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Member since
October 2020

479 posts

Posted Mon April 4, 2022 6:19pmReport post

Heya everyone...

My partner is at risk of being made redundant just as we're both on the up ! He's been there over 5 years... But had a lot of long absences the last two... And now only works part time

Whats the status with jobs and admitting investigation ect ?


Member since
June 2021

195 posts

Posted Tue April 5, 2022 12:20amReport post

I'm sorry to hear of this new upset. But it hasn't happened yet so hope for the best but prepare for the worst as the saying goes. If your other half already has a solicitor it may be the firm can answer your concerns about contracts, redundancy and employment rights. A specialist lawyer in employment law could advise or you could try ACAS. Trade Unions are okay for workplace issues but your partner may not wish to disclose his specific situation to them.

It is very hard to withstand the challenges that come with offending, especially something so taboo, and sometimes it feels we just can't get ahead or recover lost ground. Everything becomes so complicated. But you will get through this as you have come through so much before. Fingers crossed for you both.


Member since
October 2020

479 posts

Posted Tue April 5, 2022 10:15amReport post

Hey Judith,

Thanks for your advice. Unfortunately it has now hit my partner and he resorted back to drinking to cope with it! After 2 weeks sober...

Which inevitably puts me in the situation of wanting to leave, thinking I deserve better ect... It's kind of funny that whilst I can accept his crime... I cannot accept his ADHD tendency to drink when things are bad.

This sentence really resonates with me:

sometimes it feels we just can't get ahead or recover lost ground.

I can geuinley say it feels like I was floating in a raft these past two weeks and now the raft has a hole in it...


Member since
December 2021

178 posts

Posted Tue April 5, 2022 9:38pmReport post

Hi Blackhound,
What another horrible twist to deal with. When it was pointed out to me but I also recognised anxiety and depression rearing it's ugly head I made an appointment for both my husband and I to attend our GP together and get some help. The Gp was fabulous and very non judgmental, she identified we both needed help and support to address different aspects of the situation. It is very understandable that people use any addiction as a means to escape reality of what is going on and your husband and you both need lots of help to support you through this. I hope you both get the help you need quickly and pray redundancy doesn't happen. Xxx