)

The meeting is at 1.30, my partner got the assessment yesterday and he's spoken to his solicitor about what has been put, the solicitor has said they have gone the wrong way about it all.

Im panicking a little bit but I'm sure I've got this :D


Member since
February 2020

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Posted Fri April 1, 2022 10:25pmReport post

How did your meeting go? Xx


Member since
February 2021

41 posts

Posted Fri April 1, 2022 11:28pmReport post

Hi nass

hope you meeting went well and it wasn't to stressful for you I had monthly meetings for 20 months I never got easier try and stay strong you got this and if there is anything you need to know and I can help I will be more than happy.

sending hugs xx


Member since
June 2021

52 posts

Posted Sat April 2, 2022 8:22amReport post

Hiya, the meeting went ok apart from me crying the whole way through it :(

I told them that they are here for my children and not what has happened in my past which she was fine with.
She also said that when he's released and his restrictions are done with they can't tell me that he can't have supervised access it will all be up to me and if I wanted he can move back home. That has given me some hope now which is what I needed xx