Family and Friends Forum


Member since
March 2022

439 posts

Posted Sat April 16, 2022 7:57pmReport post

So upset this afternoon . My little girls been up at the fence again wanting to play with her friends . I feel like I can't invite her friends (from school) over because when this later gets brought into the media they will be angry that I have had there children over here playing in the garden . When it's sunny all the girls from next door are in the garden and asking to come over ect I don't know what to do I feel so bad for my little girl. It's a very small village and all her school friends seem to live on our street or the next . I try to distract her and take her out ect but all she wants to do if play with her friends . It's so unfoar for her . Can't be in a room alone with her dad her dad not staying here all these lies all these storage rules she has to follow xxx


Member since
March 2022

439 posts

Posted Sun April 17, 2022 6:51amReport post

Thank you for the reply . They normally just play out next door in the garden I don't really see the parents . But yes seems that's the only way . She has another friends that lives not far away and the mum has taken the girls out and it's my turn next . But noone seems to want to do things all together they just want me to have the children if that makes sence . I have a new born aswell and I'm struggling being the only one up all day and night with the baby . Do social services ever lift this ban off the father having no alone contact ect because.i really need some help xx


Member since
March 2022

439 posts

Posted Thu April 21, 2022 3:20amReport post

Thank you , goodness that sounds hard in lockdown . My family can't know so I can't really ask for help from them I'm hoping noone ever finds out but ino that's eishfull thinking . I will ask the health visitor about holiday club ect I havnt even sorted my fiance's yet I have to sign on the benefits now as I won't be able to do my job as it was weekends and mixed shifts and I will have to have the girls . My head is a mixture of feeling all the time . One day I want to move away and leave the pranter the next I don't . He's not coping well today says he hates himself ect in he struggles when he visits looking at his new daughter he can't stay over or look after her proberly I think it feels like there no connection xxx