Family and Friends Forum

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Member since
April 2022

30 posts

Posted Thu April 21, 2022 9:25pmReport post

Hi I’m new to this site, first can I say during this total nightmare I don’t feel so alone coming to this site as I have done over the past few sleepless weeks and a huge thankyou to you all for sharing your thoughts, support and your life stories. This nightmare started when my older son (42) got the knock as you say. The first I heard was a frantic call from his partner saying the police had taken him away anyway to cut a long story short my son was arrested for two counts of two images I felt total despair how my loving son could even think about doing something like this I could not comprehend I felt thumb, sick, and utter disbelief probably the feelings many of you have felt. My son did not want bail as he didn’t want to bring trouble to my front door as he says he has put his hands up and pleaded guilty, he is now on remand awaiting sentencing, for us this nightmare has just started I love my son how could I not he’s my boy he has never been in trouble before and is a kind man I speak to him every day but right now I feel my heart has been ripped out and feel a total loss we live day to day coping with the unknown


Member since
March 2022

965 posts

Posted Fri April 22, 2022 4:10pmReport post

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Edited Tue October 24, 2023 9:12am