Family and Friends Forum


Member since
September 2021

97 posts

Posted Wed April 13, 2022 11:16amReport post


Just wondered if any of you have had this happen to you and whether things changed because if it. After sentencing my husband was assigned an offender manager. She did 1 home visit and then arranged to come back a few month later to advise him that he was very low risk and so she would be handing him over to uniform for monitoring from now on. Gave the name of his new offender manager and said she was doubtful we would see anyone more than once a year due to his low risk status. New offender manager turned up unannounced when my husband was out, said it was just a courtesy call and just to jet him know he'd been. We're due to go away in a few weeks time, this was already all ok'd with the original visor team. Out of courtesy I told my husband to inform this new offender manager that we'll be away and to give him dates and location of where we'll be. Just heard back that he has to attend the local police station to register this information where a decision regarding travel will be made. Can they go back on what they have already agreed???? I feel so angry right now.


Member since
September 2021

97 posts

Posted Wed April 13, 2022 2:27pmReport post

Hi Lee,

This is the first time he's been asked to attend the station to register details. We've had one weekend away before and just discussed this with the visor team, this time we're away for 3 nights but still in the UK. I hadn't even thought it might be in the conditions of the SOR. I think it's thrown me and now he's upset thinking he's in trouble for something when he hasn't done anything. This is such a minefield!!! We have 3 other trips planned so I've told him to mention all if the trips plus dates when he attends the station. Then we'll email visor and probation so that everything is disclosed xx


Member since
September 2021

97 posts

Posted Wed April 13, 2022 4:08pmReport post


Yeah he registered at the station the day after sentencing. I must admit I've never read through any paperwork he revived at that time. Can't even remember him having any but I will double check. The visits now are by uniform not plain clothes, we were warned of that by the previous offender manager when she transferred his case over to them.
Thanks for your reply I have a few things I need to go over tonight I think xxx


Member since
September 2021

97 posts

Posted Thu April 14, 2022 7:07amReport post

Hi Lee,

I guess we're just both resigned to the fact it'll be uniform now. The previous offender manager stated their visits would be minimal, max 1-2 per year, but that's already looking unlikely as they did a visit within the first month of handover. Probation says it was probably something that this new offender manager likes to do, visit in person to meet and greet rather than work in the background sending officers out to monitor???? My major concern is we have a short break to wales booked in august, all ok'd with the previous offender manager. I'm now worried that this new OM might say we can't go and we could potentially loose all the money we've paid. I remember reading a post from Magestic where something similar happened during her trip to Scotland, when they were notified that the Scottish police may do a spot check during their holiday. I really don't want anything like that hanging over our heads and honestly I'd rather just cancel the holiday if that was the case xx


Member since
September 2021

97 posts

Posted Thu April 14, 2022 7:06pmReport post


Its self contained through Airbnb, my concern is the family that own the accommodation have a young family and the gardens to the properties are shared. I only realized this after I'd booked. I did speak to the old visor team regarding this and they said it wasn't an issue, that may have changed now with us being handed over to uniform for visits. I do have the visor managers email though so I may drop him a line just to get a few things straight in my own head. I really thought we had this Sussed but this change of team has thrown us a bit. Xx


Member since
September 2021

97 posts

Posted Thu April 14, 2022 7:26pmReport post

Thank you xx


Member since
November 2019

104 posts

Posted Tue April 19, 2022 10:05amReport post

When you guys say uniform, do you mean you get visits from officers in uniform? His first visit visit was plain clothed.


Member since
September 2021

97 posts

Posted Tue April 19, 2022 7:56pmReport post

Hi Busylizzie,

we had 2 visits from the visor team. First one standard came to house, checked his phone, asked a few questions. Second visit they came to tell us that we would be handed over to uniform as, in their words, "we have serious criminals to monitor, we don't class you in that category and so your management will be downgraded to uniform". At first we took this as a really positive step, although the thought of uniformed police officers turning up isn't the best scenario. We were advised we would have 1-2 visits per year from uniform and that would be it. My main concern was the change of approach when we switched over to uniform. Things that we discussed with the old offender manager over the phone now had to be discussed in person at the police station. I think I'm all fairness our old offender manger did a lot for us that the new manager isn't willing to do. Trying to stay upbeat and see the positives from this situation though :) From what most people on this group say uniform visiting Is not the norm so please try not to worry over this xx