Family and Friends Forum

imaging devices for oic to review them

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Member since
November 2021

201 posts

Posted Sun April 3, 2022 7:56pmReport post

I haven't been on here for a while due to losing our home and my husband lost his employment. It's been a hell of a couple of months which i never thought could get any worse as it was but the stress of losing our home has taken its toll.

We got the knock in september, we was told it was only going to be a month until devices was checked, 7 months later we have confirmation this afternoon that the oic can now review my husbands, kids and household devices. As much as i believe my husband im dreading the outcome of this. If charges was to come from these i'm not sure how i could be strong enough to deal with it all.

The council have given me the run around for 2 months and we still have no where to go so looks like me and my 3 children will be put in emergency accommodation with the risk of losing all our belongings and our much loved pets. I'm heartbroken my pets have brought me huge confort through all of this (may sound daft to some). I have literally lost everything (apart from my children) due to my husband watching porn online and losing his common sense to report things he saw and being unaware these were being downloaded to his phone.


Member since
November 2021

201 posts

Posted Sun April 3, 2022 8:13pmReport post

Yes my husband is moving with us although we've been told he isn't priority because we are a large family (of 5) they may struggle to accommodate us all. i've worked out with storage and putting my pets in care it will cost me just short of £1300 per month. I've explained this to the council yet they won't help and said it's our responsibility. My husband has managed to get himself another job but we still can't afford to lose that as well as feed and cloth our 3 children. If i put my oldest pet in shelter i'm scared he won't come home as hes so old he may be at the end bless him. We are working with early help care and have reguar team around the family meetings and i've also wrote to my local mp about how i've been treated but still nothing.

Thanks I appreciate any help/advice


Member since
November 2021

201 posts

Posted Sun April 3, 2022 8:32pmReport post

My 2 months ran out the 21/3/22 the council told us to mediate with his old employment to see if we can extend the eviction for a bit longer. We are yet to hear from his employment so at the moment staying put. we have 3 cats and 2 dogs. With everything that happened before with the knock etc. I have already been diagnosed with severe depression and anxiety so this extra stress is really taking its toll. I'm hopefully going to speak to my mental health nurse next week to see if she can help with a letter in any way. We have been told that houses are not available and we would be looking at maybe a hotel or b&b. What a way to raise my kids. it could be miles away from my childrens school and could be for as long as a year or even more. Not sure if its just a scare tactic that they think we're going to come up with a massive amount of money to pay private renting or something but we really have no other way of being housed other than council help.


Member since
November 2021

201 posts

Posted Sun April 3, 2022 8:34pmReport post

also sorry to hear about your daughter hun, hope shes well now. Must have been a scary time for you.


Member since
November 2021

201 posts

Posted Sun April 3, 2022 8:53pmReport post

I've tried contacting the assistant director in housing but not had a reply. I'm just being a massive nag and a huge pain in the bottom to them as they'll soon get fed up of me. After getting local mp involved we are now moved up to high priority. I would stay here and push it until they do legal procedings but theyre threatening to remove a fence from the garden which will then mean my garden won't be secure and any tom, dick or harry could walk up and look in my patio doors in to my lounge. This is huge worry to me as i see this as a safeguarding issue for my children. This has been mentioned to the council yet they aren't interested.


Member since
December 2021

633 posts

Posted Sun April 3, 2022 10:22pmReport post

Mumof3girls the council may appear not interested, but don't let this deter you. You just keep going, reminding them of their obligations, they will eventually have to do something for you.

Do you have friends locally who can store some of your stuff temporarily? Maybe not one person can take all of it but perhaps several can make some space for part of it? Would the same go for your pets? Could someone provide a temporary home?


Member since
July 2020

3 posts

Posted Sun April 3, 2022 11:22pmReport post

Hi mumof3girls

this what happened to my husband, he was put on the sex offenders register for 5 years , plus 40 hours probation it has been 2 years nearly, he is coming to the end of his probation, however he can't apply to come off the SOR until 3 years have passed. We moved , I lost my children and grandkids. Life has been hard and sorry to say still is constant looking over our shoulders. I lost my job and friends. Big hug to you , there is no support for the wife's x


Member since
November 2021

201 posts

Posted Mon April 4, 2022 12:43pmReport post

Unfortunately we don't have anyone who can help with furniture or pets. Definetly agree that there isn't enough support for the wife's going through all of this. We somehow manage to lose everything through no fault of our own. I won't give up it just gives me more fuel to keep nagging them.