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Hospital advise

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Member since
March 2022

439 posts

Posted Sun April 3, 2022 6:37pmReport post

Hi has anyone been through labour in this times?

I'm waiting to leave but can't be discharged untill I see the social workers or somone that is coming to the ward tomorrow .

I'm so upset and mad have been alone all through the birth of my daughter I just want to get home what do they want now he have already done a plan ect and what's going to happen when babies home.

I'm starting to get really sick of every point in my life being ruined and another day crying waiting on info .

Upset mum

Member since
June 2020

2350 posts

Posted Sun April 3, 2022 7:00pmReport post

Evening xxx

I cant offer any advise as it is my son who offended but just wanted to reach out to you,

Congratulations on the birth of your baby girl and I hope you get to go home tomorrow, your strength has been amazing to go through this on your own, you will be feeling so uncertain as to what SS will do and when but just try to focus day by day for now x

Take care and sending hugs xx


Member since
December 2021

633 posts

Posted Sun April 3, 2022 7:00pmReport post


I have no experience of this but my heart goes out to you, giving birth is such an emotional experience for a woman under any circumstance but in your position it does seem particularly insensitive and cruel to leave you hanging around like this. Yes they have to be sure about the safety of your baby, but you have a plan ready and so the risk isow, so much lower than the risk to. Your own mental health, which in turn is important for your baby. I hate that partners are treated like scum and left without support.

Hoping they get things sorted and let you home soon, and that others in this forum can give useful advice.


Member since
March 2022

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Posted Sun April 3, 2022 7:51pmReport post

My thoughts are with you Xxx

I am almost 13 weeks pregnant and am due to give birth by c section early October.

When did the pre birth assessments start for you?

This is all still to come for me as I am only 13 weeks.

Currently having assessments for my teenagers.


Member since
December 2021

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Posted Sun April 3, 2022 9:50pmReport post

Xxx congratulations on the birth of your baby girl. Is this your first baby? Enjoy every minute of her it really does go too fast, throw everything you've got into her, poor little mite will also pull you thru this mess.
surely the hospital have a duty social worker? Or your local council should have some contact numbers?
CIN is supposed to be voluntary, it that is what you're on and you are not giving unsupervised contact to your partner, I can't see their problem. Have you got any family or a friend to give you support and who know the situation?
I really feel for you x


Member since
March 2022

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Posted Sun April 3, 2022 10:05pmReport post

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Edited Tue October 24, 2023 9:12am

Distressed and pregnant

Member since
November 2020

941 posts

Posted Sun April 3, 2022 10:13pmReport post


I went through a similar situation when I had my daughter just over a year ago. Hospital called ss who confirmed what I'd told them that baby was safe to be released into my care. Social worker had updated midwife but she hadn't put it in my notes. Congratulations on the birth of your daughter. I know how frustrating it is at a time that we really don't need added stress. I want to reassure you that it does subside and you can get through this. Lots of love xx


Member since
December 2021

633 posts

Posted Sun April 3, 2022 10:15pmReport post

Yeah sorry Xxx, I was so busy looking at the hole I forgot to see the doughnut - congratulations on the birth of your little one - I'm sure they will bring you lots of joy!

Great advice from Lost123, too!


Member since
March 2022

439 posts

Posted Mon April 4, 2022 2:53amReport post

Thank you all do much for your comments sorry on late reply .

I have covid so no visitors . I have another little girl 5 she is at home with my friend.

My partner is under investigation for iioc been for 9 months . Not alot unsupervised contact with children or over night stays.

We had an assessment with a midwife and health visitor . Then an assessment with the social worker before birth . They left that till the week before so that I as stressfull and upsetting .

Social work took notes said she was happy ect and was putting in all is good and I am able to supervise the partner and she's happy both children will be safe when I give birth . (She said I wud be to tired ect and wanted my mum or somone to be the supervisor) I sed no way that wud be worse . It's easier how it is if I'm tired and not feeling up to it I'll tell him to cut the visit short and leave us to rest .

So the medial report came back were good to go home . Then midwife's on duty started asking about social workers ect they need to let them know I have given birth . Then you know what it's like there's new midwife's on every shift ect I just felt like it's consuming my days in here repeating it . Then I'm getting tired and want to go home see my daughter and they said have to wait till Monday to have a talk or somthing with h and midwife and social .

So It may just be because it's the weekend ect but I just felt I had enough before it consumes everyday of my life and it's never going to change . None of my family know so I'm have to pretend eveeything is all perfect .

I pray everyday for this nightmare t ok be over can't take much more of it now . They will be round like fly's on shit when I get home . I haven't even got anything in writing or email ect that the social worker eveen got round to making the plan ect not my fault there all so useless I recorded everything she said on my iPad when she was in the house though .

Infeel we have done the plan so we don't need to go through it all now.

Thank you for all your help .


Member since
July 2021

35 posts

Posted Mon April 4, 2022 12:08pmReport post

Congratulations on the arrival of your baby and so sorry you have had such a stressful time, really feel for you. Sorry to hear you have Covid too, I can relate to that as I have it too.

i hope it all gets sorted soon and you can get home to your daughter. I bet she is really excited to see her sister.

Put visitors off when you get home. Use the Covid and gain some strength before facing them, it's a very emotional time, some together family time and space is needed.

look after yourself x


Member since
March 2022

439 posts

Posted Mon April 4, 2022 7:54pmReport post

Congratulations lost123 hope you and baby are well ???? thank you everyone .

You would belive after all that I was so upset all night . They came to discharge me and gave me my medical , then I said so what's the social meeting ect she said o nothing to worry I have been on the phone and there is plans already in place so we don't need to do anything . Ffs all that worry and upset and it was nothing . I think this is the thing in our cases we over worry and it's nothing or we try and move one and bamm the police hit us with somthing new ect so it's hard to judge when to worry and when not to xx


Member since
May 2021

199 posts

Posted Thu April 7, 2022 8:23amReport post


Just wanted to say you are not alone. I was 24 weeks pregnant when we got the knock. She is now nearly 7 months old and the light of my life.
My situation was different to yours but I do understand the worry, the judgement and the concern around midwives and social workers especially when communication isn't as good as it should be.

I hope you are home now. Enjoy your new baby and congratulations