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call from the police

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Globe trotter

Member since
June 2021

48 posts

so today hubby gets a call from the police to go voluntarily to the police station for processing as the cps have decided to go ahead with the charges of comunucation. As he self disclosed he was hoping for a caution but the cps has decided otherwise. He is gutted.

my question is around timelines and costs

The police and solicitor have said he is more likely to get a suspended sentance because he went to them 1st - I really hope this is the case.

My fear is that this gets into the papers

from reading the forum we know its the luck of the draw

so any advice would be much appreciated

Posted Wed April 20, 2022 11:17pmReport post


Member since
July 2021

876 posts

Hey Globe Trotter,

I'm sorry to hear that, you would think they would be more supportive and see it as not so much in public interest to prosecute considering he self disclosed! It would depend on the charges as communication can include sending/receiving images, attempt to meet, attempt to incite, a few different things so hopefully there isn't much. If the CPS have charged and those charges are ready the magistrates will be about 4 weeks away, he will then plead guilty (dependant on what the charges are) so then it will go to Crown after that (maybe a couple of months) where he will be sentenced. You mention costs so I assume you're paying for legal fees, I'm not sure about this to be honest. I hope the process is as quick and fair for you both as possible. So far my partner has done 2 court appearances to plead not guilty and it hasn't been in the press, we can only hope they make it to the end without it.

Take care xx

Posted Thu April 21, 2022 8:32amReport post

Globe trotter

Member since
June 2021

48 posts

BaffledB thank you for your post - Hubby was a civil servant, when he self disclosed, he informed his work the next day because he knew he did wong and this action showed his state of mind at the time, and he lost his job - fastforward a year - he has a new job working from home - the new work do not know his circumstances at the end of the day we need the money.

what is playing on my mind is this thing going public and the cost of it all.

He is not a bad man - he has done a stupid thing that has flushed all he has worked for down the drain

Posted Thu April 21, 2022 12:56pmReport post


Member since
July 2021

876 posts

You're most welcome! I agree, how are people meant to earn a living if it's splashed all over the media! I think perhaps it depends on what the charges and sentence are, if it's low level numbers and a small sentence then it's unlikely to make news, particularly if you live in a large area. Also, I guess it depends on the full name, my partner is lucky to have a fairly common name so even if people see it they probably wouldn't put 2+2 together. It's such a worry but I guess unless there's a photo of the offender in the paper then it's hard for people to know it's definitely that person unless they also know where they live. All we can do is hope for the best unfortunately, a lot of people on here have managed to escape the media so let's hope you do too! X

Posted Fri April 22, 2022 5:11pmReport post

Globe trotter

Member since
June 2021

48 posts

just one conversation with a decoy and nothing else

Posted Sat April 23, 2022 10:55pmReport post

Quick exit