Family and Friends Forum


Member since
October 2020

19 posts

Posted Sun April 3, 2022 9:10pmReport post


I could do with letting off steam as I feel very anxious and frightened. A family member was RUI at the end of 2020 and no information since. Obviously no bail conditions at the moment as charges dropped at the end of the bail. They have had some devices back, but not their phone. Other family members doubt anything will happen at this point, but I am confident it will go to court as there was evidence of communication with a child. The not knowing and wondering when it will all suddenly go public is very stressful and I wondered how long other people went from knock to charge or knock to court? The family member in question will never reach out to police or anyone to get an update so I just don't know how long this goes on for. The longer it goes on for the more i think other family don't see it as that serious or anything will happen.


Member since
December 2021

695 posts

Posted Sun April 3, 2022 9:22pmReport post

Hi Chooks

that does seem an awfully long time with no update or contact. I know times differ for everyone some hve been waiting a year or more, whereas my oh had knock in November and is up in court in June for making images only.
Your family member will have been given contact details for oic you could encourage to drop them an email if yous wished to.


Member since
July 2021

874 posts

Posted Sun April 3, 2022 9:34pmReport post

To be honest I feel like the CPS tend to just go ahead with a lot of these cases even if the evidence isn't compelling because the consequences of fighting it but then being found guilty are hefty so people tend to go guilty to get it over with (in cases where the evidence is wishy washy). I know of someone who was arrested in May 2020 for a sexual crime and has only just received charges last week - which is odd due to the ins and outs of that case. I would be interested to see if there are any statistics for cases of this nature which get dropped as I did try to find some at the start of this journey but couldn't.


Member since
October 2020

19 posts

Posted Sun April 3, 2022 9:34pmReport post

Hi Lee1969. They were arrested for communication with a child (not a decoy) including sending images. Bail is only for 28 days and in that time they hadn't checked devices so charges had to be dropped so therefore RUI. Some devices returned and others not. I can't believe it will be NFA'd as child's parent saw the chat and contacted the police. Just seems like such a long time when there was evidence from the beginning.


Member since
October 2020

19 posts

Posted Sun April 3, 2022 9:54pmReport post

Hi Lee1969. Thanks. That's exactly how I understand it. I think other family members just can't bear for court and sentencing to happen - you know, the old it happens to others not us thinking. I feel horrible whenever I need to bring it up, like I'm punishing people when we all truly need to know what is going on as it reaches us all in terms of children in the family, jobs, even God forbid, vigilante attacks. The longer it takes to get to court I think people's memories have changed from horrified to it can't be that serious if we've heard nothing. I feel so selfish for talking about how anxious I feel as it doesn't affect me so directly as a partner or child of a perpetrator. Out there there is a child who is the victim in this and perhaps that's where my anger comes from. It's serious for them so why can't family members acknowledge this?


Member since
January 2021

58 posts

Posted Sun April 3, 2022 11:00pmReport post

Sorry to hear you are here too. November 2020 for us, RUI. Laptops returned but not phones. Solicitor contacted police when pushed but got no update. I contacted police in December 21 and was told these things take time. Communicating with minor and bail just RUI. No comment in that time to my husband except a letter telling him to collect his laptop. Know they are drowning in these cases but as his family we just feel like collateral damage that no one cares about. Hope you get good news soon xx