Family and Friends Forum

1 month after the knock. Need help, support, advice!!!

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Member since
March 2022

46 posts

Posted Wed April 6, 2022 12:57pmReport post

I've been reading through some of your posts.

It's been 1 month since a group of vigilantes turned up at our door. They absolutely terrorised the whole house, turned up in masks, screaming and shouting in the street, tryjng the door handles and 1 even tried to climb through a kitchen window.Although no live stream (due to distraught children who wouldnt allow him to leave the property due to them being in masks) it was published on their Facebook page, twice.

It's been a roller coaster of emotions. Sad, hurt, upset, angry over and over again.

Been with my partner for a number of years and have children together including 3 teens.

So, when this group turned up he admitted that he had been on a over 18s dating site and talking to women ???? he said it was just for the attention. He explained that he believed all of the women he was talking to had been over the age of 18 (their profiles also said 19,20) he was arrested and RUI. Theyve taken my laptop, computer console and his phone to analyse. No bail conditions. Police have said it could take upto a year to sort. When arrested they showed him screenshots the group had given to the police. It shows they did say their age but later went onto send a pic x3 that he thought was a adult so he believed they were messing around. So he continued the conversation and sent explicit images. They asked him early on in the conversation if he had WhatsApp he gave them his WhatsApp and continued talking to numerous women including the 'decoy'. Hes explained he became overwhelmed by the number of messages and blocked them all on WhatsApp but then went back to the dating site where he received messages from 'decoy' basically giving him grief for blocking them on WhatsApp. He never arranged to meet, never asked them to perform sexual acts on themselves.

I've been threatened and harassed by the so called group. They've left me and the children with symptoms of PTSD. My children barricade themselves in the house at night.

I dont know how much more I can take?!


Member since
March 2022

46 posts

Posted Thu April 7, 2022 6:30pmReport post
